4 stouffville suntribune thursday oct 19 2006 town of town office museum laounttf iestfle close to the city wwwtownofwscom 99 9056401900 or 9058952423 9057278954 or 18882900337 lebovic leisure centre public library 905642play7529 905642read7323 otcoming events public library week events your library for this special week monday october 16 to sunday october 22 patrons returning overdue material may pay for their fine with a food bank donation this special offer is for all materials excluding dvds and videos and applies only to items being returned not past outstanding fines thursday october 19 730 pm 930 pm all candidates meeting for the municipal election will be held at the local high school this pro gramme is cosponsored by the whitchurchstouffville public library and the stouffville suntribune newspaper free family fun at the lebovic centre sponsored by the whitchurchstouffville pub lic library and the town of whitchurch- stouffville department of leisure services 330900 pm friday october 27 330500 movie superman returns 530600 family fitness 600630 family fitness 600845 games puzzles with multiverse 635800 family swim 730900 movie shaggy dog the library and the leisure centre will remain open until 900 pm a hot dog and soft drink for 100 at the snack bar from 500 pm makeup demonstration your lffirary monday october 23rd 700800 pm sponsored by shoppers drug mart ages 13 free admission registration required halloween craft your library tuesday october 24th 400500 pm age 68 years cost 200child preregistration is necessary character community food drive wednesday october 25 tuesday october 31 2006 please help support our character community food drive by donating any of the following items canned meats fish stews and soups canned beans canned fruits and vegetables baby food and formula mac and cheese cheese spread andor peanut butter powdered or canned milk rice com meal bulgur dried beans lentils and chick peas donations can be dropped off at the town offices lebovic leisure centre stouffville arena stouffville and ballantrae fire hall or the whitchurchstouffville museum thank you for your support york region 55 winter games november 8th 30th deadline for applications is october 30 2006 it is a chance for seniors 55 to get out and get active all munic ipalities take part in hosting various events throughout the region so seniors will have the opportunity to go and meet people from other areas of york region in a fun and social atmosphere the games are not necessarily sport specific so all seniors no mat ter what ability will find something that may be of interest to them everyone 55 is welcome to enter into as many events as they would like events include badminton ice hockey curling 10 pin bowling alpine skiing nordic skiing prediction skate table tennis and carpet bowling cribbage bid euchre duplicate bridge euchre some events are sanctioned events in which winners would go on to the ontario senior winterfest games to take place in brockville ontario feb 14- 16 2007 to get information on the specific events and locations registration forms and event schedules are available for pick up from the lebovic leisure centre for more information you can contact jen mceachen at 9056401910 x 288 a council highlights resident nominated for ontario heritage trust award council was pleased to nominate nora richardson for the ontario heritage trusts 2006 heritage community recognition award as a long time volunteer with the whitchurchstouffville museum she has demonstrated contin uing commitment to the towns cultural heritage councils nomination was strongly supported by the museums board heritage buildings protection policy council adopted a policy intended to protect heritage buildings present on a property where a land development planning appli cation was made the policy requires that developers ensure windows are properly boarded and roofs protected or repaired as well a chain link fence is required to be erected around the structure and access be provided for emergency vehicles year round the policy is enforced through a required agreement between the owner and the town and through the furnishing of a letter of credit as a means of security the applicable heritage buildings are identified in the towns built heritage inventory contract awarded for audible pedestrian signals council awarded a contract for installation of audible pedestri an signals and pedestrian countdown displays to be installed along main street at the intersection of westlawn crescentweldon road and at park drive the signals are intended to improve safety conditions at these intersections and help to support the towns accessibility goals council calendar approved council approved its 2007 meeting calendar to be available on the towns website wwwtownofwscom council preceded by council in committee will continue to meet every first and third tuesday of the month at 7 pm and public hearings sched uled every second and fourth tuesday of the month at 7 pm as required temporary road closures council considered two temporary road closures a temporary turning tee will be installed to allow the closing of kennedy lane at stouffville road this provision is in place to permit continued negotiations for the exchange of land required to install a permanent turning circle and required construction a portion of tenth line from north street to main street and main street from the tenth line to palmwood gate will be tem porary closed to allow the kinsmen clubs annual santa claus parade the parade will be held on december 2 from 200 to railing installation pace credit union council approved the installation of a railing on 6245 main street in front of the pace credit union building the railing will be considered as part of the 2007 capital budget and will replace the existing bollards and chain the railing will greatly improve the safety and appearance of the sidewalk election imformati0n accessibblity information each voting place on voting day and any of the advanced voting days will be accessible at ground level ballot templates will be available to assist electors with limited vision or motor skills mark their ballot in addition braille voter instructions and magnifying sheets will be available you may also choose to have a friend or family member or an elec tion official sworn to secrecy help you mark your ballot if you have a particular accessibility need please let andrew brouwer know 9056401910 ext 321 andrewbrouwertownofwscom advance voting days electors are encouraged to vote early and avoid lineups at any one of the following advanced voting places regardless of the ward you reside in saturday october 28th 2006 1000 am to 600 pm ballantrae fire hall 15400 hwy 48 ballantrae saturday november 4th 2006 1000 am to 600 pm whitchurchstouffville municipal office 37 sandiford drive 4th floor stouffville monday november 6th 2006 400 pm to 800 pm whitchurchstouffville municipal office 37 sandiford drive 4th floor stouffville tuesday november 7th 2006 400 pm to 800 pm lebovic leisure centre 30 burkholder street stouffville wednesday november 8th 2006 400 pm to 800 pm whitchurchstouffville municipal office 37 sandiford drive 4th floor stouffville andrew brouwer deputy clerk town of whitchurchstouffville 37 sandiford drive 4th floor stouffville ontario l4a7x5 phone 905 6401900 x321 fax905 6407957 email andrewbrouwertownofwscom website wwwtownofwscom notices water distribution flushing program communities of ballantrae musselman lake the public works department reminds residents that it routinely conducts watermain flushing operations of the ballantraemusselman lake municipal water distribution system the next flushing of the system is scheduled to resume on monday october 23rd 2006 the work takes place between the hours of 900 am and 330 pm and is generally repeated every four 4 weeks this flushing is necessary to simulate normal operation of the sys tem community of stouffville the public works department will be conducting a watermain flushing program throughout the community of stouffville com mencing monday october 23rd 2006 this work will be conduct ed between the hours of 900 am and 330 pm and is expected to last until approximately friday november 17th 2006 during the flushing operation discolouration of the water may occur and because of this we ask for your assistance by restricting the use of water to a minimum while the work is being conducted should discolouration of the water occur let water run until it clears questions and concerns regarding this operation should be direct ed to the public works department we apologize for any inconvenience this work may cause community food drive october 25 313 donations may be left at town office leisure centre arena museum or fire halls