stouffrille simtribune r 13 i sales help j agents ii sales help j 3 general help j general help lu general help m general help new year new career exceptional opportunity earn 80000 canadas leading most popular vacation club requires energetic selfmotivated individuals to market our vacation club membership packages to prequalified guests no coldcalling soliciting candidates must be available to work weekday evenings tueswedthurs and weekend days at our richmond hill sales centre highway 7 leslie beyond ttc weekdays call linda between 10am4pm 4164900222 ext234 or rudy 4165677648 on weekends call rudy at 4165677648 retail sales help retail sales help wine lover wanted leading winemaking retailer seeks wineloving parttime sales clerk for their markham location please send your cover letter and resume to markhamwinekitzcom with suject heading parttime help by january 5 2007 stock on thajoumty of learning- next training session starts january 2nd hiring now for september free training are you a stayat home parent too young to retire or looking for a regular parttime career must be over 21 hold a g licence for 2 years good driving clear criminal record apply at stocktransportation 24 cardico dr gormley just north or stouffville on woodbine or call 6474446327 or email appsyorkstocktransportationcom teaching opportunities teaching opportunities hospital medical dental hospital medical dental tfirstaff health care services inc rnsrpns foot care nurses personal support workers rehabilitation support workers client service coordinators join ourteam of health care professionals call1 8773059551 ext7 email humanresourcesfirstaffca fax9054771956 child care centre in stouffville reqs contracts support teachers applicant must have related experiences with children call 9056400997 or fax resume to m 4162910612 0 teaching opportunities cj general help ece required for stouffville child care center hiring for january 2007 email resume to sharleenchrist churchchild careyahooca holiday help local company has 31 ftpt openings in customer sales service 1700 baseappt great for students homemakers others flexible schedules 9057310393 wwwearnparttimecom medical esthctician needed the sherlase clinic is looking for a dynamic team member with excellent communication and sales skills must be motivated organized and have experience in laser hair skin and cellulite treatments 5 years experience 34 days week kmailonlv to shensherlasecimicconi ii general help ii general help 30 hotel restaurant d hctel restaurant fulltime chef cooks servers required immediately for bistro style restaurant in a private health club in markham woodbine steeles must be experienced reliable and mature fax resume to 9054751 81 7 i gonelco construction office clerk with previous customer service admin ar word and excel experience highway 7 dufferin area own car email or fax resume to jobsl206conelcocom fax4167987125 to houses for sale hd houses for sale home sellers rnd out what the home down the street sold for free computerized list with pictures of area home sales and current listings wwwareahomesalesreportcom or free recorded message 18003265582 id8060 remax omoga realty 1 988 ud the lion of stouffville requires experienced servers call 9056421344 experienced dishwasher needed for evenings apply at ii postino unionville or call 9059401555 find out what your home is worth online visit wwwyorkregionhomepricingcom remax omega realty 1 988 ltd parttime help parttime help swimming instructors part time 1 3 hr required immediately for upscale health club in markham current cpr and first aid certification level q current national lifeguard certification and current red cross instructor certification ah interested candidates please fax resume to 9054751817 10 best buys free list with pictures o 1 0 best buys in your specific price range desired location www1 obestbuyhomeslistcom or free recorded message 18003265582 id8050 some conditions apply remax omega rcay1988ud h apartments j combs for sale for salel large 1 bed room condominium in the heart of richmond hill yonge 16th 29 northern heights dr 4169198225 delivery position available a reliable person is required immediately for newspaper delivery door to door throughout markham the successful candidate will be extremely reliable own a reliable vehicle insert and deliver newspapers through out markham delivery days are tuesday thursday and saturday you must be available to work all three delivery days serious calls only please yri making a positive difference in our communities please call distributuion at 905 2948244 positions available at tea shop on main street in markham fulltime dessert tea maker full parttime watt staff exp preferred training provided please call for interview 9054729927 or drop off resume to 91 main st n markham 1 1nvestment opportunities proven forex investment software that works simple product amazing results wideopen market watch video presentations wwwfreedom rockscom freedomfx 9056423993 business opportunities jobs at home 48768 weekly as semble products mail or computer work free details wwwtop- jobreviewcom write chrjobs 372 rideau st 916 ottawa on k1n1g7refa15 professional directory remove your criminal records fast we do pardons us waivers dont be embarrassed 18002985520 govemmentpardonsca mortgage loans money consoli date debts mortgages to 100 no income bad credit oki ontario- wide financial corpora tion 18883077799 apartments fiats for rent 16thburoaknew1 2 bedrooms or profes sional space close to amenities starting 1000 4168764038 16th kennedy brand- new luxurious 2 bed room basement 1400sqft new appli ances separate en trance laundry cable internet 1 parking 895 all inclusive 416- 5205744 brimley dennison 2 bedroom basement separate entrance close to ttc 700 in clusive 4168306823 9059440303 cornell- coach- house apt new 1 bdrm immed 950 inclusive wwwmyhousepixcom 9059469856 416- 7096109 denison mccowan- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance parking ac laundry ttc 750 inclusive nonsmoking pets 9052940636 highglen mccowan- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance near ttc schools malls nonsmoking pets im mediately 905471- 3494 markham village- 1 bdrm ground level sep arate entrance parking cable 850 inclusive jaa 1st 9054713859 apartments flats for rent highglen mccowan- 2 bedroom basement laundry parking sep arate entrance ac cable no pets 750 905722892 highglen middle- field- spacious 2bdrm 800 1bdrm 700 basement separate entrance laundrypark- ing close to amenities immediately 416-879- 4426 hwy7 galsworthy- furnished 1 bedroom den livingroom laun dry parking suits sin gle nonsmoker 800 inclusive 905479- 0325 markham- middle- field 14th avenue 2 bedroom separate laundry entrance beautiful kitchen non smoking pets close to amenities 900 9054723306 after 6 4164583825 markham- brand new 2 bedroom basement opposite school 800 immediately no smok ing pets drinking 9054724563 markham- denison mccowan spacious 2 bedroom basement separate entrance near ttc 825 nonsmok ingpets 4162549101 markham- fabulous renovated beautiful bright 1 bedroom base ment separate en trance suits single nonsmoking pets 6509052948611 markham- room bathroom quiet home parking furnished in ternet suits single nonsmoker pets 595 inclusive 416712- 9024 markham 16th- bright 1 bdrm base ment separate en trance laundry non smoking pets 750 in clusive immediately 6472834996 markham steeles- newly renovated 1 bed room basement separ ate entrance parking laundry nonsmoking pets immediate 9054719471 mccowan 14th- 1 or 2 bedroom basement separate entrance nonsmoking pets 725 875 inclusive 9052018708 mccowan 16th ave- large 2 bedroom base ment close to all amenities immediately 900 utilities 4169886278 mccowan 16th- 2 bedroom basement apt separate entrance hydro parking 800 9054705131 mccowan 16th- huge 2 bedroom base ment newly renovated separate entrance near amenities schools nonsmoking pets immediate 9054796097 416- 5677035 mccowan steeles- 2 bedroom basement parking nonsmoking pets fireplace eatin kitchen ttc 900 im mediately 905471- 3119 steeles markham rd- 1 junior bedroom new walkout base ment ttc stores im- mediate 600 inclu sive 9054710551 stouffville rd bayview- private coun try 1 bedroom cottage on estate lot 1050 immediate nonsmok ing 4165504472 stouffville- 1 bed- room 845 parking january 1st clean quiet building 9056420633 416- 2277776 stouffville- by go train 1 bedroom 800 bright bachelor 675 in clusive private en trance parking 416- 8845987 apartments flats for rent stouffville- spa cious 1 bedroom base ment no smoking par tially furnished all in clusive parking back yard negotiable 416- 9486617 stouffville- 1 bed room basement separ ate entrance central air vac parking laun dry nonsmoking pets immediate 800 inclu sive 9056408545 stouffville- 2 bdrm apts appliances sep arate entrance immedi ate 800 net 9056403333 stouffville- 2 bed room basement bright huge dishwasher laundry ac nonsmok ing pets suits profes sional february 900 inclusive 905640- 1142 stouffville- clean quiet bachelor apart ment available immedi ately require first last 670 month 416-910- 0593 stouffville- main 9th large 2 bedroom 2nd floor parking laundry storage near amenities 990 9056496427 woodbine 16th- 1 bedroom basement apartments with own bathroom kitchen cable utilities 6473009355 woodbine hwy7- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance all amenities 800 jan 1st 9054791563 houses for rent 9th line hwy 7- new 3 bedroom hardwood double garage near hospital 9055340329 hwy7 leslie- 5 bed room 4000sqft 3 gar ages finished base ment office outra geous available febru ary 2900 416-726- 1020 stouffville- 2 bed room newly renovated very cosy quiet area new windows through out january 1st 1200 inclusive 9056420765 stouffville- bright house 2storey 2 bed rooms family living diningroom parking 1300 hydro 4168845987 stouffville- move in now and december is free 3 bedroom de tached 25 baths fire place appliances dou ble garage fenced yard 1450 905- 4716927x231 townhouses for rent cornell townhouse- end unit 3 bedrooms 4 bathrooms profession ally finished basement no pets walk to hospi tal immediately 1490 9054725557 mccowan major- mac- brand new town- house 3 1 bedrooms deep lot backing on robinson creek close to shopping 1650 im mediate 6473888971 i shared accommodation share house 100 acre horse farm green river near 748 no smoking pets 500 9052941287 m bed breakfast unionville mark ham all rooms ensuite full english breakfast maid service free park ing nick 905479- 38629059479493 announcements we rock sing the songs you love join our modern vocal pro gram 9056404790 wwwwerockca i jl ik 11 ik ss fiilmf jhhl m us lilliilliilriiil mm hi