hpwpb 10 stouffville suntribune thursday october 19 2006 candidates back gallery most of the five candidates for mayor were in favour of some form of support for latcham gallery at yesterdays cham ber of commerce debate but don barker wants facilities such as the gallery library and museum to show they are a viable entities on their own a proper theatre in a different loca tion would give the town more bang for its buck than the arts and culture centre with a small theatre space being built in the old town hall at 19 civic ave ax- mayor wayne emmerson said whomever wins- will become the mayor of a municipality that is home to around 28000 residents that number is expected to burgeon to around 40000 during the next 10 to 15 years around 60 local business owners and residents attended the event moderated by suntribune editor jim mason after nov 13 the new mayor and council will have a fouryear term to accomplish their goals previous terms were three years nisi jrace relations ayispry comm heres your opportunity to build racismfree school community olunteer to join the york region district school boards race relations advisory committee apply now if you are a public school supporter are committed to antiracist education lispcial justice and institutional change and reflect york regions diverse racial faith and ethnocultural communities the race relations advisory committee meets eight times a year in the evenings the fouryear term appointment begins december 1 2006 the deadline to apply is november 2 2006 for application forms or more information please call 905 7270022 or 416 9697170 ext 2409 andor 905 7374353 or visit our website bill crothers chair of the board 4n meg i on district school board wwwyrdsbed u onca bill hogarth director of education staff photohannelore volpe whitchurchstouffville mayoral can didates don barker from left sue sherban randy mole pamela courtbt and wayne emmerson pose before the whitchurchstouffville chamber of commerce debate at bushwood golf club yesterday adults let skatepark fall apart barker asthma we can help call the lung association lung association investment advice today and orrow cibc cibc 5s imperial service for what matters reaching your current and longterm financial goals is easier when you have a financial adviser who works with you to build and maintain an uptodate investment plan complete with solutions that are tailored to your personal situation gibc bonus rate gics can add guaranteed growth and security to your investment portfolio with bonus interest above our regular gic rates a range of select terms available on a timelimited basis the confidence of knowing that your investment is guaranteed with a superior rate of return wendy swanston cfp for dear objectve advice advjser that rig t cibc investor services inc a call at 905 6409834 at our main street location cibc imperial service is available in select markets and is most appropriate for individuals with household investable assets greater than 100000 cibc imperial service is a part of canadian imperial bank of commerce cibc cibc investor services inc cibc isi provides investment and brokerage products and services cibc isi is a subsidiary of cibc and member cipf for what matters is a tm of cibc frademark of cibc from page 1 barker concurred both mrs sherban and former mayor wayne emmerson raised funds for youth through golf tourna ments mrs sherban organ ized a youth council during the last term a movie theatre and place of their own without overly- close adult supervision is also needed mrs sherban and mr mole agreed a building at the south west corner of main street and the ninth line mr mole recently sold would have been perfect for a youth cen tre he said working with school boards would also make sense mr emmerson said to bring back more afterschool activities such as sports and drama he wants schools open to the public for longer hours the town should also provide more playing fields and arenas he said the memorial park skatepark which was put up during mr emmersons term of office and replaced by a smaller version was a disap pointment to the young peo ple in town claimed a ques tion to the candidates mrs sherban said the skatepark will be moved and improved in future ms cour- tot was adamant it be located in urban stouffville within walking distance of many of the young people so that parents dont always have to drive their children shes a strong proponent of forming a sustainable community using alternate power such as wind turbines and helping residents reduce their elec tricity consumption mr barker saw it through the eyes of the youth saying finally somebody listened t6 us and then watched the thing fall apart and adults doing absolutely nothing to repair their skatepark a cooperative rather than combative style of lead ership was promoted by ms courtot and mr emmerson i want to be the leader not the boss ms gourtot said mr emmerson feels its important to work together with council and staff and have a cooperative partner ship between the stouffville business improvement area and the whitchurchstouf fville chamber of commerce noting stouffville used to have one of the largest gold fish factory in canada and has the largest excavated first nations village in southern ontario mr mole believes stouffville has to have a new marketing strategy highlight ing its uniqueness in her three years as mayor mrs sherban noted vvtiitchurchstouftville has had the largest percent of commercial growth 158 per cent in york region in 2005 the tax based has shifted advantageously from 89 per cent residential and 11 per cent business to 79 percent residential and 22 percent business thats mostly due to devel opment mr mole retorted two greajtjfeasons to own a corkscrew two great wines delivered to your door every month these wines not available anywhere else in ontario in affiliation with in partnership with wine3f ii online co tat t lb dltfrnc visit wwwyorkregionwineclubcom or call 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