Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 26 Mar 1993, p. 25

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VERY large room in luxu- rious executive home in Glen Abbey. Quiet, perfect for professional. Many ex- tras inclu am. outdoor gggl #ggfiw'.toaw GLEN ABBEY largo tur- nished room, king size or water bed. non smoker. $350. inclusive. 847-5040 GLEN ABBEY, Private room and shared kitchen and laundry. Parking. $350/month. 547-7795 LOVELY bedroom plus den. furnished. Parking, air, cable. pool. Non-smoker. Glen Abbey. $425 inclusive. 847â€"0113 ONE room Hopedale Mall area, easy access to Sher- idan. bus route. Call oo|lect 46-935-9750. 416-934- 1 16. ROOM tor rent, $350. Share home. Non smoker. Female prelerred. 622- 0211 ask lor Michelle. 349â€"6962. UNFUHNISHED bed room and basement apanâ€" men! with separate entrance near Sheridan Calls 9. all facilities $400/monthy and $700. mommy 842â€"1551 $385. Huge room. tur- nished, close to Sheridan. Everything included. Share townhouse. phone 8- laun- dry. Call Eric 845â€"7370 FURNISHED room. own bathroom, se arate phone. kitchen and sundry privi- leges. fridge and cable. Close to Sheridan and pub- lic transponation. No park« ing. Female. Sac/week. 845-7527. THREE bedroom town- house. 4 appliances. minutes to Go. underground parking, walk out to patio. $1 050. Neil 967- 7610 days. John 791-0809 evenings 415 River Oaks Blvd. West. Spacious 3 bedroom townhouses for rent Eat in kitchen. 1 1/2 baths, air con- ditioning, 5 appliances. car- peted. gas healing. garage. Available immediately or May 15!. 849â€"5709 EXECU‘I’IVEI CARPETED 2200 sqft 3 bedroom. 2-1/2 baths. tamllyroom. fire- place. 6 appliances. ga- vage. CIA. tencod yard. many extras. $1300. 333â€"5506. Active Man- FURNISHED 3 bedroom , 1 1/2 baths, new kitchen, quiet. near schools. avail- able May 1st. McCra- ney/6Th Lina. $1300. 621â€"9880 LANDLORDS! We can fill your vacancy with quali- fied/screened tenants. Maple Leaf Home Marketing Consultams Inc We special- ize in Oakville properties 842-8383 $1,300, downtown location, 4 bed- rooms, fireplace, garage, fenced ackyard. available immediately. UlianaGonin,Associate Broker, Re/Max Abou- towne Realty Corp. FOR RENT includes stove, fridge, 1 cable outlet, garage. carpet on bed- room level. No pets. 3 4 bedâ€" rooms. rlus utili- ties. Cal ; TOWHOUSE FOR RENT LOCATED IN NORTH BURLINGTON Three bedrooms. en suite. Jacuzzi. powder room. broadloom throughout. A/C. fireplace w/heatilator in lamilyroom. oak cabinetry. 4 appliances. laundry room, 2-car attached ga- rage with electric opener. Fabulous location. For further information call , 15°“,- ' F?!» 893° 349-," 3! Pr'F:,,, [in rooms for mm Enjo comfortable living in our spacious 3 4 room townhouses, available imme- diately. Our features include 4 appliancs, 2- l/Z bathrooms, indoor swimming pool, sauna shower facilities, indoor parking, on-site management, some fireplacu. Near shopping transportation. Starting at $1,000. up + militias. tawnhouses lot rem REIMER cozvsmucnoiv LID. 336-8775 FAMILY TOWNHOUSE 6 WEEKS RENT FREE 842-8353 Burlington By Appointment, 639â€"0950 Westminster Place Blant St. Ghent Ave. pay for your Classified Ad. Call 845-2809. SAILBOAT for sale, Gram ian, 26 ft. Inboard diese motor. completely outfitted Must sell. Price neâ€" gotiable. 827â€"3548. 3325- Large. lurnished. cloan room. West Olkvlllo. laundry and kitchen facili- ties, parking. non-smoker. 825-0769. CLEAN furnished room. near Oakville Place, Sheri- dan College on bus route. Laundry 8- kitchen facilities. Non-smoker. $325. Kan. 8424789. FURNISHED bedroom. East Oakville. private en- trance, gentleman pre- lerred. all utilities paid in- cluding cable. air. swimming ool. soft water 5 stem. aundry, etc. Availabe April 15!. $425/rnonlh. 844â€"21 11 ROOM and home cooked meals. MID/week. Working person or student. Non- smokei. Use oi 1acilities. 845â€"2677. FEMALE WELCOME to share 3 bedroom bun alow with mom and schoo aged child in good neighbour- hood. Parking. air condi- tioning. Siudent welcome. $300. monthly. 842-0308 QUIET animal lover has large 2 bedroom a artment to share with lama e. 3 ap- pliances, pool. $450 ne 0- tiable. Available April! ay 842-0931 RIVER OAKS. Wo‘rking/ proiessional person to share 3 level townhome. 5400/ month includes eve- rything: laundry, parkin , utilities and more. Availabe immediately. Call David. days 361-6211. evenings 849â€"3749. SHARE 3 bedroom town- house. Falgarwood 8. BTh Line. Parking, laundry, $380 per month. May 15!. 338â€"5966. Hall available for weddvngs. anniversaries. parties etc. Call lor more information 827-1854 afler 3pm USE Visa or MasterCard m pRONTE; iumished room in nice house. Kitchen laun- dry. family room, backyard privileges. Parking Non- smoking iemaie preferred. 845-2889. LUXURIOUS Bronte Har- bour condo, turnished. to be shared with professional non-smoker. Female wel- come. Reterences. 847â€"9167. 825-3715 PROFESSIONAL seeks to share luxurious town- house. Central alr, fire- place. private bath. Parking. $450. inclusive. 338-3320. KNIGHTS OF Columbus '51:] halls a. lodges Mmimm Mmbnent . townhouses " torrent 10% OFF PISCES AUTOMARINE LTD. YOUR INFLATABLE CENTER boalslxsuppliu GOVERNMENT (Cana- dian/USA) seized vehicles from $200. Trucks. vans, lux- ury cars. Free 24 hour in- formation. 416-631-4631. GOLF CLUBS: Ping Eye 2 (3PW) ZZ lite shafls. Red dot. Like new. $525/best ofler. 827â€"2563 or 271~4037 RUSSIAN ARMY WATCHES. Authentic first come. first served, four left. Other brands. 1 year guar- antee. Mike 827â€"2698. FRIDGES. stoves, wash- ers. dryers. Excellent condi- tion. Delivery available. Call (416) 629-7377 MATURNITY Clothes. Size medium. Spring and sum- mer styles. Office and ca- sual wear. Immaculate condtion. Please call 827â€"6244. PIANO for sale. Mason Risch, 10 years old, In new condition. Paid $2500. Sell for$1500. lirrn‘ 827â€"4187 FAXES, COPIERS, com- uters tor home or office. aw and repossessed. Buy or lease. Call 842-8259 FRIDGE, stove. washer. dryer. Full size apt. size. Reasonable. Clean. Free delivs . 1syfar warranty. 458- 8/4 -2432. DISNEYWORLD - dail Iweekly. Good r: be room/2 bathroom A LAKEFHONT cottage. 3 bedrooms, open concept. covered deck. 160' shore- line. 379.900. 890â€"4900 YORK 1001 HOME FIT- NESS CENTRE. Complete with Poc deck. le9 new. $325. or best offer. 827â€"4346 house. Pool 827â€"4020 waterfront, nléoly tried. plus clearing, permits. Carolina, ocean from condo. 2 bedrooms. 2 baths. fully equippgd, pool. 637â€"5957 '7 ACRES. $29,800. 1200' ASSORTED EXECUTIVE. goublq pqdogtal! secrolgrial a. studints desks. creden- zas. chairs, computer ta- bles. a work stations. 632- BEDROOM QUEEN Anne cherry. traditional 4 poster. 6 piece. 81570. New from model homo. 336-0788. MYRTLE BEACH South Sectional couch w/queen sized pull» out. Blue with hint of pink and grey 2 1/2 years oId. Asking $800. Mi- crowave oven, 650 watts, 1.3 cu. ft. ofoook- ing space. Rarely used $99.95. Call 257-1166 or 257-2649. 'I'IIE APPLIANCE PLACE Forl'InFlnouanuoIltyh-Cydod AppllmmVlsltOwShwmmM: 5015 mm. ”Ill.“ MISSISSAIIGA(416)621-m VINYL LETTERING 8: SIGNS Compu-Signs 1476 Speers Rd., Unit 3, Oakville 847-5663 mamas-m GObtolnoFIEMLLO'I'forw Weekly Drew lor'lwo Club Soon to at Our 1992 Valid Snips Onmplons 0 No Parana Nmry' ODmtoboholdEvorySotunlayllgm $8.000FFWI'I'II'I'IISAD! flaws-form "STUFF" FOR SALE mammal!” ofler expires Sunday. March 28th Good rates‘ air‘ 'n town- tennis‘ Rent PLAN ahead and save. Clearance sale this Satur- day. Fully seasoned 100% hardwood. Pick ur or de- livery. Marc's Quaity Fire- wood. gonheast comer Tra- CONTEMPORARY kitchen table. black with 4 black/blue matching chairs, black hanging lamp, $250. Love seat and sofa. less than 2 years old. neutral eo- Iour, comtemporary. excel- lent condltion. $1400. (new $2200.), Tabla saw. Call 645-8299. FIREWOOD- Kindling. at rear of 1465 Wallace Rd., Oakville '3rd Line/Spears", good value, car $5. pick up or van $20, Sam-4pm Mon- day-Saturday. ”Saturday in- cluded" available all winter. BABY turniture. Storkcraft crib and mattress, stroller 916., plus Beaumark 15 cu. ft. fridge. 338â€"3644 BEEHIVE Extractor, tour racks. electric. $250 or best offer. 847-3488. 'OLD' Kitchen Cablnots. Will remove and pick-up. Evenings 383â€"6537 es, stoves. wéshers. dryer“: Call (416) 629-7377 A.J.CASSON, Limited Edi- tlon prims. trom the Platinum series. SIN Aftermath. Vil- lage Mosalc. North Shore. etc. from $800. 338â€"8673 evenings TRADITIONAL FLORAL print sofa a loveseat; Queen Anne mahogany vanity; pecan desk. Queen Anne cherry diningroom 7 pieces; bleached oak dl- none. 5 pieces. Queen Anne wing chair. Queen Anne cherry canoe. end te- bles G desk. New tram model home. 336-0736. BEST CASH p:aid tor‘fn'dg- OFFICE FURNITURE. Desks $10: Chairs :10: Tab“: $10: Files $50; Indus- mal Shelving. Buy/Soul 416- TWO black imitation leather loveseats. smoked lass/chrome coitee table. . Phone 844â€"0498 Rent 3 ace at St. Luke's estival of the Arts Craft Fair (juried)‘ Burlington. Sat. May 29 Call Sue Panko 639â€"7665 SSON, Limited Ediâ€" ns. from the Platinum SIN Aftermath. Vil- asalc. North Shore. VIETNAMESE Pol Belly Pig. six months uld, gentle dlspositiqn. -cqmpl§tg »wi_th di§poslflon 11c fimgfi't with Wu. fig“ cash. fifgst Etc, .fi'Qfl': PUREBHED CKC Regis- tered minia‘ure Dachshunds. loveable house pets. 705-853â€"4558 Slx month old purebred yellow lab. Registered and tatooed. $300. Call 842-6567 sassx-sa, “era last) VGA MON, 1 AM, 52 Mb H/DRIVE DOS 5.0 $1050. (386DX-40 ADD $145). Includes set up and trainmg if needed. 827â€"2844 AIR compressor. 575v. 30 gallons including all acces- sories. 6" orbital sander, disks, 32100. 338-6625 evenings. RADIAL arm saw, OMGA 350. 12'. 3h . 575 volts. and tablqs. $1 00. 338-6625 evenings. Freezer. tools. stereo. mi- crowave. much much MOVING SALE Sat. March 27 9 am. - 2 pm. Brampton (1 Block we_st of _Main south from Queen) WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE Up to 60% off. As well - guitars, organs, keyboards, sound sys- tems + lots more SUN. March 28 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. 6 GEORGE ST. S. 2260 BRIDGE RD. [Ilneusuwm PIANO ORGAN oomputervideo and 10 FALCONER Mississauga (Queen Britannia,) Rain or Shine - Indoors 1977 MERCEDES BENZ 300 Diesel. Mint. Over $9, 000 in‘ restoration. Im- m'a‘culate. Must 59”.. ”met offer: 33349315 .- 1986 VW JETTA GL. 4 door, 5vspeed, sunroof. up- grade stereo. power op- tions. excellent condition, $3900.849â€"1069 1936 STELLAR, sedan. automatic. air, AM/FM cas- sette‘ Must sell. certified. $1250 or best 0116!. as is. 878-6482 1984 TOPAZ LS. 4-door, auto. air, loaded. 129 km. This is a luxury car in excelv lent-condition. No rust. $2900. Ceniified‘ 844-9535 1979 BUICK CENTURY, power windows, air, 4 door. reliable, $1500. certified or best offer, 827-2888 WEDDING Photography - 100-115 proois In album plus negatives. 15 years ex- perience. Reliable and rea- sonable. Picture Pertact Weddln ,Photography. 639â€"671 Gently used children's clothes, (oys. books. baby equipment. Elilll canton-sale USED CHILDREN'S CLOTHING SALE Sat March 21 9 a.m. - 12 noon Maplegrova United Church nysr sen- mm; Rock Chapel Antique-Craft-Art Market Located at Ideal Garden Centre ‘ Hwy. #5, 1 mile west of Hwy. #6 3 Sets. Suns., 10 am - 5 pm March 27 28, April 10 11, *May 1st - Every Weekend Inquire about our A/C boutique-typehalls, indoor wwwmsnimc magma” ; ~00) GooosaECTICNOEmCJowu-RANDUETANDOILLAMPS- LARGE CRYSTAL CRANDELIER - BRASS DESK FIGURAL COMPENDIUM - ANTIDDE AMERICAN FIRE FENDER - BRAss FIRE TOOLS - SELECTIDNOOPPER FANS-1950'SBAR STOOLS-ANTIQUE ORIENTAL SIGNED DRONzE FIGURE - BRONZE ORIENTAL INLAID BOWL ON STAND - ORIENTAL LACOUER WARE - SINGING BIRD IN CAGE - BRASS STUDENTS LAMP - STEEL PLANT STAND - LARGE GLAZED TERRAâ€"GOTTA GARDEN BOWL - WRODGRT IRON WT TABLE - CAST GARDEN URNS - CAST IRON GARDEN BENCH - ARCHITECTURAL FITTINGS » PAIR LARGE CAST IRON POTS - WRODGRT IRON SEAT - SEVERAL MIRRORS - LARGE ANTIODE SALON CLOCK - OAK WALL CLOCK - STAINED ART GLASS ALL GUNS TO BE SOLD AT 2 O'CLOCK PROMPT (APPROX. 35 W) -G|NS AID NC. T0 ICL: - PISTQS 8V WALTHER - BROWNING-MELIORMBAR- ENFIELD- SACM - REVQVERSBV HERBERT SMITH - SMI‘I’H a. WESSON RCMP - RIFLES 8V WINCHESTER M1 CARBINE - 1892 AND 1906 (BOTH ROUGH) SHOTGUNS BY IVER JOHNSON - GOGSWELL AND HARRISON . WECTORSGWSBVSAXTON-PEUGETANDFRERE-MANTON- MOORE AND CO â€" POTSDOUM - FLINTLOCK BY JORDAN I743 - SYNDER RIFLES (S,SV GREENLAND AND 8.3V TERRA NOVA! - ANIIgiUETSCHIPS SMALL CANNON - GEO. NAVAL SABRE - CATTlE Kl , , m:-ANTDIESTOI€L:-CREDENZA-INIAIDCABINET (CWTAINS SAFE) - 3 CHESTS 0F DRAWERS - ”ONCASE DESK - KAUS 0N STAND - SETS OF CHAIRS - MULE CHEST - ITALIAN OOFFER - GEO. CHILD‘S CHAIR - CORNER WASHSTAND - SERVING AND DINING TABLES - DIL AND CENTRE TABLES - MISC. CHAIRS INCL. DUTCH MAROUETRY - PAPER MACHE TABLE - ETC. < COUNTRY MUTURE NCL: - PINE ARMOIRE - BLANKET BOX ~ TIT OP TABLE - DINING AND CENTRE TABLES - MISC. CHAIRS - CHEST OF DRAWERS - 3 SIDEBOARDS - OAK PEDESTAL DESK - ROLLTOPDESK-DENTISTCABINET-PEW-PUBTABLES-PLUS LATERHNIITIMEICL: ~PEDESTALDESKS-IEWCHAIRS. ETC. ASSISTHGNTNEUOIIDATDNOFCONSIGNEDNVEN'I’ORVOF HANDMADE ANTIQUE. SEN-WE AND MODERN CARPETS. mmm-mmmmm:- TABRIZ'KURT'B'Z'XII‘K-AKEBILSILKB'IU'XS'S‘QMSILKZ'G‘ RNND-MIRSAFKNJGHIUSXTK-SIGNEDKERMANIOTXTK- SAROUGI-IIO'S'XTT-BAIOITIARI IO'XTT-UUJHAN-TABRIZ- TABA TABRIZ - ABADEH ‘ BIJAR - GHASHGE - GABAH. ETC. - APPROX50LOTSWITTWTRESERVE. SILVER PLATE T0 INCL: - TEASET - TRAYS - CRUET SETS - TUREENS - MISC. FLATWARES INCL. LADLES . ICE BUCKET - CENTRESTAm-MISCSMALLSTERUNGPIECES. CHINA AND GLASS “CL: - 15 DOULTON DOGS - 2 LIMOGES - DINNER AND TEASETS BV - ADAMS CALYXWARE - ROYAL BAYREUTH - AMARI PLATES - (FINAL WW PLATES - CQlECTORS PLATES BV MASONS - DARBY ~ MINTON. ETC. - DELFT VASE - SAMSON ARMORIAL BOTTLE - SPODE FIGURES - JARDINIERE 0N STMD-WfiEmCROFTVASES-WMDDECANTERS- PEDESTAL COMFORT - 2 LAMPS WITH LUSTRES - COCKTAIL SHAKER-VASES-SILVEROVEMYWLS~ENGRAVEDVASES~ SIX BOTTLE CRUETS. ETC. PKZTIMESTOICLDS'I'ILLUFE FLOWERS-APPROXZOSPORTING PRINTS - LARGE PRIMITIVE FIGURAL AND ARCHITECTURAL OIL - TWO W/C SAUL RABINO ~ STILL LIFE G.W. PLATT - HOGARTH We Welcome You to the NEW [[llamiquesaan TERMS: NO BUYERS PREMIUM PAYMENT BY CASH. GOOD CHEOUE WITH l/D. VISA, MASTERCARD AUCTIONEER: JOHN RUNNQUIST VIEWING: FRIDAY 2ND APRIL - 5 PM. TO 9 PM AND MORNING OF SALE FROM 9 AM Enlamiquaam

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