lb stouffisuntribimemthursdafinov3a06 healing force k9 in kahoots friday dec 1 8 pm 9 pm pets and people saturday dec 2 noon 3 pm sunday dec 3 noon 4 pm stouffville ida pharmacy over the moon saturday dec 9 1 pm3 pm toy store saturday dec 16 1 pm 3 pm saturday dec 15 noon3 pm bia festival of lights celebration friday dec 1 7 8 pm clock tower square santa glaus parade saturday dec 2 stop in h l hair for free hot chocolate gifts maeles of baliantrae shop outside the box thbs chrsstn3as all shops located in the downtown bia core bia hosts salvation army tree in go train station and headquarters for the business improvement area contact bia stouffville 90f64p749 i december 3rd 10th 17th 24th for reservations call a 9056406077 ext 5 maples of ballantre golf club 14248 highway 48 15 km north of bloomington rd wwwmaplesofballantraecom i late ssms ssm new releases new release doug laird hfind ut hand new release trish romance two days only saturday december 2 95 sunday december 3 94 come visit and see our huge selection of limited editions originals and decor art new releases by romance bateman lumbers laird pino and much more golden eagle art gallery 18 ringwood drive stouffville on stouffville rd 1 blk east of hwy 48 christmas show gives peek at theatre season by hannelore volpe staff writer an academy christmas will give you a sneak peek at this seasons shows by the york durham academy for the per forming arts the stouffvillebased musical theatre group which was founded by stouffville resident wayne hill has members rang ing in age from six to adult an academy christmas features ydapas 20member adult chorus and other performers dec 18 at 730 pm at christ church anglican theyll present selections from this years show schedule grease school edition is first on ydapas schedule running from jan 25 to 27 at eastridge evangelical mission ary church in stouffville from feb 22 to 24 you can follow the adventures of mowgli the boy raised ly wolves in the indian jungle the produc tion will be in the great hall of christ church in stoufiville a multirage cast brings the wizard of oz to life from april 12 to 14 at eastridge orphaned street urchin oliver rounds out the show program may 17 to 19 at the ycdsb performing arts centre invaughan for more information and to order tickets log on to wwwyshowca or call 9056400823 ext 3 sat dec 206 1 4 pm featured artist www goldeneaaleartca 905 6422279 mmmmm