Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 4 Jun 1993, p. 36

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CLEAN. furnished room. Own fridge, cable, near Sheridan. On bus route, share kitchen. bath and laundry. $325. month. 849â€"8762. CLOSE to Oakville Place, one room. share all facili- ties. Parking. Saoolmonlh, inclusive. Immediate. 50745762. TWO bedroom cozy bunga- low, downtown Milton. $895 plus utilities and applianc- es. Availabio immediately. Call 274-5333. THREE bedroom bunga- low. close to White Oak: School, available Au ust Isl. $975 mom ly. 844â€"0819 THREE BEDROOM semi lor rent. Second house lrom lake, Bronte Harbour. Large masler with ensuite, finished basement with fireplace, apâ€" pliances included. $1250. per month. Call Gary Reed. Sales Rep, Advantage Plus Realty lnc. 344-4444 OXFORD/MCCRANEY, main floor of house. 3 bed- rooms, parking. laundry in- cluded. July 15. No pets. SIXTH Line area, four bed- room sami, finished rec room. 1 1/2 baths. 5 ap- pliances. $1050 plus. July 1st. 842â€"2546 SPACIOUS lurnished or unfurnished 3 bedroom sab- batical home available Au- ust 1st. Robeocal 41h line. 1250/ month‘ One year lease. 84743718 VJurie 7133.7 M'aplrer Lerarf Home Marketing Consult- ant: Inc. 842â€"8383 MAIN level. 3 bedrooms. close to schools, shopping and bus or can be entire house with 1 or 2 bedroom basement apam'nenl. Ap- pliances. Available imme- dialely. 827â€"5441 MAIN LEVEL of house.. 3975 McCraney/sTh Line. 3 bedrooms. fenced ard. bapks to_ par|(__ _sc_ool._ EXECUTIVE HOME- nant. Fully ipped, in maâ€" ture area. 1700. Maple Lea! Home Markefing Cen- sultantslnc. 842â€"8383 FOUR bedroom, 3400mm. {ulIy upgraded. basement finished. $2150 per month. Call Harbans Lama. sales rerresentative. Century 21 Miler, 845-9180. COUNYRV bungalow, 401/Tralalgar Rd. 3 bed- rooms, available imme- diately. $1.000/monthly. Heat and hydro included. Ame878-2919 EXECUTIVE 3 bedroom, separate 1 bedroom inlaw suite. on 20 acres. Double garage. Many extras. $1800. 333â€"5506. Active BURLINGTON CORE ren- ovated 4 bedroom. goumet kitchen. whinpoal. ensuile, Phone 639â€"0389 Management Mmomsbtrenl 2 bdrms, 2 full bthrms, 1449 sq.R., full re- creational facilities, pool, b.b.q. area, fit- ness centre, guest suite, security, like new, 5 appl, many upgrades with a spec- tacular West ex osure, builders suite. Avail. Sept. lst. or more info call: Enjoy comfortable living in our spacious 3 4 bedroom townhouses, available imme- diately. Our features include 4 appliances, 2- 1/2 bathrooms, indoor swimming pool, sauna shower facilities, indoor parking, on-site management, some fireplaces. Near shopping 6: transportation. Starting at $1,000. up + utilities. FEATURING: *Fireplace *FamJ‘m. *5 appliances *1-1/2 baths *Attached garage *Min. to GO/403/QEW Leasing Office, (Comer of Fairview Maple Ave., opp. Mapleview antre, Bu_rlington) minus-Mm! 6 WEEKS RENT FREE Burlington By Appointment, 639-0950 LUXURY CONDOMINIUM GLEN ABBEY townhouses for rent Lukury 1-2-3 Bedrobms From $875. + utilities Westminster Place Brant St. Ghent Ave. condominiums for rent 827â€"3027 for Unii 541 Call 333-1706 QUIET room, furnished, ideal {or student or shin worker. Available imme- diately, Near Oakville Place and Sheridan College. Laundry lacililies. private gngrajgp. $350. month. PRIVATE bedsittin room. separate entrance. 'tchen, bathroom. tully tumished. No parking. 3350/ month. 845â€"1592, ave message AVAILABLE JULY 13!. 3 bedrooms, 1-1/2 baths. 2 appliances. rec.room. Sixth Line/Upper Middle. $10501mo.+.632â€"-2820 WELL MAINTAINED! 3 bed- rooms. 1.5 baths. finlshed basement. garage. 4 ap- pllances. fenced yard, hydro included. AvallabIe July. $1025. 333-5506. Ac- fiveManagemem TOWNHOUSE, 415 River Oaks Blvd. 3 bedrooms. Available immediately. 5 appliances. air conditioning, gas heating, 1 1/2 bath- rooms. Sum/month. Call gs; 845-8624. K.C. McCall, Close b'oE’v’v'rTra'iélgér‘fl'rfil madam. ssoo/mon .450- 0744. THREE bedroom town- house, fully broadloorned. walk loigalglille Place. NEWPORT Yacht Club. Stoney Creek harbour side. Designer decor, 3 bed- rooms. $1400. monthly, available immediately. Call 416-892-2392. townhouse iculi-aér-Séé,‘ 93°” "3.695.115”- ‘MY. ‘9" Da 5 20¢ 82 â€"2115‘ OAKYILLE 3 bedroom 93]: 20613666 'aés‘ain'g; LUXURY 3 bedroom 3 1/2 bath Near Oakville Place, GO. Securily. $1400. Juty 13!. 825â€"2027. THREE bedroom semi. 2 baths. finished basement. north of Oakville Place. Sues/month rent. AvaiI- able July 13!. 842â€"8545 THREE bedroom. 2 bath- rooms. parking, appliances, available immediately. Dor- val area, Shoo/month. Please call 829â€"2716 JULY Isl, spacious 3 bed- room, 1 1/2 baths, private ard, close to Oakville lace. 7p liances No dogs 59 Call 416:- 6490 anar's p.m 3 bdrm, 2 bthrms, walk-out base- ment, eat-in kitch- en. fireplace, 4 ap- pliances. Avail. Au- gust 1st. $1180. plus utilities. Call 842-5079 Mmsforrent m condominiums RAVINE SEMI fonent L-7235. 844- BLUE JAY TICKETS avaih able. Join St. John's United Church. A night at the ball amo. For hckets call Bill 7807. BEAUTIFUL MAHOGANY 11-pce. Chippendale dining suite. 8 chairs, table. bub- bleglass cabinet 3. buttet. Sacrifice. 333-6659 BEDROOM QUEEN Anne cherry. 4-poster. 6-pce. $1570.; Queen Anne cherr'y desk, coflee end tables: New from display home. 336-0786 room suite - mbving. musfl 59”. 542â€"1389 G.E. 30" top line self cleanin oven. Medallion 850. olid surface ele- ments. Like new. 338â€"0634 BARGAIfl: 9 pique dining Dolly, Trailer. Racing equipped: two mainsails, one 11b. two spinnakers. 529008494654 BEAUTIFUL Dimitrios wed- ding dmss, size 8. veil and accessories included. $450. Roberta. 842â€"5317 BEAUTIFUL MAHOGANY Chippendale klngslzo bed- room set. 7 places a. 2 mlr- tors. Sacrifice. 333â€"6659 FLYING SCOT sailboat, 19 ft.. on trailer. Fast. stable sailin dingy. $1500. best oflar. 57â€"1935 SALLBOQT, ”16 ft. Wgyh-lgsr. MADEIRA BEACH. Flori- da. 1 bedroom ground level condo. Clean, secure and reasonable. 8274913 VERY large room in luxu- rious home. Furnished! un- furnished . Many extras in- cludng air. outdoor pool. ca- ble. parking. Call 825â€"1073. CLEAN tumished room near Sheridan College and Oakville Place. Share kitch- en. etc. 3290. per month. Non smoker. Call Ron 6h 'tiin'e' 'sfiaié 66ddofTBom- bury. Ontario. Fishing. ski- ing._ slgep} . 5;- _lylly NEAR Glen Abbey golf . two furnished bedrooms. park- ing, non-smoker. adult home, $340, utilities in- cludedMTâ€"5040. ‘ TWO rooms. Hopedale Mall area, easy access to Sheridan, bus route. Call collect 416-935-9750. 416- 934-1616. OAKVILLE, proteasional woman seekln same lo sham bright. wel furnished apartment. Non-smoker. Call Leta 621-2431 or KNIGHTS 0F Columbus Hall available for weddings, anniversaries. parties etc. Call [or more Information 827-1854 alter 3pm DISNEYWORLD - Rent dail Meekly. Good rates, 2 eroom/2y bathroom town- house Pool, air. tennis. 827-4020 mvonc: SALE, ‘11: Jrice euip ed. Only $9 500.. 5. es nanu'ng. 338â€"5878. NORTH Oakville. basement room with 2 piece wash- room and shower. separate entrance. separate tele- phone line. 8370. month all Inclusive. 845â€"8685 REDUCED! Furnished rooms from $295. Near Oak- ville Place. Sheridan Col- lege and bus stop. Ken. 842-0789. R00" and board near Sheridan College. Christian home. non- smoking aVail- able Imme ialely. “GO/month. W317 FURNISHED townhouse to share. Bedroom unfur- nished with ensuite. Ma- ture, person re uired. SSOO/inclusive. Juy Isl 849â€"4704 Beautiful 100yr. old cot- tage, porches all ar- ound, 4 bdrms, ‘2 bthrms, large liv- ing/dining rrn, lull equip. kitchen with al conveniences. Private beach on protected la- goon, photos avail. Avail Au . 3-Oct 17. $1800.U. . per week, $1450.U.S. after Sept. g7th, min. 2 wks. Call; Toby Condliffe mmuabdgu Martha's Vineyard 486-6222 arficlesfotsde m supplies rooms for rent wanted 1987 CHEV Caprice Clas- sic 107000 kms, one own- er as is or will certify. 82.7â€"8052 1987 DODGE CARAVAN, air, tinted windows. am/fm cassette. running board. Clean tamily car. Asking 55800. Call 849-8753. 1989 BONNEVILLE SSE. cenilied. loaded. excellent condition, $11,500. 336â€"6918 vertible. red, certified, good condition, grandmother dri- ven. low kilometers. great for summer, 847â€"5526. GOLDEN RETREIVER, lomale 3 months old [or sale to good home. 3300. 257-1652 SIC- Navy que, ce'rtit'iea fully loaded, excellent con- dition. $14, 000 n ngtlable Ted Edgar 847â€"7] 1990 BMW 325i. 2-door automatic. black. 849-5936. 1989 LABARONâ€" Con - FREE to good homes, 2 kit- lens, 1 male. 1 female. 8 weeks. litter trained. WEDDING Photography - 100- 115 prints in album plus negatives. 15 years ex- perience. Reliable and rea- sonable. Picture Perfect Wedding Photography. 639-6710 1991 CAPRICE CLAS- COMPUTERS, Printers, Sbltware. Everything Must Go! Call Computers R Us, 649â€"1919. TRADITIONAL SOFA a. Ioveeeat. exquisite French satin; Queen Anne mahog- any vantly bench; brass candlestick lamp; washed oak 5-pce dinette; circa 1900 heavily carved 5-pce. dinette; Oriental screen 8. mother-ot-pearl cottee table pictures; New trom model home. 336â€"0786 SEARS Craftsman electric mulching lawnmower. Used 2 summers. Like new. 338â€"0634 SUDING patio door. 3 sec- tion (henna-pane for 9". opening. complete with frame and screen door. $459. also fumaoe oil bum- QUEEN ANNE cherry dlâ€" nlngroom suits. 10-900. with server. Chlppsndale chairs. datalled carvings. New from display home. Cost: 312.000. Sell 55999. 336-0786 RIDING lawnmower, elec- tric start 7 n. width out (reel mowers) completely over- hauled. 31700 firm. 844-8959 fitters p.m. Hm] cm for sale Desks $10; Chairs $10: Table $10: Flies $50; Indusâ€" trial SheMng. Buy/Selll 416- 333-663. COMFORT Airs a ton cen- tral air conditioner. Used one summer. Good as new. FAXES COPIERS, com- uters {or home or cities. aw and m ssessed. Buy or lease. Cal 5423259 OFFICE FURNITURE. wood. Italian Prov’incial, straight legs. Clean lines. 350. 842-0350 aflers pm. coc_KT_AII_, TAELEK mig- All sizes for privacy hedges. Picked up and Ianted delivered. . ree est. Mclsaac‘ Landscaping. Acton. 1-519-853-2790 YOUNG CHANG Grands Uprights. Large salactlon. VanGeast House 0| Planos. Hwyt5, Waterdown, across Item the IGA Plaza. (416) 639-683 Gall first let our Buslness Hours. Ease joint discomfort Hands, Feet, Elbows PARAFFIN BATHS Home Units lntraMed 332â€"4359 '3] pets. supplies CEDAR TREES computer A video al’fidnfotsale 1989 AEROSTAR XLT. extended, air, power wind- ows. locks. 4 buckets, 7 passenger, good condition, qegtifieq, $10,900. 1986 CHRYSLER Le- Baron GTS, hatchback, turbo 5 speed, fully loaded, telefihone optional, trailer hitc . roof-racks. Asking 33300. 827â€"3355, 827- 4612 83$ A babe of a deal. Cars and trucks wanted. Dead or alive, best prices. Call 275- 7474, 27243982 1984 HONDA CIVIC CRX, red and gra y..$2600 certi- fied. Phonye Alistair at 855â€"0337. Sport. VEixEEITe-rit- Honiifioi Certified. $2700. or beslofl- er. 842â€"7681 1985 CELEBRITY Euro- Ema we wmted EMU] wrs for sale line to the large quantity of Items In this sale we will start early and sell Inside and out simultaneously. Weather per-filing. Hoosier, blanket box (dovetail). tabletop gramophone, dining suite (9pce walnut), vanity, mus. cabinet, desk, set of 6 dining chairs, lg dining table, rocker, parlour ta- bles, plank seat rocker, lloor lamps. china cabinet, smoker, sewing stand, oak mirror. dressers, metal tile cabinet, planter, odd chairs. store showcases, jam cup- board, drop tront desk, set oi pressbacks, lg oak chair, washstand, oak swivel chair, some modern lurniture, box lots at newer sports cards. Depression, silver over- lay, Franklin mint figurines. press glass, beaver jar, chiâ€" na, Coke carry cooler, bobbins, Souv. spoons. clocks. pictures, frames. telescope. Buddy L. Texaco tanker, pedal car (Fire Chief), asst. military, tobacco silks, elecâ€" tric boat motor, tools, jewellery, crocks, stuffed birds, hunting bow. bar lights, pocket watches, oil lamps and chimney's. box lots, tray lots and more. COMPLETE OR PARTIAL ESTATES BOUGHT SOLD. Cash or Ap- proved cheques. lllllEc'I’IOIls:1 mile South of Clappison's Corners, (Hwys.#56), 1 mile North ot Hwy #403, 1/4 mile West ot Hwy/#6, via York Rd nucnouiens: Bob Maelray Jim Andemn ROYAL AUTO GLASS. The windshield specialist pays your $50 deductible on windshield replacement. Call 845-5826. Nig hthawk- S 35. 000 kms. Biagck with red. S1800. Gem'- fied. Phone Alistair at 855â€"0337. 1984 ASCOT 500. very 1985 HONDA C8700 |ood condition, 24,060 km'. 31100. Call 549-0880, HAIRSTYLIST required for Barbarossa Hairstyling, 188 Lakeshore Rd. E. Oakvilie. No evenings. Ask for Doris or Peter 844-3952. ”What: motorcycles fies, répfir CK GALLI Oakville's Premier Hair Salon Spa requires an additional full or part time Stylist. Applic- ants must have a minimum 5 years experi- ence and provide references. This is a huge career opportunity for the right individual. Salary and commission with full group insurance. Contact Cind at 338-3 33 with pleasant personality, who is organized and learns quickly. Duties include window display, hand-lettering signs, in-slore dis- plays, as well as cash and reconciliation. Some weekends required. Apply: 7 7' [Ell] antique ears ERIES ASSOCIATES Manhattan Agency requires immediately children of all ages, babies, children teens, as TV/Movie extras and Catalogue models. Parents - Call Now! 897-2323 [IE] career training WALKER'S CHOCOIATES _ .‘T SALE SWAP MEET ' < f AUTOMOTIVE FLEA MARKET June 12 a 13 - 10am to 6pm. REGIONAL EXHIBITION NIAGRA 1100 Niagra St. North at Hwy. 406 OEW Niagra, Exit 406 S. to Nlagra St. (Fairgrounds) Select Spaces Avall. For Vehlolo Conslgnment a. Flea Market Vendors SPORTS ' MUSCLE I LUXURY 0 EXOTIC All Inquiries Call (416) 508-4292 or Fax (416) 508-4293 Boys 8: Girls Wanted “generalhelp 101 1 Upper Middle Rd. Requires permanent full time HAIRSTYLIST Images International Oakville Town Centre aluminum '3] general help

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