Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 15 Apr 1994, p. 30

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fl ‘fia ‘ ‘ â€". ~.â€"~ r ‘fiâ€"yâ€"‘Ii‘mfi ‘ fifir‘r'zj"‘ i."‘. ~ â€" - â€"_~ _ ~ -v, ruâ€"ur wwgswmrmrmwâ€"dvâ€"N Few’i‘lâ€"Vâ€"râ€"Wm‘w"“ V. T .ma‘. ~ ~ ~ 1 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, April 15, 1994 â€" .30 0 Grill Line Person MATURE persons wanted for afternoon shifts. Call 827â€"5200. OUR BISTRO requires profes- sional wait staff. Part time even- ings. Apply in person between 3 pm. 5 pm. 16 Lakeshore Rd.W., Oakville Closed Sunday Monday PART time help required for fish and chips restaurant. 'Call338â€"0490. POSTIONS AVAILABLE - Drivers . Dishwashers Part time, evenings. Apply in person: First Choice 369 Speers Rd. ' 842â€"6666 lag] domestichelp waited RELIABLE cleaning per- son needed. approximately three hours every other week, evenings. Call 338â€"8082. domestic help available , Mardi Gras Restuarant Bar - Experienced Cook - Experienced Prep Person - Experienced Servers For upscale Creole dinin establishment. Full time and part time. 118 Robinson St. _ MR8. DOUBTFIIIE Where Are You? pply in person: LE BEAVER - Careers - General Help 0 Skilled Help Call 845-2809 - Office Help orSales Help 0 Restaurant Help Just Place A Help Wanted Ad In The Classified Section Gm- THE BEST PEOPLE F on THE Jon domestic help available INITIAL "SPRING Clean- ing' included with regular personalized service. We're thrilled to polish a home and contribute to clients life- style. Karen. Rhonda, Spring Bookings Now. 649- 6366 Corporate executive with homes in Ca- nada/ Europe desires live-in housekeep- 'er to maintain home in Oakville. Duties - general housekeeping/ light cooking. Owner travels 50% of time, house re- quires minimum up keep when away. Fam- ' ily resides in Europe, visits occasionally. References. Reply Box 9093 0/0 The Post 2321 Fairview Str, Burlington, L7H 2E3 EUROPEAN cleaning lady. Experienced, general clean- ABLE, experienced. e4duoat- ed, nannies, caregivers. 23.23332. mfiztfiii g,h,°,35°k°;P°'si amass - - emp men. - â€"â€"â€"â€"““’9“ rearranges”? EUROPEAN cleaninglad "l“ . . . available. Experience, Toronto,Ont.M4Y2L5 own transportation. "AS YOU Like It'. One-time THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF OAKVILLE TENDER FOR: _ Roof Replacement and Structural Revisions To Lions Community Centre, 159 Felon Avenue Oakville TENDER NUMBER: T-17-94 SEALED TENDERS for the above will be received by the Town Clerk,- 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario, L6H 2L1, or PO Box 310, Oakville, Ontario, L6J 5A6, on or before 2:00 P.M.,iocal time. Tuesday, May 3, 1994 Plans, specifications and tender forms will be available on or after Monday, April 18, 1994 and may be obtained from L.W. Ward Limited, 2345 Haines Road, Mississauga, Ontario L4Y 1Y5; telephone (905) 277-4881. A refundable deposit of $50.00 is required. The general contractor or roofing contractor whose tender is accepted shall be required to post a Performance Bond satisfactory to Town Council, equal to 100% of the contract price and a Labour and Material Bond equal to 50% of the contract price. Alternately, the contrac- tor may provide an irrevocable unconditional letter of credit for 100% of the contract price. An agreement to bond or letter of intent will be requrred with the tender submission. A certified cheque or Bank/Trust Co. draft for the amount specified in the tender documents must accompany each tender. A pie-bid meeting will be held by the Architect at the construction site on Wednesday, April 20, 1994. The Corporation reserves the right to reject any or all tenders and the lowest or highest as the case may be will not necessarily be accepted. R.J. Cournoyer, C.l.M., P. Mgr. Director, Purchasing Office Services THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF OAKVILLE PROPOSAL FOR Surveys Of ' ingsirppiies lilmdscqaing SPRING clean-up, lawn and garden maintenance tree pruning and removal Landscaping, interlocking, E”- BUSINESS stone work. concrete, dn- ' veways, waterfalls. Free es- . timates. Call for best price and get 15% dsoount,. Luke 642â€"9185. STUDENT lawncutters. Cheap, professional lawn cutting, trimming, fertilizing. Professional jo s at ama- teurpricee! Andya44â€"9396 CAC LAWN Maintenance. Experienced professional property maintenance. Year-round service avail- able. Free estimates. Call 639-5609. TWO UNIVERSITY Stud- ents will cut a trim lawn tor the entire growing season. Call 632-5400. iii : I childcare available AFFORDABLE,estab- lished, full-time daycare in a safe and ha py, non-smok- ing home. eceipts, excel- lent references. Trafalgar/ White Oaks. 844â€"7729. RELIABLE morn/ revious nanny will provi e loving childcare, my home, Third Line/Hixon. Bronte. Non smoker, excellent references 847â€"8041 childcerewmted BABYSITI'ER I Nanny re- quired part time for 2 child- ren ages 1 1/2 and 4. Our home. Nan-smoker. Ref- erences required. 825- 8433. BABYSITTER required, my home, noon to 6pm, 5 days. Potential for fui days in summer. Energetic, de- pendable, play-leader for 2 girls. Call 849-6997 after 6pm or leave message. BABYSITTER wanted, daytime, my home, flexible hours, driver's license re- quired, 647-0589. BABYSITTER, occas- tional, responsible late teen, loves children. 2 boys 2 years and 10 months. Call 844-5974 LEGAL Nanny to care for 2 year old, in Glen Abbey, live- In,. Leave message and ghfsne number 416-359- PART TIME, after school caregiver for 2 girls Pine- grove School / or bus route 825â€"2786 SHARED babysit- ter/mother‘s hel r required for two active eye (1 1/2 and 2 years). Genuine love for and interest in small children more important than lots of experience. Must have own transporta- tion. Call Claudia 336- 29840r338-8082. SPECIAL Caregiver re- uired part-time (2-3 ays/week) for 5 year old boy and special needs boy 2 1/2 years old. Prefer our home. Sheridan Gardens area. Own transportation. 845-5516 I’R OI: ICSS l 0 NA L DIRIit‘TURY L.E.S. Decorating Painting Contractor - Interior 3. Exterior Painting~ - Wallpaper Hangin 0 Ceramic Tile Insta lation - Framing Drywall - Decorative Mouldings Call Sylvester for Free Estimates 849-3876 Put a "Stop" to Leaky Basements De Rosa Foundation Repairs Waterproofing Specialists in Leaky Basements. Roof Leaks, Cement Patios, Sidewalks, Curbs a Driveways. We Also Specialize in Wood Decks For Free Estimates call: A. Da Rosa Bus: 827-0494 Beeper:501-7559 GREEN FOREVER LANDSCAPE GARDENING LTD. Lawn Maintenance - unbeatable prices. Book now and get: Weed and Feed Control (4 treatments) FREE SPRING CLEAN-UP 20% OFF Offer expires April 30th, 1994 Complete grounds maintenance service Residential - Commercial - industrial Sodding - trimming - pruning - planting Com Iete weed 81 Feed control. uii licensed insured F EE ESTIMATES Call Now and Save (416) 782-9429 416) 617-1579 Member 0 Professional Lawn Care Association of America VANDEN Noonr‘ HOME IMPROVEMENTS 2115 GOLDEN BRIAR TRAIL OAKVILLE ' BATHROOMS 0 KITCHENS Fm ° REC. ROOMS ° ETC. W 305-842-2868 Mobile 416-580-4914 Depend on us to give you a beautiful lawn Let us make _ your life MWNS’ - ARE- 05' ® and your lawn more bomrltfitiml] Call us now at... 'â€"-â€" 335-5031 8‘ 21' , cleaning, moving cult clean- ings or regular me d serv- Eii] WWW ice. Cheaper rates for Mon.- Tues.vWed. We also «12th- pets, upholste , wall an- SEN'” M°°h""°" ing. Call For Estimate. ABI Engineer, available for Contract, Project or Main- tenance Assignments. Re- sume Available. 842â€"9762. W Home Cleaning. 336â€"6661. Reliable. meticulous, bond- ed. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF MAUDE ELIZABETH WYNNE Claims against the estate of MAUDE ELIZABETH WYNNE, late of the Town of Oakville, who died. on the 19th day of Fe- bruagl, 1994, must be in our hands by May 1 , 1994 after which date the estate will be distributed. PAUL R. DAVIDSON, Executor RYRlE, FORD, KERR 233 Robinson Street Oakville, Ontario L6] 425 M ARE you ready to lose weight the healthy way? Unique, nutritionally based . weight loss program now - available. Results guar- anteed! Call 905847-9315. 686 Faniinervices ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS if you drink, that‘s your business. If you want to quit, that's ours. 487-5591 1 622-8392 ii:l:|homeimprovements ALL FORMS of carpent . Home improvementshkitc - ens, ceramic tile, painting. wallpaperin , 16 yrs. ex- penance. a4 -5906 ii:|:|homeimprovements BATHROOM Renovations, Fixtures installed, Ceramic Tile, Drywall, Carpentry, Sundecks. Good rates. Ref- erences. Free Estimates. Alien Clarke. 849â€"9608. ' CARPENTER IBUILDER, renovations and additions, design /build. References available. Call Patrick 338â€"8224 DECKS, DECKS, DECKS! From 37. sqft. We also dig post-holes. Quality work guaranteed! Free Estimates. Anytime. 828â€"1320. FLOORS-All hardwood floor installations, sanding, repairs, new and old. 905- 897-3307. HOUSE Renovations, in- terior/exterior repairs, quali- ty workmanship. Refer- ences. Consultations. No job too small. Jerry 619â€"9961 ~~ ; ereâ€".2809: '- Employeec And Rate Payers Regarding A Quality Service Program PROPOSAL NUMBER Prop-9-94 SEALED PROPOSALS for the above will be reoeivedbytheTormClerk, onorbdore 1200th01, local time, FRIDAY APRIL 29 1994 Address: 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario, L6H 2L1, or b mail to: P.O.Box 310, Oakville, Ontario L6J5 6. Telephone: (905) 338-4197 Specifications, Proposal Forms and Proposal Envelopes are available at the office of the undersigned. The Corporation reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and the lowest or highest asthe case may be will not necessarily be accepted. Project is subject to 1994 budget approval. R.J. Cournoyer C.I.M., P. Mgr. Director, Purchasing Office Services. CARPENTER. NEW Trim, Baseboards, Cove Corn- ers, Hardwood Floors. Kitchens, Recrooms or Complete Basements, Ad- ditions. Ceramic Tiles. Ed. 332-6739. ii I] painting I: decorating OAKWOOD PAINTING. In- terior / exterior. 5 year writ- ten guarantee. Residential specialists. Free estimates. 634â€"4600 _â€".â€"_â€"-â€" ANNE‘S lNTERIORS. Ex- pert wallpapering. painting and decorating. Phone for all your home decorating n'eeds.639â€"0893. . â€"_â€"_â€"â€" Use \hsa or MasterCard to pay for your Classified Ad. Call c moving lstorage BUDGET. Movers. Two professional men S40/hr. in- cludes gas, eqmpment, mileage, insurance. Free estimates. 24 hrs., 7 days/week. 829â€"5756. inkling supplies laidscqxng A.S. Garden Care. We offer complete lawn service. We take pride in our work. and you‘ll be proud of your lawn. Lawn cutting weekly. Sodding renovation. Free estimates. Reasonable rates. No GST. Tony 820â€"4229. CEDAR Hedges. Excellent quality. All sizes. 2 feet to 10 feet. Starting at $2.00 Guaranteed to grow. Free delivery. Cali Campbell- ville. 1 (519) 656â€"9206. . 31,- -. 829â€"2271 nainies ii“ available, waited FULL TIME nanny re- uired, live-out (willing to 'scuss live-in arrangement) for 2 boys ages 1 and 3, non-smoker, Monday through Friday commensing end of May. Glen Abbe area. References requi . Call 416-690-2455 even- ings and weekends. LIVE-IN Nann required in Oakville for children - ages 2 and 6; experience training / references re- quired; non-smoker, driver; legal only; long hours, ap- proximately 7230 am. - 6:30 p.m.r Required end of May or,later. (905) 847â€"8036 after 7 pm. NANNY wanted to care for two boys ages 2 1/2 and 6 months in Oakville. Full time, Mont - Fri. Non- smoker. Experience and references required. Please call Brenda (416) 48571943. Limited Call for appomtmem FREE Consultation. 418 North Servrce Road Easi.#30 279 8561 I'I\’()I-I' SS'IUV \I. I)II\'I.'("I'()I\’)' sonable rates. 878-5108. business services computer services , consultants financial services health/diet services home decor insurance services legal services medical services office services BANKRUPTCY ’ Fox Partners - Oakville (905) 349-6533 CLAIMS for accident inju- ries from slips, fails, car ac- cidents, also wrongful dis- missal, divorces, etc. (905) SECRETARIAL Services: Letters, reports, resumes. mailing lists, fiyers, fax serv- ices. Ouality work. Rea- -Dryw Grasscutters (Weekly Cut Trim (Spring/Fall Clean-ups (Dethatching (Aerating (Reliable Service (References Anilable 10% Senior Discount CdlKevln fora FreeEsdnlfo 332-0863 BASEMENT LEAKINII? Cali Metro Waterproofing “You'll be glad you did!" - ES 338â€"1 996 Decorating, Painting - Wallpape all Finisher - Piasterer - Ceramic Tile ring M PA - Residential - Commercial - interior/Exterior 338-8032 Lawn Mowing Trimming ( Hedge Trimming ( Spring Cleanâ€"In Basement I 0|“ Appliances Waterproofing Removed Specialists FI’OII Estimates All Work Guaranteed flit 631-3699 OAKVILLE DECKS FENCES Spring is here and we are ready to start a new season of quality decks fences, patios, walkways, etc. Free Estimates. 849-1719 632-8373 or 333-9534 BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Phueyuurliiilli _ unimpaired 2 times III magnum BEAVER lid receive a FREE Perm-n peck (value 318) end the announcement will also In the ermuol NEW A ALS SUPPLEMENT to unfamiliar-my.

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