The natural oils in some woods, cedar is a classic example, b Minwax develops epoxy superior to Rondo; Wood's II'i'IZIJASSOCimerOkefif' TF 1 top. Award Winning Producer Since 1974 Let 19 years of proven pedon'nmce wom far _ j j _ _ . _ ' youu _ _ . was muss. VALUES pom Fat a CoMdeniiai Market Evduation Trust are Coll f338-m or Res. 338-3424 67 Lakeshore Rd. W. J Ookville at MAGDA LADANYI Water and bac- teria attack wood by entering the cells via the ends of the wood yards where ancient labrusca vines have recently been torn out to make way for viniferas. liven steel posts do not have the reputation for durability that cedar posts have in grape vine- yards where are able to fend off rot and insect attack for long periods of time, but most woods are not so fortu- nate. where water is actually sucked in because of the cellular structure. Lawn chairs and window boxes give way at joints where water is able to insinuate itself by capillary action. Repairing usually means replacing the piece of wood that has started to rot Around This can be done more easily with a chair or a window box than it can with the window or door frame of a house. In that case you usually have to cut away the rot- ted portion and carefully fit in a wood successful only if MAGDA LADANYI. Assoc. Bloke! 333-9000 or MGM Jtihkii 33849660 sash-'32:)? 335-3424. This will prove HOME AND INCOME OPPORTUNITY! piece BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS a of MAGDA LADANYI 338-9000. MAGDA LADANYI 3359600 one wasn't. Esthetically it is also important to make the replace- ment piece blend in with the origi- nal and disguise the fact it is a patch. you can now make both joints watertight where Most of the old type wood fillers had little success in filling the large areas that were required when rotted woods was removed because they did not have the structural strength required and they were extremely vulner- able to water. Along came epoxy to the res- cue and Bondo; the epoxy filler used to fill dents and missing parts of metal on dam- aged automobiles was found to be fairly effective. rr ___.0‘mï¬â€˜-E TWO FOR ONE PRICE! YOU'RE SURROUNDED t e r e n t characteristics than the originals. Mi'nwax, the manufacturer of a respected line of two-part mixture that is kept sepa- rate when pur- chased and then mixed when needed, where- upon it goes through a molec- ular change to form a third sub- stance with dif- Epoxy chools, shopping; and park. nily home, grec for in-laws, Private fenced yard. Call Dr " landscaped 1/3 aporote from the It not only Set up hard enough to be machined and to be structurally stronger than wood, but it also protected the wood to which it was attached from further dete- rioration. wood finishes, developed a spe- cial epoxy just for filling wood that was superior to Bondo. Call g ID