10 stoiviuesuntribuneuthursday sept 28 2006 students run for terry tomorrow for whitchurchstoufirville the 25th annu al terry fox marathon of hope is history hundreds responded sept 17 runs for students here and across cana da are scheduled for tomorrow last year more than three million young people repre senting 9000 schools took part participating whitchurchstouffville schools include stouffville secondary stouf fville christian whitchurch highlands wil- lowgrove glad park summitview orchard park and st brigid last year we raised 1200 sdss teacher sharon macfarlane said this year we hope to top that the high school run is organized by the athletic council the event begins at 11 am and covers 5 km cooperation from school staff and stu dents has been wonderful stouffville terry fox run coordinator sandy schell kennedy said it involves not only young people and teachers but entire families jim thomas see fall colours from tourist train if you want to see the changing fall colours while experiencing a vintage train ride the york durham heritage railway has a new schedule of runs beginning this weekend passengers might also catch glimpses of beavers deer turkeys and foxes the fall schedule continues through october trains leave uxbridge station at 11 am and 3 pm and from stouffville station at 1 pm on most saturdays and all sundays through oct 22 regular service is suspended on oct 14 for the first ever fall colour excursion from unionville to uxbridge and uxbridge to unionville the train is wheelchair accessible at uxbridge station round trip fares are 18 for adults 12 for children 15 for seniors and students chil dren under two and seniors 90 and over trav el free group discounts are available along with family passes for information call 905- 8523696 hannelorevolp savings for the home use your sears card or mastercard and save an additional 10 to 50 off our already reduced prices on selected major appliances furniture hardware fitnesss equipment seasonal products selection varies by store on approved credit savings offers cannot be combined ekend fashion savings use your sears card or sears mastercard and double your discount save an additional 1 0 off our already reduced outlet prices on all kids winter outerwear or use your sears mastercard save an additional 20 off on approved credit selection varies by store h save an additional 15 off our already reduced outlet prices on all womews fall winter boots use your sears card or sears mastercard save an additional offers in effect friday sept 29th to sunday oct 1st unless otherwise stated while quantities last 30 off on approved credit selection varies by store save an additional 15 off our already reduced outlet prices on all mens and womens fleece fashions or use your sears card or sears mastercard save an additional 30 off on approved credit selection varies by store saturday morning door crasher september 30th offers in effect 7am to 11am while quantities last sunday morning door crasher october 1st- first 2 hours from store opening or while quantities last save 60 off off our already reduced outlet prices all toys after 1 1 am save 30 selection vahes by store use your sears card or mastercard save an additional 40 off off our already reduced outlet prices on ail on selected fridges sbkn0nvwgttstoftmnmum15fastoiwafwovhahn use your sears card or sears mastercard save an additional use your sears card or sears mastercard save an additional 50 off 1 60 off off our already reduced outlet prices on selected all mens womens pants after frst two hours swe 30 off our already reduced outlet prices on selected furniture satctlonvarkenrstcfecaiybovedcraxt the arthritis society tomorrows gift whether its a bequest a gift of lifeinsurance or a charitable annuity you can plan to ensure continuing support for arthritis research nearly four million canadians who have arthritis are counting on you for more information about our planned eivine program contact the arthritis society give to ivehope richmond personal shopping only all merchandise sold as is and sales are final no exchanges fourns or aowstments on previously purchased merchandise savings offers cawjot e c0mema no dealers we reserve the fflghtto umitquantmes prices do not include home delivery although we strive for accuracy unintentional errors may xm vie reserved right to xjfffit any erfm t reximoumltxevallemallandmarkhamum forotohotimsvmtheolnihsnhtvwwsears ftovantpctj i iova1kd pi e a u brampton outlet fri 109pm sat 7am to 6pm sun 11am to spa a i ovtxm 8t stuusav rexdaixbtvp i wk lake shore btvd brampton liquidation centre fri 109pm sat 7am to 6pm sun 11am to 5pm rexdale outlet fri109pmsat7amto6pm son 11am to 5pm dixie outlet mall fri 104pm sat 7am to 6pm sou 11am to 6pm catalogue shopping 24 hours a day 7 days a week 18002673277 wwwsearsca ask about our shlpaqht markham outlet fm impm sat 7am to 6pm sun 12pm to 5pm sale prices in effect september 29 2006 unless otherwise stated in our ad or while quantities last sale does not apply to purchases made prior to september 29 2006 all outlet merchandise has been priced for final sale 5805 1 77 this message rouahi to you as immunity service ie economic s bun buntrn