/â€â€˜g The brcation was /’â€v{â€t clase to J"éâ€/", ;’ta:M a l:a/ /'a/ 24/{;' .x'/w}(; a/arï¬}(â€a downtown :/( [re restaurants, the /?Zra/y and Centre for the Peffmw}y Sest af a project manager for a caston software Arte, / was /h/fm’e/ with the waï¬? ofï¬kl’ï¬w that company, ‘Friend? in Oalkville had invited e to ï¬(wj were offfored with the suites and decided to bay â€A.s’z/ _ Raymord recalle "and / had an hour to kill beforchans /4%’{ has beea an Qakville resident fap the past faaf Payml/ ¢ arrived in Toroxts bast fa// ï¬m Mortreal _ Mrs. M argarelt /%4’//4 fll‘?/'la/(/ ï¬m faaf/am«/é, ears. Ore Senday when baving ny charch [ the _ and speat the witer piokiny up a diplana in conpater _ has been aresitent at Toune Spuare for wer a Towne Sqaare Condoniiams and decided to go and have a propramming, hring near his school in Searborough, tle year. decicion to parchase her taurkone was twofold. baok, The brcation «/«f/;'p’uta/afmd’éa/«r, etarted a new job this spring working dawntaun on Froxt _ She states, "I an deliphted with the lroationâ€" being able o e t i c sA e o4 o * ce it j Ds s WE CAN HELP YOU MOVE ... CALL TODAY 338â€"9000 or VISIT US â€" Tues.â€"Thurs. 2â€"6 or Sat.â€"Sun. 1â€"5 221 Robinson St., Oakville CHRISTOPHER INVIDIATA Sales Representative Sales Representative JMree ncorr DORIANA MALLIA $129,900 to $289,900 for _our luxury penthouse units with fireplace, white marble foyer, and 6 appliance package. Prices from