economist sunsuntribune i satwdayjune3i 20o6 2 i general help ii general help bushwood golf club we are currently hiring for the 2006 sea son and require applicants for the follow ing positions course labourers ftpt club house cleaner ft please forward your resumes to jobsbushwocdca exciting opportunity sales rep needed for marketing advertising company excellent salary bonuses please fax resume to 9056088806 or email to robsavermediacom re markham rep the gardener looking for reliable workers experienced drivers licence an asset weekend work available wages are negotiable 30 50 hours per week shawn 905 8899209 molly mad markham stouffville is looking for a positive energetic responsible individuals to join our staff of home service professionals monday- friday no evenings weekends training provided call 9056422575 inside sales warehouse markham location entry level position fluent english written oral required word excel some lifting able to work well independently industrial fastener knowledge helpful please fax resume 9054771 677 only those selected will be contacted marios no frills now hiring fulltime produce clerk experienced fax resume to 9058872189 pt office cleaner required in richmond hill monfri 11am3pm for light office cleaning 4163640677 ext303 leadhands must have experience in interlocking work own vehicle required 5 years exp serious inquiries only 4166976715 lawncare technicians lawn cutters for local area call jim 4166171314 til houses for sale itd houses for sale find out what your home is worth online visit wwwyorkregionhomepricingcom remax omega realty 1 988 ud home sellers find out what the home down the street sold for free computerized list of area home sales current listings free recorded message 18003265582 id8060 remax omega fteasy 1988 in divorce free report reveals what you need to know about what happens to your matrimonial home i before during and after a divorce free recorded message 18003265582 id4906 remax omega tea 1 988 u4 ill houses for sale oooooooooooooooooo wwwfreehomebuyer- scouponsca wprthuptos3000 mccowan denison immaculate 3 bedroom corner house close to ttc yrt 1 bedroom basement apt rental in come separate en trance 360000 ne gotiable 9052943235 no agents h private sales business opportunities fully equipped day care 35 children just off main st asking 515000 416438- 2537 for viewing looking for a lucra tive home business you can start today turn key system wwwyour- turn2livecom or 800- 4286992 for the past 20 years future stars sports photography pegasus school images has perfected the ideal home based photography business our concept is simple yet successful we provide the training and support tools and you provide the enthusiasm and execution ii you have ever dreamed of being your own boss why not call us today at 180l4616575orvisit our web sites at wwwfuturestarsspcom or wwwpegasussocom promote your busi ness opportunity to over 4 million adult readers in south central onta rio book your-adver- tisement in over 80 me- troland community newspapers 416-493- 1300ext288 mortgage loans smoney consoli date debts mortgages to 100 no income bad credit ok ontario- wide financial corpora tion 18883077799 mortgages from 40 lenders no fees and we pay 250 to wards legals lawyer centric services 866- 4979449 rrjortgagelawyercen- triccom j apartments j flats for rent 14th brimley- fur nished basement quiet neighborhood parking pay as you go- no lease 750 inclusive immediately 905475- 2397 2- 1 bedroom apts 9th 16th mccowan bul lock separate en trance parking laun dry nonsmoking pets 750 inclusive 416- 5098157 9th 16th- bright clean 2 bedroom walkout basement parking laundry immediate 1050 july 1st 9054726945 bayview hwy 7- walkout apt 3 bed room den renovated separate entrance utilities ravine parking 9057639484 birchmount deni- son- 2 bedroom base ment separate en trance separate park ing separate laundry cable ac 775 inclu sive immediately 9054706166 birchmount steeles- modern fabu lous huge 2 bedroom basement laundry 2 parking nonsmokers pets 1050 inclusive immediate damiris homelife vision realty inc 4163831828 bloomington 10th- 2 bedroom main floor lots of parking 1000 inclusive 9056424633 between 4307pm brimley denison- 1 bedroom basement apt including laundry near amenities parking 625 available immedi- apartments fiats for rent markham- peter street fully renovated bungalow basement apt 850 66x131 lot- 399900 no agents 41 68975804 9059270748 apartments fiats for rent brimley dennison- 2 bedroom basement sperate entrance laun dry cac parking cable 800 inclusive immediate 905415- 1616 brimley highglen- 2 bedroom huge beauti ful bright basement separate entrance laundry gas fireplace cable new appliances nonsmoking july 1st 1000 utilities 9055 138539 4168898091 coach house- cornell newly built 1 bedroom 5 appliances 950 in clusive no pets im mediately 905471- 3182 coach house- cor nell newly built 1 bed room appliances satel lite 900 inclusive 9052091488 416- 9852824 cornell coach house 9th bur oak 1 bedroom ac 5 appli ances nonsmoking pets 925 inclusive july 1st chris 416-892- 3453 cornell- 9th line hwy7 coach house 1 bedroom new applianc es parking all inclu sive 850 416871- 3715 cornell- coach house apt new 1 bdrm immed 950 inclusive wwwmyhousepixcom 9059469856 416- 7096109 denison brimley- 1 bedroom basement separate entrance cable hydro laundry parking immediate 6009054800188 east of markham countryside 2 large rooms kitchen 2 bathrooms july 1st 900 inclusive 9056493701 highglen markham road- 2 bedroom base ment separate en trance laundry cable no pets immediate 4168418786 905- 201 981 3 after 5pm hwy7 main st- clean bright 2 bed room parking 1000 electric immediately must see 905201- 5069 main street markham sof 16th large bright 1 bedroom large kitch en renovated 875 bachelor 775 cv laundry parking near go 905764- 1951ext241 markham rd 7- bachelor 1st floor walk to go village 595 inclusive july 1st 9054726652 markham rd deni- son- 2 bedroom base ment separate en trance 900 inclusive june 1st 905294- 4421 markham- 1 bedroom basement parking laundry nonsmoking pets suits single per son 650 905-474- 04144164667430 markham- 2 bedroom basement 800 sep arate entrance large driveway backyard shared laundry june 1st 9054726804 markham- large 1 bedroom basement separate entrance cable parking 700 in clusive immediate 9052946351 416- 7281609 markham denison- 1 bedroom basement separate entrance laundry available im mediately nonsmok ing pets 905201- 8272 mccowan 14th 2 bedroom basement near catholic school ttc yrt separate laundry cable 905- houses for rent houses for rent r pools supplies pools supplies mccowan 14th- 1 or 2 bedroom basement separate entrance nonsmoking pets 675 850 inclusive 9052018708 mccowan 14th- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance laundry parking available immediately nonsmoking pets 9054729880 mccowan 16th ave- 2 bedroom basement newly decorated separ ate entrance non smoking pets 9054722768 mccowan 16th- new 1 bedroom base ment kitchen sitting dining separate en trance parking no pets 850 inclusive july 1st 9054702988 mccowan denison- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance parking laundry ac appliances no smok ing pets 41 63565498 old markham village- furnished bachelor no pets smokers 575 first last references gerry 9054714488 steeles middlefield- 2 bedroom basement laundry parking separ ate entrance ac available asap 90547 12822 4166886750 stouffville- 2 bed room basement bright huge private entrance ac dishwasher laun dry cable nonsmoker pets 900 905640- 1142 stouffville- close to go station 1 bed room 750 hydro no pets 9056400977 stouffville- 1 bed room basement newly renovated suits single 900 inclusive non smoking pets 9056428680 stouffville- 1 bed room bright extra large livingroom 9ft ceilings newly decorated 1000 inclusive park ing 4168845987 stouffville- 1 bed room newly renovated stove fridge parking all inclusive 850 available immediately 4169494712 stouffville- 2 bed room basement separ ate entrance parking cable appliances 900 inclusive nonsmoking pets june 905640- 9626 stouffville- dont miss this one almost new 2 bedroom apt within walking distance to mainstreet go open concept includes utilities cable internet parking 1200 inclu sive immediate 9056425850 stouffville- main street room 400 1 bedroom 800 bache lor 690 4 bedroom 1280 parking 416- 7339905 stouffville- main street bachelor with fireplace june 1st no pets 600 inclusive suits single 905642- 5460 unionville beautiful 3 bedroom spacious basement apt separate entrance laundry park ing july 1st 975 9059440718 unionville- walk to main street furnished luxurious 1 bedroom above ground separate entrance big kitchen familyroom 5 applianc es parking must see immediately 905944- 1879 wardensteeles new 1 bdrm bsmt separate entrance close to ttc parking 795mo in clusive july 1 416- 6163392 markham homes all include appliances ca utilities extra hwy7 9th 3 bedrm semi famrm fireplace fin basment 1300lrnmediate hwy 7 bullock- 2 bedrm fin basement fireplace cv1250juy1st cornell- spacious 3 bedrm 35 baths famrm fire- place fa basement 1625 aug1st 90m716927ext231 condominiums forrent markham- wilson off main bright 1 bedroom condo wden balcony 15 baths laundry cable appliances in door parking non smoking pets 1200 9052011654 mccowan denison- 2 bedroom luxury con- do 2 full baths laundry 1250 4168184576 4164710980 after 6pm houses for rent hwy7 wooten way- 4 bedrooms 25 baths appliances 2800sqft near schools hospital 1495 905472- 29854164590650 markham- 3 bedroom bungalow fridge stove washer dryer available immediately call after 5pm 905773024 markham- mccowan high glen 4 bedroom laundry cable 2000 available now 9059481349 markham steeles upgraded large 3 bdrm house all appliances 212 baths basement rented 1 375 4167918578 markville shopping mall area- 80 raleigh crescent 4 bedrooms- 2 baths ac 1495 4166333344 middlefield deni son- large 3 bedroom house 1095 close to school plaza imme diate 4163239149 ext271 stouffville nice 2 bedrooms country home deck new win dows on acreage june roger 41 64021 006 stouffville- large bright 3 bedroom 2 sto rey 5 appliances no smoking 1300 plus 9056425665 unionville- 3 bed room 112 bath clean ac 5 appliances fenced yard 1650 july 1st 905479- 6502 unionvflle- large 3 bdrm bungalow w fin ished basement 1800 mo 905479- 6446 townhouses for rent north markham- 3 bedroom 212 baths garage ac no pets smoking 1500 utilities 905471 6659 stouffville- cen tral brand new town- house 3 bedrooms 2 bath clean near shop ping 1300 utilities 6473216576 rooms for rent wanted 16th48th upstairs room 400 basement room 450 laundry cable internet parking nonsmoker pets 6475880606 9th 16th- large bright furnished rooms laun dry parking cable suits professional 525 immediate 9054726945 mccowan 16th- room in basement own bathroom separate en trance parking shared laundry kitchen 550 9054728951 coming events order your pool now immediate delivery 18006687564 9059554624 wwwkayakpoolsca something old something new something bo- 5 o en o cd o cn e j a getting hhowded dont miss torontos most prestigious bridal show inngbobbbigci bridal shw september 810 2006 international centre hall 5 name address city postal code phone o to en wedding date fax email send this form for your s500 off admission coupon by friv augv 25 2006 send to national bridal shows co premier consumer shows 467 speers rd oakville on l6k 3s4 fax 9053375570 a division of metroland printing publishing distributing co o tq x co lr o 3 co r 3 o p o 3 co o dont forget to pick up your copy of weddingbeils magazine on newstands in august g iiqjaiuos anjq 6uiijaluos pamoxioq outigfp shared accommodation hwy7 wootten way room at 475 month call 9054716471 hwy7 48- fur nished unfurnished room main floor fe male to share kitchen appliances 495 9054713261 lakefront aurora stouffville- spacious bedroom share house laundry parking cable internet pets welcome parasailing fishing 41 68821 142 mccowan steeles- upper furnished rooms 375 master bedroom wensuite 450 inclu sive immediate share kitchen facilities suits singles professionals students 905201- 6771 fyi personals our mother of per petualsuccour and st jude thankyou for your constant intercession sapa 0 nannies ft berjs breakfast unionville mark ham all rooms ensuite full english breakfast maid service free park ing nick 905479- 3862 9059479493 boats supplies 1985 24 grew 240 cuddy cabin 230 merc cruiser stainless steel prop pump out head fresh water holding tank ice box seats 8 includes tandem trailer with electric winch must be seen 12900 obo 9054769696 cell 9057159973 obrien ashley it is with great pleasure that harold and jenny obrien announce the graduation of daughter ashley from brock university ashley completed a 4 year honours degree in business communications and recently started working in the corporate communications department at canadian tire financial services in welland ontario congratulations ashley let the next cltapter begin love dad mom and adoring brother greg s pools supplies poolliners best prices largest selec tion quality work war ranty free estimates glenn 18003793827 or visit dvcpoolscom a nannies available wanted- experienced reliable free overseas sponsorship millenium caregivers 905727- 3884 email mcclonaibncom do you need a nanny livein nannies available from over seas no charge to em- ployers wwwqualitycaregiverscom 4168794251 livein nanny- mccowan 16th 9hr 44hrswk asap infant twins fa light house work fax resume 9052023090 livein out nanny- children expecting unionville drivers li cense asset but not necessary 905415- 17276472961727 daycare available 2 moms daycare- for all ages mccowanlf raymerville hot lunch es cpr trained 7am 530pm call 9054719392 my special nanny of fers quality licensed home daycare in your area call liogie at 905- 4798528 daycare wanted deaths deaths dawson cemetery monuments all arrangements made in your home no sales people to increase price wc install at elmwood all markham stouftvillc area cemeteries payment plans available at 0 interest call philip dawson owner at 9055791 116 visit ourwebsite wvmdawsonmonumentscom want to provide child care enjoy the benefits of working with a licensed agency regular pay paid stat days and childs sick days backup training equipment ongoing support please call 9054799671 wwwweewatchcom weewatch we ttc4fcwn