Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 11 Sep 1994, p. 24

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EaiIé ’o’n’ Luét' cfiééen't. $29,000. _ cg OakvilleL-s bedroom, lamily room with fimplaee, new built-in kiloh- en. close to all amenifias. Call 644â€"4649 of 647-2193. over mortga 0 payments $1077. man My. $1000. down for three bedroom. brick single detached, two may. Excolent nowar ub- div‘nion. 10 minute nonh of LQVELY tan-[lily home tqr Mibn. 519-7660”. I'Vun flflvnvvâ€" ‘ uvuv ey semi in North akville. course. 1 1/2 bathrooms, unfinished basement. ri- vale drive. Lighfiy (rave ed street backing onto park. $167,000. for quick sale. 844-6190 INVESTMENT Portfolio, includes 3 large rented homeg, buil_t‘1980's_, 9ak: uulllua uulu va a, wear vile G Abbey md Regal York‘, or will sell indivi u- raised bungalow on quiet court near mew. In-law suite with nsw kitchen, deck In large beautiful yam. Gram locahon._private. 5219.000, 338â€"231'5'. York), or will sell individu- ally. Plus modem Industrial Commercial. 28.150 .fl. (11 units) east 0! Lon n, net income 5150.500, low #997 payment. will fax NORTHEAST OAKVILLE- OAKVILEE; large)! Fod- room Ranch. llviljlg room with fireplace. farm room. inground pool, dou Ila ga- ra man pluses. 30900. ( 842â€"4767. FOUR 350300111 2 aggr- Maggi |155| LAKESHORE area. 1,000 sq. ft. suit variety 0! busi- nesses. fill baaemenl, load~ ing alas, 844-3182. l120l knead, pavod. + 4.000 iq. fl. office. 827â€"2555 PRIVATE $129,900 ao- eluded 2 bedroom cottage on beautiiul Ahmic Lake. Wmterizad. lullylumishod. 4 piece bath, new 5 bedroom. septic 1-705-387-3853 LEASE or Sale: 24,000 sq. n. wamhouse - 21 ft. high crane. outside storage, OAKVILLE-SPEERS. Commorcial, Industrial. some available frontage. 500 to 6000 sq. n. (416) 239â€"4772. (416) 231-9609 ELLIOOTI’VILE N.Y.. tor rent, 3 bedroom houaa in town. available Thanksgiv‘ ing weekend. Christmas and New Year and Munch blank. 849-9718. I125- 3,000 plus sq.ft., like new in Glen Ab- bey.Quiet street. Ceramics, hard- wood, central vac/air, secruity system. $280,000. In??? LOW FEE INCLUDES: . Lawn “For Rent" Sign - Advertising 0 Unlimlhd Coanion 0 CLS - Computer Listing £ 0 Lane Forlm - Credit Cluck To place an ad please call 845-2809 or FAX 845-5516 Mon.- Fri. 8:30 a. m. -5 p. m. {3.1 Mutant EBB! hula-hum Call 847-3978 PRIVATE SALE I'm-alum mung. Fianna: LIST HIE: - QUIET wruborhood. spa- gqus_2 room wgmjn'enl. Private entrance. Paflung. Near Shondan. November 11!. 338â€"2066 anytime. BRIGHT, one bedroom basement apartment. sepa- rate entrance. $575/month THREE bedroom available immodiltoly. Close to all amenitles. $961.55, in- cludes uliilies. One and Mo badrooms also available, 844.9870. SMALL one bedroom downtown Oakville. $550. monthly. parkin . Available October 131. Mr. Mom- 00 4162478811 n9; fiéGévfiSér uesand 1.84947; KERR/SPEERS 1 bed: room SPACIOUS two bedroom basement apartment. pri- vate entrance. parking. ap- liancea, use of Iaund acilitios. utilities include , non-smoker preferred, no pets. would ed! mature r- son. $750 monthly. A car 6pm.847-6225. THREE bedroom. 1-1/2 bathe, $995. monthly. Two bedroom. $836.16, parkin and utilities included. Bo available November 151., 844-1934 between 95m- 4pm Monday-Friday 6nlif sibly earn up to $3000. extra income r week from your home. 0 experience necessaryNew Vancouver based company need pro- duct brokers for Canadian expansion. Daily infonna- Iion meetings 416-750-8987 SHALL, established. mail gift store. Milton, tlocaâ€" ”876-0691 or 416) 340- 6476. BRO‘N‘I'E HARBOUIF‘I. Base- rnon apamentwi rivahe anttaneo ”when an bam- room. Shared laundry, on bus route, cable included $525/month. 847-8009. NANNY Placemnl Agen for sale. Established unlimited potentiaj. 0 p9!- tunity tor pmteaalon [nth strong customer servlco skills to own and operate WI honwbaaod busi- gess. $10,090: Rogue} to 3187. 170 gm“... apartment bodrooms. large kitchen.4 appliances. central vm. laniy loom slid- ing do_or. $650. all inclu- KERR AND ears, 2 one bedroom ape ants, Sep- tember/October ' . Please contact Superin- tendant between 9 am - 4 OAKVILLE, Lakeshore, Kerr, two 2 bedrooms. cqmoled, lember, Oc- Non-imokors. 233â€"7441 morn basement apartment. Close to Maplogmve Plaza. Quiet tread property. park- ing. so arate entranqe, shared sundry. $625 m- dusive. Steve 827â€"2812. MIQEW 7.9165117”, '- non. $10,000. Re lies to Box 4571, do Oakwlo Baa- ver. 467 Spoor: Road, Oak- ville, Ont. L6K SS4. NEED MONEY FAST? Pos- SPEERS I KERR basement LLRGE 2 bedroom uran- ment in lowrise. Avai able October Ist. Centrally Io- cabd. $685Im0mh plus hy- dro. Cal 338-5981. EAST Oakvilla: One bed- (41s) WANTED. 1-2 bedroom ground level Hat. by single. business exec. Lakefront view. walk-out, separate entrance, parking. (416) 482â€"8616. Immlhhlmted SELF contained one bed- room basement apartment, Third Line. Spears, cable. new carpet, laundry, perk- ing, immediale possession. $540 monlhiy indusive. first and last. 637-1401. apartment Bright, new. car- Petod. Parking. laundry. Pri- vate entrance. $500 inclu- sive. Female or couple pre- ferred. October 151.. 544â€"0755. ONE bedroom, in 6-plex, Bronte area. available Oct. 1. Seoolmonlh. One bed- room Oakville Place area. seso/month. heat and hot mbr included. For more in- lonnafion call 847-1138. NEAR Sheridan College, amall 3 room basement SUITES. One bedroomI $825. 2 bedroom. 8950. in beautifully maintained, quiet building, step out to shops. downtown old Oakvillo. Lots of seniors in building, call 844-6952. ONE bedroom baaement. Close to GO. Parking. 00- bber 13L No pom Ruler- enoeo. 8650. 336-9106. ONE bedroom in clean quiet building. Near lake. “825-2367 l170| quiet bulldlng. Renovated suites. Reasonable rent. Un- der new management. Call BURLINGTON. CLEAN 2 bdrms. 2 full bthrrns, builder suite, like new, 5 appliances, drapery and many upgrades, recreational facilities, pool, b.b.q. area, party room. fitness centre. guest suites“ tennis coun, billiard room and security. Two available Obtober 1st. $1400./mo. For more information call: 827-3027 l ' 2 bdrrns. + den. close to GO/QEW 0 Indoor Pool - Sauna - Whirlpool 0 NC 0 Indoor Outdoor Parking Available ° $900] month up Call for appointment to View: 842-6051 Mon.-Fr|. 9 am. -5 pm. 842-1292 after 5 pm. weekends Exceptional Z-Bdrm. Apts. Each with balcony overlooking beautiful Lake Ontario. Perfect for those seeking prime location at an affordable price. 36 EAST STREET, BRONIE LUXURY CONDOMINIUMS GLEN ABBEY SIR RICHARD TOWERS Hartfordshire Square Apts. 1289 Marlborough Court - The Canadiana Residence On-The-Lnke 5220 lakcslmrc anl Ii. Burlington Managed by BURLINGTON TOWERS .. That The "I Canadiana . .. («3) Has Great Deals! 1400 + Sq. Fl. of Living Space in Our 2-Bedroom Apartments quantum Inflapnambrm Hreron. - Fri. l0 - 6 [MIL Sat. Sun. I l - 5 pm. Rams as law as (905) 632-5486 82 7â€"9169 It’s No Secret [180$ 185 EL; EAST Oakville, 4 bed- ensui‘e. tamily room, fire- place. dningmom, air, 5 @- pliances, double garage. tenced backyard, $1.825 monmry. 338-6822. BURLINGTON: Walk out to panoramic lakeview and rk-like setting and elim- Inate that apartment livin feeling. 2 bedrooms. bathe,g S1249. utilities in- cluded. Available Novem- ber let. 627-6449. 632- 7674 (Pat). Honnifo A Park Ronny'L 001-3000 m 4 months. December- March. Detached. 3 bed- room plus office. Air. ga- 399’ “W809 Md den, 988 heat. Call Maple Leaf Home Marketing Consult- antslnc. 842â€"8383 fist Gall Alhn_ M_cCu LAKEFRONT two bed- room. $1300.. spacious condo in Bronte. appliances included. laund ensuite. air, undergroun parkin . builing amenities, cal Sharon McIntyre. Sales mpraeemalive. 844.6061. modntel. $900 monthly 6.519) 941â€"5784. BURLINGTON, short term, moms. master bedroom with 1on BEDROOM Al_al§9vi9w. Brontar ins; Availhbié iml I170] WE SPECIALIZE In Condo- minium Sales 8. Rentals. Llnda Davies Real Estate Ltd.. Realtor. 333-4347, 965. Pdge 24 H REALESTATE 100-165 2% AUTOMART 100-165 Ml"?! RENTALS 170-196 rm HELPWANTED 170-196 LEISURELIVING 200-265 ANNOUNCEMENTS 200-265 E}: MERCHANDISE 100-165 m; SERVICES 100-165 DEADLINES CANCELLATIONS: Mon. 4 pm. for Wednesday Issue. Wed. 4 pm. for Way Issue. Thurs. 4 pm. for Sunday Issue. ADVERTISIN ERRORS AND (MISSIONS: The Oakville Beaver assumes no financial iabililyiorlypographieal errors oroopy omissions bythe newspaper oflrerflran Ihe cost of space ooctpied by the mar. Claim for errors must be made prior to next publication date. large furnished room in dpan house. Cable, fridge, alr, parkin . bus. non- smokar. $37 .338â€"1126 cas'ional care for handi- capped benagenBMâ€"7673 young lemale. kitchen and free parking facilities avail- able. Ideal tor young. work- ing female or Madam, woe/mom. 257â€"3066 after 6 pm. ask br Brands or onlx.' Hegnuneia‘jon _lor og- IRAFALGAB [While Oaks, FINER OAKS on bus route. one bedroom. fumishod or unlumished, includes LV. [.AKESHQBEJ‘III Llno, FURNISHED room. Pri- vate entrance. Shared kitchen. bath and laundry. $350. No parking. room. ahamd bathtoom with FURNISHED room, clou b Odtvllo Place for mature non-Imoklng. nbohlnlng gonllunln. 844-7977 aft-r pm. OAKVILLE, basement, separate entrance, kitchen and bath, laundry, non- smokar.$350.842â€"9695. EASTOAKVILLE, near Fords, room with separate entrance and bath y‘arking. non-smoker 845-634 GLEN Abbey three bed- rooms, main floor family- room with fireplace. oat In kitchen, $1300. monthly, 845-6164. Line/MCraney 3 bedroom 9am uiet 001"?ng ohildnen. Pete?) Appliances included. No students Available No- vember lat. S1000. plus unl- itieg. Maple Leaf Home Mar- THHEE BEDROOM town- houses, Ho edale Mall ayea. Avai able imme- diately. Phone Lakeshore Managgmenl (416) l190l and 'sbv'e. c'aII sméén Pf'a- ksta, Sutton Group People and Properties Inc. 84p4~ in: spapea, nicely decorat- e , finished family room. Oakvilla Place, Sixth Line area. Includes appliances. $1200.. plus militias. Avail- able October or November Hbme Marketing C'onoult- ants Inc. 842-8383 RIPLEY COURT. Sixth Line/MCrangy) 3_ be room, Rating *Cbfiéhltahti inc. EXECUTIVE south east Oakvillo, 8 bedrooms plus office. Fireplace in ground lloor lamily room. solarium with hot luhljaeuzzi. air. cen- tral vac, inground pool. 3 car garage. available No- vember lat. $3.000. per month. Maple Laal Home Marketing Consullanls lnc. OAKVILLE. large, 5 bed- ro_orn Ranch, living room With fireplace, lamily mom, inground pool. double ga- ra a, $2,100 plus4 (905) 4767. THREE bedroom home with finished rec room and fourth bedroom. Located on quiet crescent. Available immediately S1100/month plus utilities. Call Joe Ru - cich Broker 644â€"0353 0a - dome Realty Ltd. Realtor. WEST Oakvifle on the lake. Large executive semi. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths. den, 2 fireplaces, 2 rec rooms. sun- dqck. doubly! garage. 5 ap- pllanoes. air, ienced back yard. October 1 st. 827â€"1885. CLARKSON- 3 bedroom townhouse. 3 baths. ap- pliances, October Ist. Q1200. monthly plus utili- tlos. Helen nghtbody, Be/Ma} Aboutowne Realty EXCLUSIVE rental town- house (34 Onslow courtR. 51200 per mqnu), gvajlgl} e FURNISHED 3 BED- ROOM 1-1/2 bathrooms, pacing door b_pa_tio,_2 pad;- FOUR bedroom, a bath- moms, 2 stony, 3160 sq. ft. Glen Abbey. 31,900 plus utilities. 847â€"8364. Corp. see-9000 11‘L NEWP- "9'9 “99' 92| “mama mum GIRL'S seven piece, while bedroom Iumituve. Great set to grow up with, $300, I205 FREE FOR PICKUP. Two sols of concrete patio step: Good condition. Phone DISNEY 10 min., town- house in family mson. great rates. For brochures call FAXES, COPIERS. com- puter: tor home or omce. New and repossessed. Buy orleaae. Call 842-8259 CARPETS - l have several 1,000 yds. of new Stain- master 8 100% nylon car- pet. Will do livingroom hall for $360. Includes ear- pet, pad G insmllatlon (30 yards). Steve. .(905)639‘ DININGROOII. TRADmON- AL Queen Anne Cordovan cherry 7-pce., $6.000. Sell $4269.: Bedroom Queen Anne cherry 4-poster. 6-pce., $1799.; dinette French Country. Bisque, 5-pce. $1199.; oriental cabinet. Ital- ian hand-painted curio. New from model home. 336-0786 FREE ESTIMATES. Protes- slonal Custom upholstery. Chairs from 3198. Fantastic savings on sofas, Iovesaats. sofa beds. diningroom chairs. Great fabric selection. Field's Upholstery. 9am-9pm. 7-days weekly. 632-9090 mimic. BEDROOM SUITE. King- size antique. circa 1935. Chippendale. mahogany. Six pieces. Exoeflent condi- tion. $2800.. firm. 333- 310 @W CARPETS, oimular. 18 it, 15 fl. damem. Taupe. with 8' peach 'border. 100% wool. Excellent condition. COUCH, matching love- soat, Italian cotton. cream. aaking $1,000. Coffee W9 3350. 327-4123. Saifiinliriefil'adé; Va'ra.r E can. Fame a. non-smoker. 827-8145 HOUSE to sham wilt: pool, private bedroom/ sitting room, bahmom. on bus to- ule. $625. monthly, 825- rage parking in beautiful uxu townhome in east Oakvu lo to share with ma- ture non-smoker. S500/month. First/last. 829â€"1428 PROFESSIONAL non- smoker. Town Square oom- Iex. Own bedroom and throom. Downtown Oak- ville. November 13!. $550. (416)806-4302. NORDICA 16 fl. sailboat. Keel design. Ttailar and 4 pp motor. _ ISIip ip .Qagvillg mm. Iiéédiéfie Waeéééfi 'o'nly. 3100. Cd! W. ANTIQUE JACQUES Hayes loveseat. purple vei- vet. tuned. Excellent condi- tion" $950. 637-1401. BRONTE. beautiful house go abate.“ Laqndry, air. 2:1/g KNIGHTS 0F Columbus Hall available tor weddings, anniversaries, parties etc. Call for more mtormation 827-1854 after 3pm pr motor. Slip in Oakville arbour. Very stable boat. fiEHdEé’d ' "Io, £1756; SOOOBTU air conditioner LARGE one bedroom and ATTENTION! Calling ATTENTION! Callin all qualitxfimffisfi» “reds 2'3. will sell for you. Serious 1 only. Cathy 905- -569- 102 FREE lo good home. 6 year old spayed female Cockapoo/Schnauzer. Playful and aflectionata‘ Best suited to family with oherdnfldmn. 847â€"6442 PIANOS, brand new. Eu- ropean. upright. Franz Schubert. Black lacquer and mahogany. From 31995. 416-667‘1716. Downaview. FULL SIZE Ctassic upright piano. Excelhnt condition and tone. Great value. In- cludss bench. $1600. 827â€"721 1 I310| WANTED tridges, stoves. washers. dryers. NC‘s, ml- crowaves. furniture. 319- 1631 SITON it, don't sit in it. Re- placement foam for cushions. Residentiall commercial horn $19.95 each Fields. Upholstery. _Sam- -9pm 7 days week- Emm; HOT TUB. acrylic, six/ seven person, 2 horse- rower motor. gas heater, Ighl, cover. loam, $2.950. Tmmpoline. professional. on wheels, 3800. Fish Tanks, 100 gallon, two 35 gallon... 90° large 9.th mas _a'u mg, filtérs, ugms', ravel. mi'scellaheEus; €509. 847â€"8551, 416-347- Eicelléni 9'9fidifidni £25566.- Also matchi 5 ieoe bed- movnwite.$. . Mustbe seen. Call 257-1170 to maksanofler. SHELVING, metal. ideal forindustn'al. 821-0550 SINGER Touch Tronic 2001 aewing machine. com- putevized memory, multitude ol skitches. like new. in- cludes manual. 5500 com- plete with Sherwood cabi- net, 847â€"5825. DININGROOM suite, 9 piece anfique mahogany. mupholsbrad chairs, excel- lent. must be seen. asking 35,000. 8274123 PANASONIC Kx-P1 180 MuIIi-Moda Dot Mauix Print- er, incIudes five printer rib- bons and all manuals, $75. KROEHLER Far East has“; timing roém siiié. 9a .Phew stain. mews. with leaves End 4 chairs. 3275. 34945587. TWO basement couches. $20. pach. Braun E resso machine, new. $30. agar! Maker. hardl used. 810. Large chest reezer, $50. 845â€"7261 BE PREPARED! Marc's Quality Firewood Now Open. Tuesday- Saturday. Northeast corner of Trafal- gaerIHwy 5. 257-6366 827-5106. TEAK dining rqqm liapla Coming To Oakville Sunday Sept. 18th Howard Johnsons Oakville ./\1° am to 4 pm Barney the Purple Dinosaur Q: ; arrives at 11 :00 am and “E ‘ a ain at2 pm Kidz Biz wil be on hand MAM“ to help you with all! we: A Big Craft Show is afidesfarsde Allch‘ssyiedadsnustbenepafl. Weroept info around town. ,4 Free Draws hourly. 1 Don't miss It! > For more infor call Marlene 845-2017 speed, 8100mm, immacu- late‘eondmon. woo. oeni tied 'or' bes't 'ofiéi. 'Céil l400| 82,000 kms. power slewing, brakes and air conditioning. excellent condition. $3,395 or best ofler. 845-4418. 1988 FORD RANGER 5- OLD ENGLISH Sheepdog rups lrorn championship ines. Shots and pa ers. Noah Burlington 332â€"1 7. WEDDING Photography - 100-115 printsjn album plus negatives. 15 years ex- perience. Reliable and rea- sonable. Picture Perfect Wedding Photography. 639â€"6710 condition. new brakns, rims and lune-up. as is, $550. SSS 5:1 Babe of a Qeal‘. Chis/Trucks wanted. Dead or alive. Best prices. 905- 270-1656. Pager 416-582- MOBILE PET Grooming. Professional grooming at your doorstep! To book an appolntmem. or have ques- tlons answered. call Mr. 1988, Ford Tempo. 2-door. 1986 PLYMOUTH Re|iant SE. automatic. power steer- ing, brakes. air. very reli- able second car. $1,600 or bask olfer. 844â€"9476. 1984 PLYMOUTH Aries. Running condition. Uncer- tified. Asking $300 or best ofler. 845â€"9132 anytime. 1985 HORIZON, good Chequeoroash in Oakvi'llc. ' Kun you ad in 5 iaeuoa and it will only cost you $100+ GST. or $1.00 per day for up to 20 words. Place your car for sale ad in The Oakville Beaver to get the best rcsulta and reach the largest number of People SELL YOUR CAR FOR ONLY To find out more about this exciting PER DAY! mbrsde

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