Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 26 Mar 1993, p. 24

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ESTABLISHED deli/ cafe .4n a mall. 842-5344 dimeâ€"fl Olmomh. Mau- |een Iy164232275 or 827- GOVERNMENT rams and loans (Federa and Mario). For your new or ex- lsling small b_u_si_ness (416) Baitié'nns ébpliahces, log burning fireplace walk-out in palm, available __imme- LOVELY 2 bedroom apart- mem. dowmowrg owuop ‘fiEAsouAaLE Industrial Units for rem. 1.050 to 3200 qut. Secretarial Services on premises. 875-1200 or 1- 415275-6834 VARIOUS units in plaza near Oakvllle Place. good for office spaosl hone work available Imm lately. one month‘ s free ram. Unlls up to 1000 .fl.. $1.00! .ft Contact ean 845-5 37 after 6p..m SNACK route for sale. Guarameed locations! prot- itability. lnvesimenl re- wim1-800-368-8353 SPEERS RD. Industrial space ior rent. 847-5663 APPROXIMATELY 2,000 sq." industrjaJ frgntrurnit. .AVAILABLE-Még sq- n- i'r'ta'fi'sYiiEI’JnnT M2 idne, 1182 South Service W. Call 13% office. VOEW/Tratalgar F”. area. Call 844-2509 ENNISCLARE condo. Sale or rent. furnished or unfurnished. short or long term. 825-4283 OAKVILLE BAVINE lot. Gronvlllo Dr.. backing onto Morrison Crook. Fully sow- icod. ready to build. apâ€" prox. 62'x120'. Homu In one up to $650,000. Archi- ctually controlled. Bulld our drum homo. Asking $229,000. Possible builders terms. Call Dennis J. Polls, 416-529-7189 Hamilton. PRETTY Glen Abbey. 4 bedroom house with 1.000 sqjl. tully oomajnod Income earning basement apart- ment. 4 bathrooms, 2,000 sq.ft main floor. $206,500. Owner Brad 203â€"2168. Evenings 847-9318 OPEN HOUSE - 287 Rim- mington. Sunday March 28m, 2- 4 pm. Empty nest. Immaculate 4 bedroom semi. Central air. a com- er lot, ienced yar , great lamilyr home. $176,000. ADMIRAL'S WALK Burlington - $178,000 Spectacular lake view walk-out to lake. Two bedrooms plus den, two bathsl eat-i1} kitchen panujy. Large L-shaped livingroou; d3- Executive, 2 storey, 3 bdrm., all brick, 2- 1/2 baths, jet tub, modern kitchen, fam. rm. w/walI-to-wall stone fireplace, 1/2 acre lot, close to elem. school much more. Centre Road, right on 6th Concession. 5279.000 689-4079 Emmanu- -bwsuforsalo -apuam1ormn. -apu.flatsbrrmt OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2 - 4 P.M. 23 John Martin (Waterdown) mmammm 3+ beder bungalow, reduced to sell. finished basement, c/a, c/v, 2 fireplaces, rea to move in.Walk to Hospital, library, schools, owmown. Sun. Mar 28. 1-4pm Sun Apr 4, 1-4pm 873-2054. 335-4652 639-0190 To place an ad please call 845-2809 or FAX 845-3085 Mon.- Fri. 8:30 a.m.- 5 pm. muse: Will‘s! ext 775. GEORG ETOWN EXCLUSIVE PARK AREA. ONE and two bedrooms available immediately. Spears Road. No rent in- crease for 1993: *No Iasl month's depqsitlre uifed.- Call Supe_riplgndgn 844- FOR SALE East Oakville. 3 bedroom. main floor den. ranovated kitchen. Florida room. lnground pool. central air. many extras. $277,000. 849â€"7400 FOR SALE-BRONTE town- house. $199,000. Save on tans, maintenance. utilillas. Many exiras. 825-0954 FOR sale or lease. East Oakville. 3 bedroom town- house. 1 1/2 baths. ga finished rec mom. laun ry walkout to patio and south lacingo. fenced yard. $139. a. or $1000. month- |y.489-.5897 Prime Rates No Fee Progtam Hamilton In: 416-549-8944 3 Fuchs-5456817 i. Mbr. Ontario Mortgage 1 Brokers Association Mortgage Bankers Apartments Shopping Centres Commercial- Industrial Project Development Residential STEEL-CORE MORTGAGE CORPORATION [IL-l townhousesforsale 0 LOANS 0 LINE OF CREDIT '1st-2nd 3rd "1195 ‘Besidential/Cunm. 'No up Iron! fees 'Up to 95% financing 'ln-home Consultation '6 Days. 9 am-9 pm {amaflatsforrem AKVILLE BE! é'ondo's’vor' sale BASEMENT bachelor apartment. separate en- trance, no stairs. bright ren- ovated. fireplace. laundry. microwave, parking, South- west. 99kv_i"e.. M SW9 west OakvilIe, suiI singbeI . Availabl'e ApriI Ist. or I h“ $550/mbmh Incluswo; 827â€"3137. TWO bedroom country apanmept. Private H'ornby basement a anment. steps 1°.K.e" and. 9696- Parting- PENTHOUSE, (unfur- nished). Queen Mary Dr. 3 bedrooms. 3 bathrooms, 2 underground parking spo‘s included, 5 appliances. for- mal dining room, breakfast nook. Available April 15!. $1 357.17. 844-9670 TWO bedroom. in sixplex on Nonh Service Road. near Oakville Place. Call SPACIOUS -1 bedroom cable. air. laundry, 4 iece bath, own entrance. 550. lnc|udss utilities.Ap‘rll 1st or flexible. No pets. Flefer- ences. 844-6402 mem available May 1st. Comer uni! in small build- ing. $664. monthly plus h - dro. Call Joe Rupcich, Bro ~ er. 844â€"0363 Oakdome Re- alty Ud. Realtor youn cou'leA $825. plus elect city. 77-5523 TWO bedroom basement. bright. high, 4 appliances. yard. parking. 10 minute walk to GO. $700. inclusive. May 15:. 842â€"1567 or 652- 0051. Doug. 338-3480. TWO bedroom basement. West Oakville, separate en- trance. laundry, parking, suitable for one person, $620 inclusive. After 5p.m‘ 849-1380 TWQ BEPRQOIA ap_art- ONE bedroom apartment available May 15L Har- bourview Plaza. corner of Lakeshore and Bronte Road. 825â€"1261. One 'and two bed- rooms available im- mediately. Air con- ditioning, pool, sauna. 338-3342 MARLBOROUGH COURT APARTMENTS 1229 "M II"! 2 3 Bedroom Apartments Available Close to Sheridan Colle e Oakville Place. Quiet parkâ€"Iikg sgttipg. or info call: All three bedroom suites, now rented. How- ever we have large two bedroom suiles available in our quiet, well cared for building in downtown Oakville. Indoor parking. pool and saunas. Reasonable leases. For appointment call: ENNISCLARE ON THE LAKE 11 Available Imm'ediately Close to Sheridan College Oakville Place. Quiet parkâ€"like setting. For info call: SPEERS ROAD 1260 Marlborough Court 1 R2 394mm Apartments Luxurious Lakefrom Ape rtments For Rent. Oakville 2 bedroom- 1346 sq. ft. Zbedroom- 1615 sq ft. mun-momma mun-mam, an, an, manhuntâ€"lam Luxury Apanments WALLACE PINES II Call 827-6625 or 845-1482 BROKERS WELCOME OAKVILLE COURT g PAGE 24 D FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1993 84457332 Ideal fo'r 845-7545 842â€"551 8 CLOSE to Oakville Place. large 2 bedroom available immediate! rAprll 1st. S7501 mon 11 c.plu u.s hydto Student's wélcomm Call two bedroom. 3730'. Heat; hot water paid. Oakvilla Place area: 847-1138. KERR/Lakeshore area, 1 bedroom apartment in du- plex. Separate entrance. $623. monthly. 632â€"5690. Albert McDonagh Ltd. Realty. FOURTH LINEI Rebecca. Large basement apartment, separate entrance, fire- place. 5600/ month. Avail- able May Ist. 849-6388 OAKVILLE downtown. very large 2 bedroom. 2 baths. luxu suite in quiet prestige buil ing $1.454 includes separate dining, fireplace, 6 appliances. parking and more. A-1 reierences and deposit required. ,845-7327 days. KERR/SPEERS- 2 bed- room apartment, $723. in- cludes utilities and parking. May 151. 849-4782 OEWITHAFALGAH Bright one bedroom in clean well maintained buildin . 1030 Pearson Drive. C 059 to Oakvllle Place. Go Train and Sheridan Collage. $621. 338-2276 NEWLY finished, spacious, one bedroom basement apartment. Suit single pro- lessional. Utilities. air. gable included. April 15m or sooner. No pets. $6001month. 338-6849. plex 2 bedroom. balcony $750. 1 bedroom $575 lus hydro. Free parking. ef- hydro. Free parklhg. Réf‘ erenoes 277-0509 EIGHT Flex. apartments for rent! one bedrggm. $630. OAKVILLEâ€"bachelor, A ril 15. $495. 2 bedroom. ay 15!. $655. Non smokers. 233â€"7441 BHONTE/LAKESHORE 6- plex 2 bedroom. balcony One bedroom for sublet. Heal. hydro. alc, pool. Iaufid facilities all in- clude . Free parking. Clean quiet bullding. Close to all amenities. First last required. $620/month. Aqualain Erin Mills Dr. Call 798â€"7397 ext. 535 8‘ a.m. - 5 p.m. or 567- 30982 after 6 pm. Ask ‘forGene. SUBLET DEAL mm RENTALS 1701mm WANTED 500-571 mm LEISURE LIVING ZOO-26%.: ANNOUNCEMENIS 600-6 FMMMATE 100-165‘IAUTOMART 400-45! “MERCHANDISE 3003M- SERVICES. ' 700-7 ,BACHEEOH Kerr/Spears. an kitchen. Abajhlfoom, ku mun-cu. uaulluvm, gm ‘9' 2“” W- Large yard, pefleci for ar- denlng/ relaxin . S 00 (shared utilities). 84 â€"1209 RENT - Olde Oakvllle. cen- tury lbme, newly renovated. $900 Includes maln lloor. hardwood flooring. two bed- rooms. fridge, stove. ml- crowava. dishwasher. old style washroom Utilities and caple lnqluqeq. Sy'u IDEAL home for person seek! qulel litestyle. Com- torlab a 2 bedroom base- ment apani'ne'm'. 'Sep'ariat’e entrance. laundry. parking. We yard. Perfect wager: hmmional single female' Ike 827-2698 hill 33135315 APARTMENTS in sixplex, in Bronte area. one bedroom, $630. two bedroom. $730. Available Immediately. 847â€"1138. ~ TWO one bedroom apart- ments available May 15!. Kerr $1.. laundry. Please APARTMENTS AVAIL- ABLE Bachelor apartment. $374. One bedroom with den, $838. Penthouse, 2 bedrOOm with den $909. Also 1 bedroom $472" In Highrise with indoor pool andSaunas 844â€"1106 DEADLINES CANCELLATIONS: Mon. 4 pm. for Wednesday issue. Wed. 4 pm. for mday issue. Thurs. 4 pm. {or Sunday issue . ADVEHTiSlNG ERRORS AND OMISSIONS: The Oakviile Beaver assumes no financial liability for typographical errors or copy omissions by the newspaper other than the cost oi space occupied by the error. Claims tor errors must be made prior to next publication date. BASEMENT apartment WOO/month includes utlll- ties. Avallable immediately. Close to all amenities Suit- able lor quiet couple. Rel- erences please. 338â€"9073 after 6 pm. APARTMENTS Available. One bedroom with den, $838. Penthouse‘ 2 bed- room with den. $909. Pem- house three bedroom with den, $1032 Highrise with indoor pool and saunas 844â€"1106 THAFALGARIQEW avail- .able Apfil tar-1MB» .Pa'sefi Iakevlew including pool. tennis, excercise room. playground. parking. utili- ties and fan package. 338â€"5622. able ril and Ma . a 3 badrggm 1 1/2 alggmh LOVELY BACHELOR apartment, furnished. $500. per month includes utilities and parking. 849-4782 - 5 ap liances - firep ace ‘ air conditioning - vertical blinds - broadloom ' storage rooms - recreational area - parking included 1- security entrance Please call bet- wteen 9 a.m.- 5p.m. a : ' Condo Apts. 2 3 bedrooms from $§75 pgr month. OAKVILLE GLEN ABBEY - mins. from QEW/GO - - Exceptional well- maintained 1 hrise - Hydro include 'Ouidoor pool Bachelor,1 bdrm. $551 up 845-9502 825-3327 Picturesque Country Lifestyle Residence On-Ihe-Lake THE CANADIANA 5220 Lakeshore Rd. Burlington's Prime Address! ‘l-Bdrm. (1100 sqfl.) From $838. ‘ 2-Bdrm. (1425 sq.ft.) From $965. * Big 20'x26' liv./din.rm ‘A/C *Fridge, Stove. Dishwasher *Healed Outdoor Pool *Sauna *Recroom *Indoor/Outdoor Parking ll! DROP IN TO SEE US AND INOUIHE lIK ABOUT OUR MONTHLYSPECIALA Cllaptsaxflutslorrem mamlflmfcrmt Call For Appointment to View 632-5486 Daily 9 am - 7 pm BRONTE, three bedroom townhouse. 1 1/2 baths, Ianrge' living/ dining room kitchen. Rec rcluom pri- vate patio 4 ap liances. $930 plus utilities. 7-3276 CENTRAL location. 2 bed- room townhouse. ensuite, oak tlo‘or, drapes. 4 ap- pgigaoes. ,May 151. $1059. FAIR RENT I GOOD APARTMENTS TERRIFIC LANDLORD Burlingtonluxury 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apart- ment homes Huge in- door swimming pooi,‘ air conditioning, two balconies. lake view from some suites. Friendly staff. 1 639-8583 Luxury 2 3 bedroom Garden Homes in Oak- ville from $915. per month. -5 applinnces fireplace ' IBmadloom -Venical blinds -Baloonies or patios ~Smrage rooms 'Securily entrance 'On-sile management -Recrealional area -Parking included “ As): about our bonus Otto: LARGE UNITS AT REASONABLE RATES Luxury 1 2 bdrm plus dens. Air condi- tioned, sunken liv- ingrooms, fireplaces. pool. sauna, squash court security. $750. 8. up. Available immediately. Call 842-6051 days or 842-1292 or 844- 521 9 evenings. RICHARD TOWERS 36 East St" Bronte Spacious 1 bedroom apart- ment. Available 2:BEDBDOM APARTMENTS From “HI/mo. Quiet, clean bldg. RENTAL OFFICE 2386 New St. 333-3532 or call 639-5761 Anyllme 847-5043 Mgmt. Office 'Umlted time 0qu immediatel 327-9165 . 11 am-1 pm TWO bedrooms. quiet sweet, central. Kerr/Rebecca area. garage and basement storage, laundry, $850/month. avail March Blh. 844â€"1336. SMALL 4 bedroom house, 2 baths. 4 appliances. ga- rage.quiet loca1ion, close to shopping and schools. Available May 1st. $1275. mommy. Barry 847-6408 OAKVILLE, 3 + libedroom semi-detached. 5 ap- pliances. private yard. Available May 15!. $1095. Call 8208887. OEWI WINSTON Churchill. 3 bedrooms. 5 ap- liances. central air. upper evel, parking, available April 15!. $925/ month plus 60% utilities. Call 631 â€"6902 LANDLORDS! We can fill your vacancy with quali- fied/screened tenants. Maple Leaf Home Marketing Consultants Inc We special- ize in Oakvilie properties. 842â€"8383 APARTMENT urgently wanted, Bronte area. bet- ween Fliverview m Westâ€" minster. south of Rebecca. Can supply appliances. Separate entrance, rea- sonable rent. Yard asset. 825-0641 THREE bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, fireplace, central air. sunken living room. indoor garkin . swimmingp ooi us to 0. includes utIlities. May 151. $1050. 844-0482 3 BEDROOM. main floor of bungalow. was! Oakvllle. Excellent condition. New bleached oak kitchen. shiny hardwood floors, garage. use of backyard. $1.090 in- clusive. 847-8821 or 844- 0988 BRICK Bungalow, 3 bed- room. basement finished. larga lot. garage. close to schools. quite location, backs to creek. 4th line/Fle~ beoca area. Available May I. 338â€"2040 alter 6 pm. or weekends. bedroom, eat-in kitchen, 2 1/2 baths, large master bedroom with 4 piece bath ensuite, garage. May 15th possession. $995./Month Garden Townhome 3 bedroom, Bronte, new kitchen and broad- loom. May 1st possession. For either of above call : $1 1 74./Month Bronte Semi Steps to lake and Bronte Harbour. Modern 3 EACTIVEE VICTORIAN TOWNHOMES From $875. + utilities FEATURING: *Fireplace *Fam.rm. *5 appliances *1-1/2 baths *Attached garage *Min. to GOI4_Q3/QEW 1600 sq. ft. luxury condominium with 500 sq. ft. landscaped terrace overlooking lake, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, Jacuzzi, all utilities, 5 ap- pliances-much more. $1600/mo. Call: Daylevus: 528-4911 or Evus., 628â€"6730 (Corner of Fairview Maple Ave., opp. Mapleview Centre. Burlington) Luxury 1-2-3 Bedrooms EXECUTIVE RENTAL DOWNTOWN lIIBA'I'IDN Carmen Munré 827-1168 or res. 847-5677 Harbour Property Management Ltd. Realtor BURLINGTON "HARBOURVIEW" CALL RUTH ANNE WINTER HEIMAX ABOUTOWNE REALTY CORP. 338-9000 tenant houses for rent “315] houses for rem maflatswanted $2400. month 2 bedroom condo overlooking harbour and lake. - Unfis-u _ 10.11333.qu TWO BEDROOM duplex on large lot in central Milton. In- eludes heat and hydro plus appliances for $900. April 1st. 875â€"3400 baths, doubte garage. tami- lyroom VII/fireplace. lormal dlnlng/Ilvlng rooms. fin- lshod rocJoom, don. Many emas. SIGOOImo. 333-5506. Active Man- THREE bedroom split 1 1/2 baths. a pliances. fam- ily room. eck, finished basement. double garage. fence. $1150 monthly plus. May 15! .827â€"4683 BURLINGTON. Luxurious. fumlshod 1 bedroom condo overlooking the water. 5 up pllances. pool. roc.com- plex. Short or long-term. From $1.095hno. 632-8354. 632-6189 EXECUTIVE! EXTRA large 3 bedroom VII/separate 1 bedroom In-Iaw suite. 3â€"1/2 THREE BEDROOM bunga- low with lull basement and rec room. Close to schools. May 1st. $1050. monthly plus utilities. Also upper floor of 3 bedroom bun a- low . $900. monthly us half utilities. call Joe up- cich. Broker. 844â€"0363 Oak- dome Realty Ltd. Realtor NEAR OAKVILLE PLACE. 3 large bedrooms, finished basements. 2 parking 5 aces. $850. per month pus utilities. 416~875â€"3449. buy. Call John 238-9258 or 238-9156 THREE bedroom bunga- low. main floor. All ap- pliances. garage and park- ing. $1100. inclusive. 844â€"4693 _LUXU[(Y 2 pedfpomr‘pem- housycrr to!" Wimomiép to THREE BEDROOM 5 ap- pliances. close to schools and shopping. $1195. monthl _ Immediate. Even- ings 82 â€"5231 THREE bedroom condo, 1 1/2 baths. indoor parking. laundry in suite. $1.100, um- ities included. 338â€"6771. All classyied ads must be pre-paid We Accept Cheque or cash torrent

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