Won United ....................................................... 5073 Jadson's Bam ................ Concept Galleries ........ -REA|.ESTATE- Re/MmAboutm Ou Bistro. Bluce Hood Travel ................................................ 5016 St ClmbeltSQLiberal Catholic ............................. St Fault. Big Brothers of Hatton .......................................... Wm CamerSocietyW Child Find ........ Childcare ‘ » Springpakawild Services. Farshare Food Bark. .............................................. 5296 Glen Abbey Raidmls mum", ......... 5414 Hdton Helping Hands ........................ 5309 Hdton Hills Lesa Clinic ...................... ...5558 HELP. - Home Emag. Ufeline Pros. .. 5500 HunaneSociay ......................................... 510‘ Information Oakville ......................................... 5329 MADDâ€"(Mothersï¬eairstDtmkDrMng) ............ 6933 Odwille Place. ....................................................... 6030 Trafagawuage.... ......... 0033 Roben’s Fish Cove ................................................. Ml! law I\ u IIN uK-l 'qu Dstress Una Richardson Greendmields ...................................... 6005 Royal Bankâ€"' Baku/Phone" ............ ........6016 Royal Bankâ€" Informaï¬on$ezvices ...... ...6015 KingTelecom ........ ‘ ...................... Pionea Fanily Pools .......... â€" FREE LONG DISTANCE PHONE SERVICE - Kerrie-Sue Marshall â€" new listings .................... 6201 byAla Eba§paedma ...................................... FHON? mï¬Ã©iig -ART GALLERIES 8: PICTURE FRAMING â€" For information and prices call (416) 631-4621 3v ; an exciting new way to improve your ' ‘ speaking abilities and gain confidence... 5'. 3 Improv Comedy 8: Theatre Game Workshops for kids and adults (ages eight and up) One and two Week sessions (days and evenings) throughout the summer, taught by a professmna actor - COMMUNITY NON-PROFIT - -GROCERYSTORES- -SHOPPINGMALLS- OFF THE TOP PRODUCTIONS presents - lANDSCAPING - ' - FINANCIAL - - RESTAURANTS - - measional all breed Dog 5: cat grooming I Gift boutique 0 Comglete health 5: beauty care ryour special friend - CHURCHES â€" - WINE UNE â€" â€"TRAVELâ€" For Distinctive Pets 6 Their People ....................... 6271 61m 6101 16104 .6105 5357 5074 0 Holiday makeovers - No stress atmosphere . Flexible hours ' Open Sundays 2423 Marine Dr. (Bronte) 847-6452 FREE CALL! IT'S FUN Advertishg hfofmationJ ...................................... Happenings In Oakvilie .................................... Lave Update infonnation. Weekiy Poll ....... Wdeo rwiew ..................................................... Top 10 Weddy Movies ............. Top 10 WeddyVIdeo Rmtals.-..... Top 10 Weddy Cassette S'ngles ....... Concert/Event Hotline .......................................... 5105 Oakville Cenu'eforthe Performthrta. ....5400 Oakville SymphonyOrdWestm ............... ....5410 St. John Ambulancé- Oaiwille ............................ 5318 Sweet Adel‘na -Tri|lium Chews... ....... 5402 Halton Tourism ...................................................... 5587 HEALTH FACT ............................... 5254 - INFOSOURCE - mom Alone mummy ................................. 5600 hfosouce Incuiries .............................................. 5425 Oakville Block Parent ........ Oakville Masons .................................................... 5391 Oak manberofCanmerce ............. 5427 Oakville Kiwanis Meals OnWheeIs.. ...... 5349 Oakville Literacwamil ........................ 5328 Oakville Volmteer Centre†...... 5398 Questionoftheweek .......................................... Sped< your mind ................................................... Roger E‘batsr lftpdayisywrbirthday ............. I .......................... 5020 Parent Resouces, Oak Parent Child Centre ......... 5334 CALL 845-5585 - HOROSCOPES - By Pi O'Kecfe - LIVE THEATRE/ENTERTAINMENT â€" - HALTON SPECIAL EVENTS - - OAKVILLE NIGHT LIFE - - ENTERTAINMENT - '3 Interests include archeology - EDITORIALâ€" “This does not mean that they agree with what you are saying, only ‘I listen attentively and con- sider.’ Even if they disagree with you, they may not say so. They will take your view to a colleague or supervisor, discuss it, and then “Japanese people are used to having a lot of population around,†the teacher adds. “They are polite in order to get the coop- eration of others; and while they are persistent, there is not the same aggressiveness. They have to work collectively,,so their li’s- tening skills are good.†She explains the Japanese habit of continuing a conversation by simply nodding and saying ‘yes.’ (Continued from page 9) Patience' IS a key. 5703 5704 ,5700 5701 .5102 6104 5012 WHEN Halton Board of Edmatim ................................... 5086 Gladys Speas Sdml ............. Oakvifle Christim School... White Odcs seconday School ............................. Toronto BIue Jays 1993 Schedule .......................... Glen Abbe/Library ............................................... 5411 Oakviue Public Library... ...... 5423 WniteOdsLibraty .................. 5416 Woodside Branch Libray ....................... 541a GlaMbbéyGolfCouse ...................................... H.E.LP. Lifelhe ...................................................... 5500 DaityPredictions ..................................................... Mind gasebauTeam Standings ............................ 524s Distms Line. Sports Poll ................. LW PO" ............................ Punchline. 649‘ Classiï¬ed «Natisirs ram. ...... 1000 Circulation Ofï¬ce Hous.... 5031 War Distribution ....................... 5036 Home Delivery ....................................................... 5035 Od<vil|e BeavaGwï¬tyGolfTounamnt .............. 5038 Communityï¬quicing Iroquois'kidgexrea .......................................... 5210 Maple Grove/Clearview Areas ........... 5504 Crime Stoppers ...................................... 5551 Child Fmd. Odtville Yacht Squadron ....................................... ‘ Seniots lnformdion Line. DailYTrivia. UDUW Ll K. ............ Emmahmmt Poll. JokeOfTheDay .................................................... QuizbyPhone .......... QuoteOaneDay ..... TriviaQuiz .................. Dept of Environment ................................... ‘ ........ - OAKVILLE BEAVER - - JUST FOR FUN - - RECREATION - Her own battle with the English language (we think) has been hard won. Both her children were born here in Oakville and sometimes- got the last word. From the begin- ning, however, she has been involved in volunteer programs in the community, most recently of course, Sister City events. As a Is the language itself difficult? Sekine smiles and says, “People say so. I try to give the impression that it is not so bad. Only difï¬cul- ty is that it is nOt in the Latin lan- guage group so it bears no relation to English. I always say forget the English language, just take Japanese as it is. You make your- self miserable if you try to com- ’9 pare. come back with an answer.†- LOTTERIES - - LIBRARIES - - TEENLINE â€" â€" WEATHER - - SENIORS - â€" RECIPES â€" lfyodrenotfarrlia'wlmmis service 5000 tohea itisabout ENTER CODE 5156 5163 5170 5178 ,5179 5135 5112 5015 5239 5424 “His assistant, who was with us, said, ‘Where is he? He was here just a minute ago.’ And with that Mr. Pearson popped his head up from behind his desk. ‘I’m here!’ he said cheerfully.’ Kazuko Sekine laughs. ‘He was in shirt- sleeves down on the floor sorting out some papers; “It was very interesting for me meeting Mr. Pearson,†she says, “but also â€" disconcerting. In Japan if someone from a foreign country were coming to visit, a politician would be in full busi- ness suit and sitting in a large leather chair waiting sort of for- mally. But when we (my father and I) entered into the Prime Minister’s office we didn’t see anyone there at all.†“You know,†she says smiling, “I’d almost forgotten. In Ottawa we met Prime Minister Lester Pearson.†But here is another unexpected nugget unearthed from her past: the ï¬rst time she visited Canada she was little more than a girl. It was a business trip with her father who was seeking alternate energy sources for Japan and the Canadian government was flog- ging the potential of the tar sands in Alberta (this was nearly 30 years ago). Kazuko was invited to accom- pany the delegation after her mother declined the honor. It must have seemed a great adventure, flying from Tokyo to Washington to New York and to Ottawa, and then boarding a small cargo plane to fly over the northern prairie site of the oil sands. “Archeology is very addictive,†she admits. Before she was wooed and carried off to Canada, Sekine had an exciting career digging up pottery in Iran with a couple of published articles to her credit. What many people do not know is that lurking behind her modest manner is the passionate heart of an Indiana Jones. She’s hooked on archeology and history. ,Sekine enjoys cooking (mostly of an oriental flavor), gardening, and music. “Because I have lots of interac- tion not only with my children’s friends, but with other students,†she points out, “I feel very posi- tive about young people? Her son is currently studying in Tokyo at the International Christian University, her own alma mater. volunteer she accompanied a troupe of local high school stu- dents to Neyagawa on a two week exchange. This was in 1990.