THEOI Egguired to work trom home on a pan time s. If interested please call: Tom or Peter Between 9am & 5pm 845-9742 or 845-9743. The compensation package is attractive with the location, West Mississauga. Please send your resume with a hand written cover letter to: This is an excellent opportunity to become a key member of a closely knit management team. Manager. Box 4380, c/o Oakvllle Baavor, 467 Spears Road, Oak- vllla. Ontario L6K MM. Your formal education probably includes a business or administration degree with experience that demonstrates compe- tence in handling multiple priorities as well as strong desire to integrate admin- istrative and operational responsibilities. SEND RESUME TO Due to retirement, our need is for an individual that can break new ground, in the construction and development of a professional procurement system, while meeting the day to day purchasing requirements of a heavy industrial plant. Do you relate well to young people? We are lookrng for a dynamic, mature rndrvrduel to be our part-trme Youth Co-ordmator, startrng September 1, 1993. You wull be working With the Rector of St. Jude's Anglican Church In developing programs for the young people of our parish, pamcu- lerly 10- to 18year-olds This ten-month posmon (school yearl entails approxrmetely 20 hours of work per week and offers great flexibility, wrth much of the telephone work bemg performed from home. Building on your unwerslty or college tmrnrng and your teaching expen- ence in a school or camp sett-ng, this opportunity presents a fresh challenge that Will drew on your creatrvrty and sensrtrvrty m working wrth young people, Compensation Will be approximately $1,200 per month. It you have these key qualrtres, we mate you to submit your resume to' Mr. Tim Evans, clo St. Judie Anglican Church, 160 William Street, Oakville, Ontario, uu res. St. Lawrence Cement Inc. is a highly successful multi-national organization with several manufacturing facilities in Ontario, Quebec and the United States and is a recognized leader in the con- struction products industry. pRtyg0Tl0NS CO-ORDINATOR QUALIFICATIONS: . Post Graduate Education . WP 5.1 and Desk Top Publishing . Special Events Planning Experience . Excellent Written and Verbal Communication Skills . Excellent Organizational Skills . Creative . Excellent Team Worker . Experience working in a non-profit association or fundraising an asset, Lawn-'9 HEW-aw CARRIERS NEEDED ALLAN STREET REYNOLDS STREET BRIDGE ROAD/THIRD LINE SUFFOLK AVENUE Adults Also Welcome A Metroland Community Newspaper John P. Duncan Director of Human Resources Mr. Richards 332-1711 ',are" EXPERIENCED TELEMARKETER. 845-9742 or 845-9743 DEADLINE- June 25, 1993 For the following areas 2391 Lakeshore Rd. W., Mississauga, Ont. L5J 1K1 Purchasing Agent/Buyer Earn Extra Dollars In Your Spare Time Circulation Dept. ST. LAWRENCE CEMENT Parish of Saint Jude an»: HER GARDENING COMPANY “on one» amnion-no- mmml Emma. pn- OMI tun-won gun he ttttr-ltr m gg I? T wool I" $20,000 nn Kllt', I Scholar-Mp0 lad-1 fittgtrg on new a new: man 7420 GIRL! wanna In: " human Iii on. In mu yum Applications are now being accepted, Many positions are avail- able, but positions will till up quickly. No ex- Wrience necessary. hy work the usual boring summer job, when you can work in a tun, positive envi- ronment with other students, building skills for your future. '11.00 to start. Uni- versity and college students may still up Wir. Call now tor inter iview details. 847-5525 Full tlme Junior Admlnlstratlve AB-, "tant required for busy insolvency office in Oakville. 1 Must have knowledge of all phases of micro computer, excellent typing and telephone skills. Dictaphone experience an asset. ‘Contact Roberta at 849-6583 or fax resume to 349-6584 Clark/Typist Required Part time for smal office. Must be fluently bi- lingual, reading, wrmng and typing, Please fax resume to 845-0699 Ages 14 to 17 . We have created 30 new positions. Earn $20 to $60 gr, per week. rel! summor job. This is a can- vassing gamion for the ammo Star. Experience on Injection Molding. Stretch Bending and Extrusion equipment are a det- unite asset. The Tool-Maker will have to work 3 shifts under minimum superwslon and mll reoelve excellent company benefits after 45 days Please submit your applicatton for cortsitt- eranon to' Human Resources Dept. Standard Products Canada Ltd. 346 Guelph Street Georgetown, Ontario L7G BS The successful candidate must have the ability to head small teams when dealtng with Customer Complaints, Quality Con- cerns and 2tt1ti'lt,tt,N Problems. Experience required in a who: and Auto- '.!totivrt Manufactyripg FrtvirRrttppnt. _ STANDARD PRODUCTS (CANADA) LIMITED. is a manufacturer ot parts tor 1)t automotive industry. tor e are presenuy a ' muons the position of Tmn‘m MAKER WM). You may qualiéy tdr training assistarTce from the Provincial overnment. Call To-day To Register To work on temporary assignments in Oak- ville. Must have work boots, own transportation and be able to work all shitts.Not suitable ',t students, $7.00 - $8.0? per hour. lease ap I in person on y on: Rlnrllgi"v' June 24th Between 8am & 10am to: Required immediately as: Pickers & Packers Shippers & Receivers Sorters EXTRUSION OPERATORS PLASTICS OR RUBBER MUST HAVE A MINIMUM OF TWO YEARS EXPERIENCE Send Resume to: Box 4379 CIO The Oakvmo Beaver BILINGUAL STUDENTS WANTED a ACADEWOF LEMnine TOOL AND DIE MAKER (CERTIFIED) ATTENTION! Grade 13 students Various Positions Available. Require 10-15 sharp individuals. Paid Training. No Experience Necessary. Rapid Advancement. Must have neat appearance and be able to work with opposite sex Call Sandi, GB9-qTBa 2-90- OVER AS , Need meputer Training '? WAREHOUSE AND PLANT WORKERS COMPANY EXPANDING ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT general heir LAID OFF ? 467 Spoon Rd Onkvlllo, Ont L6K 354 1992 338-6600 USE can I M my I†und- Konno! gnu mu AMI-AL Clm 1377 Gttt Dumb-w iirdairiiudirtWuii MW)“ an.“ Mannheim "an Cull FOOD-731 3200-000 WEEKLVI A. 'st'ltlht',0hrd a! homo Eett A o 'ec. Tttett Jusl aboul perfect pro fram for an interesting, in. ormalive 24-hour mes sage Call 1-800-444 00992 Experience pre fttrred,ththvihr-Mi. Iiuauqa one Applyinpemorr magma can an ap mtmenl at Big-941 o STYLIST Required tor Sa on located at Oakville Place. Please call Rita for Full/Pm Time Hub Wanted For amusement con- to Apply in person to PART TIME EXPERIENCED Service Rd. Deerfield Golf Club 2363 North Calling All Network Marketers Cafeteria Service Eat. SSO mutual help Dal EXPERIENCED CLEANING lady anal-bio. Insured. Ex. cellent Oakvllla/ Burlington Mommas. Call 632-5369 EXPERIENCEDcIeanIng lady avm'ablo. will do laun- dry and Ironing, insured, own trarurportation OakvilIo rettmtrtcttslarave message. 3351316, 342-9952 EXPERIENCED woma available immediately t EXPERIENCED Legal Secretary seeking position in the Gamma - urlington area. Call82s-2579. EUROPEAN cleaning ll- dles have available llrne tor 2 houses m thtrir weekly schedule Good tolerances. Reliable Years of "geri- once. Please call 847-1 14 Duties include chair side assisting with HARP and desk reception dutiesA Pan-time Thursdays. Fridays and some Saturdays. Home submit resume to: Dr. M Luau and th. thtd Daron 635 Fourth Line Oekvlllo. Ontario LGL 5W4 Now hiring for full and part tame ex- pedenced LINE COOKS Submit applications attention: Valid. Hannah-3|" mun. Mum -m mum Minna-cu Dunn-nun Fa "ttttttal mum, Call In um REPRESEIHAIWES To Thou Who out», In our. q $NiFtt 1m Oman-nay We require an energetic person experienced in retail management tor lull-time employment. A part-time position Is also available Applicants should en’oy working with peogle and have an aptitude or ladies' lashion xcelient career opportunity 0ualified candidates apply to 'TL', at Milton and Ollie. " Ontario St, Milton 070-2975 NO "C5900! HERE! out“. but. III-(Flat mm! Cuul'l luau! - county at m III! " â€all" I an in“! am“ h lam-gunm- " Mien In ' This is the greatest business opporturtlty of tl'iedeceOeI Anart0ta1t2rsarrrtonopoty in Canada has created a business oppor- tunity tor you to realize and lulllll your dreams. Join a massive. talented com- pany and develop your own business by selling and recruiting. es an independent amt. in e new 8 Dillon dollar sector ol the l oCttttttttuniCatiotts industry. Immediate =lg',"lr, are available. Call George et 332-4tmo. Full time. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Five days per week. Hourly pay plus com- mission. Good benefits package. Please call 825-8270 Oakville based long distance telecom- munications company is hiring individuals wishing to earn an excellent up front com- mission with long term residuals plus bene- fit plan. Full and part time positions. Perfect for students seeking summer employment. It you are aggresslve enoulgh to make thls team. please cal progressive tgtgith No experience necessary to qualilie applicants, The successful candidate CAN EXPECT: . The best training program in the industry . An excellent compensation and benefit geckage . ompany car HIGH VOLUME dealership requires enthu- siastic individual for immediate opening on Used Car sales team at Oakville's most Owen Carr at Chaps Dorval Oakville Towne Centre ll LI] employment wanted Contact Cliff Fraser Oak-Land Lincoln Mercury 570 Trafalgar Rd. Oakville msnucnve LADIES' wan Requires: MANAGER lk Part-Time Personnel TRAFALGAR VILLAGE LOCATION INSIDE SALES POSITION OPPORTUNITY PLUS 634-2292 Looking For A Challenging Career That's Demanding But Rewarding? CERTIFIED DENTAL ASSISTANT We... comm Mitt unlock al" halo l wont- Contact Alan Sahey or Raid Morgan 829-3275 844-3273 PEGGY’S WOMAN European background pro toned. 338-3785 PINK ftamlnqos for rum Proceeds to support Mum ple Sclovoms Society. MS 8301 “this COIIISSIONED W W do when. "Home" h required by Cognlto's Restaurant Apply In person to needed for staff ca- teteria. Duties are: cooking breakfast, lunch & soups, serving, prepara- tion of sandwich- es, clean up incl. helping with dish- es. $8.50- $9.00/hour plus benefits, 37-40hrs per week, 6:30am- 3an __ - p333 'lt'flla, 221 Lakeshore Road East Monday-Friday No phone calls please W. aria plow“- me you: M'" ttN, and who 1rtt9vtdual In Wow tmatrt.ltyouetvat Wand mmmrla 'tsatitrettoeUntetr .rwfronment.0Mttt qeeyePrtgaptt Line Cook CoetMod Full "in. Dental Autumn" accusation!“ 876-1 188 Call Rita only 844-1040 CREATIVE EXPERIENCED CHEF moral: ext.221 0 hail Will help SERVEDIO, Giulio - On Sunday June 20, 1993 at the Toronto General Hosgital. Giulia Served-lo forges) beloved wife at icola, Dear mother 0 Anna and her husband Pasquale. Loved grandmother ot Michael and Nicola. Sister ot Faustina (Mrs. N. Scalamacchia). Maria (Mrs. M. Campanale) both of Italy. Nicola of Toronto, Michele of Italy and Ra aele of Toronto. Visitation was held at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville on Monday and Tuesday. Funeral Liturgy 10 a.m. W - nesday (today) at St. James hurch, 231 Mor- den Road, Oakville. Entombment Glen Oaks Mausoleum. Thursday morning) at St. Dominic's Catholic Church. 2415 Re ecca St. Oakville. Parish prayers 8 pm. Wednesday. Cremation. Those who wish may make memorial contributions to the Canadian Diabetes Association. ST. AUBIN. Albert - Suddenly on Monday, June 21. 1993 at f,'t,vgtA2',Wg Memorial Hospital In hle 87th gar. Albert loved hue- band ot 62 years at ermalne. Loved lather of Jeannlne 80tevenue.. Florian and wile Pau. line, Francoise and husband Claude Albert, Pauline and husband Gaetan Aubin, Annette Weloh. Lorralne Leblanc and Fernand, Lillanne and husband Leo Bolevenue. Prerrette and husband Marcel Aubin. Robert and wile Geral- dine, Ronald and wrle Jeannette. Loved by 43 1"2','iht'20, and 43 ttrg-gil',"'?,',':,",'),',','," He 3 also survived by h s loving brother and sisters. Visitation at the Oakview Funeral Home. 56 Lakeehore Rd. W. fltt,NI, block east ot Kerr) trom b4 and 7-9 pm. tefet and Wednesday. Funeral_Liturgy 10_o‘r_:loc DEJARAY - Mike, Andrea Pgt',& and big brother Robert welcome with love imberley Elizabeth on June ll, 1993 at 12:42 pm, weighing in at 6 lbs. 2.5 025. Fifth grandchild for Bo and Sandra Kapustik, second grandchild for Wendy and Ken Dejaray. Wel- comed by great-grandmothers Minnie 'fr't',t and Francis De'aray. Thank you to Dr. . Lew eiile and the it nursing staff at the Credit Val- ley Hospital. A very special thanks to Kim Per- ron from L80 for your support and Dr. D. Black tor being there just in time. I KOPRIVA TAYLOR l Give fir the United Way of Oakville. In memory of a loved one or friend. Those with claims a%ainst the Estate of Ruben. (Ruby) hamberlaln, late of Oakville, Ontario, who died on April 14, 1993, are notified to send full particulars to the undersigned by July 9, 1993, after which the Estate wil be distributed with re- gard only to claims received. Dated at Hamilton, June 1, 1993. THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY 46 King Street East PO Box 710, Hamilton, Ontario L8N 3K7 Executor FUNERAL DIRECTORS I FUNERAL DIRECTORS Tertyfoohe Don Clarke Shaun Webb Marion and Arthur Evans are pleased to announce the marriage of their daughter "Linda Marie" to "Steven Donald Walden", son of Catherine and Donald Warden of Sarnia. The wedding took place on March 13, 1993 at St, Paul's United Church. COMMUNITY FUNERAL HOME (Willing to train) Please apply in person to: 171 Spears Rd., Oakville IN MEMORIAMS howl "WWII“ logol node.- LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED av RUDY KOPRIVA & NEILL TAYLOR 844-2600 NOTICE TO CREDITOHS AND OTHERS HOSTS/HOSTESSES 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oamlle Funeral Home @akuiew (Experience preferred) WARDELL/EVANS 84 Chisholm St, Oakville, Ont. L6K 3H7 845-5571 56 LAKESHORE ROAD WEST OAKVILLE. ONTARIO L6K IC7 MARRIAGES 525! LINE COOKS DEATHS Requires "the charity of your choice" 842-2252 hold "than! legal notice. l l SWTH, Marlo - My wife and best friend whet passed away June 23, 1992 , The hurt is deep, it will not heal, i; No one knows just how I feel. r My feelings I try to hide, bee I Iamh with others but alone I cry. Of that life has given me, .2 I never had a greater gift, "d Than the years we shared together. - All my love always, your husband, Jim. I VAN R0630" - The family of the late Pete Van Rossum would like to thank our friends; neighbours and members of St. James Paris: for your kind support. floral tributes, charitable donations, food and sympathy cards. Heanlem thanks for all these soncere acts of kindness. Peter Rests in Peace and walks with the Art: Ci'; i2rlt thanks to Ward Funeral Home. " ary an Rostrum and Family. n- arg'idzlriend. who passed away on June 23, 9 . u, A million times We needed you, CC, A million times I've cried, .. If love could have saved you Mom, 'se You never would have died. u- Thoughts of you run through my mind l Each and every day, _ Dearest Mom I loved you, In a very special way. - It i could have one lifetime wish, -S. One dream that could come true, cr. l'd pray to God with all my heart -- For yesterday and you. C,' Until we meet again, loved and sadly missed by daughter Kim and son-in-law John. C" l1legm and Nana, who passed away June 23, 9 2. We think about you often, ,3 We wish that you were here. u There will always be a heartache, And many silent tears. l They say that time heals everything ‘ But we know it isn't so, - Because it hurts as much today, 2 As it did one year ago. - Loving and missing you always, Randy, Jack: ie, Chris, Sarah and Kailyn. T; SMITIH, Mylo; In loving. memory of PY Mpg! §MITH, Mylo - In_ loving memory of a deaf to announce that her hu§bend and their dad Russell Mario 'tr, has graduated lrom Osgoode Hall Law School wt a Bachelor ol Laws Degree. Russell also holds a Bachelor ot Arts Degas from the University of Western Ontario and a Pu Iic Health Diploma from Ryerson Polytechnrcal Institute, Before ttgtg law school Russell was employed as a Public ealth Inspector He has accepted an ghiagt',ilon with the Hamilton law turn ot Yachett, Lanza & strvo. _ Cathy Allegra and her 1uigrtets. Julie l L_aut_a gamut! has graduated with the Degree of BSc. (Honours) in Biology from Queen's University in Kingston. Katherine attended Blakelock H.S. She has been accepted in the Masters of Environmental Sciences Program at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. -All the best in your future studies The cost of plac be $40. Please b ate along with tr ment to our office GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS 1993 467 Speers Rd., Oakville HATES KATHERINE WREFORD CARD OF THANKS RUSSELL ALLEGRA 70 Tee (iiedd)l/Alt GRADUATIONS For further information please call: 845-2809 acmg your announcement will bring In a picture of the gradu- the wording of the announce- ces at: ION