stouffville suntribune thursday june 1 2006 31 public notices public notices vendors wanted vendors wanted public notice in compliance with the cemeteries act catholic cemeteries wish to advise you that the next phase of holy family mausoleum at holy cross cemetery will begin construction in the near future it will be located to the west of the existing building consisting of approximate ly two thousand six hundred crypts and four hundred and fifty niches if you wish to view a large scale drawing of the plan they will be on display at the holy cross cemetery office during regular business hours monday to saturday 900 am 400 pm if you require further information please contact the cemetery office at 905 8897467 jj nannies daycare available 2 moms daycare- for all ages mccowan raymerville hot lunch es cpr trained 7am530pm call 9054719392 reliable- experi enced cpr infants toddlers welcome full parttime before after- school bloomington 9th line stouffville 4165262093 i tutoring services french- theme oriented enrichment program in home all ages 40 hr max 4 students hour 905- 6421459 health home care live it new health wellness magazine 250000 copies cost- effective directory ads word ads call today to book for the next issue 41 61931 300 ext 288 articles for sale 2 chairlift like new 1500 ea lift lounge chair 500 2 new mink coats xl 1000 ea green leather couch lounger 400 firm 9054742341 2 lazyboy couches w matching chairs 1 tur quoise the other off- white 750 set 905- 8871043 a diningroom- cherry- wood double pedestal table 8 chairs buffet hutch server dovetail construction new still in boxes cost 11000 sacrifice 2600 647- 2715483 a king orthopedic pil- lowtop mattress set new in plastic cost 1 600 sacrifice 550 6472715483 beautiful old solid oak diningroom table 6 chairs sideboard china cabinet appraised 1800 asking 900 9054714296 bed amazing bargain queen orthopedic mat tress sets new in plas tic warranty 250 6472715483 will de- sver articles for sale a nannies available wanted- experienced reliable free overseas sponsorship millenium caregivers 905727- 3884 email mccl onaibncom caregiver needed for 3 children livein out light household duties required french speaking an asset 4164178858 livein nanny- mccowan 16th 9hr 44hrswk asap infant twins fa light house work fax resume 9052023090 livein out nanny- 3 children expecting unionville drivers li cense asset but not necessary 905415- 17276472961727 vendors wanted antiques collectibles exhibitors wanted for the 11th annual artinthefiark jury1516 markham museum for more informa tion please call susan at 9052942200 ext 239 eiru3 eotrfenyrogiom vendors wanted forcraftgiftshow saturday november 4 2006 11 00am 400pm newmarket community centre saturday november 11 2006 1100 am4q0pm thomhill community centre cost per table 139 gst for information call 9058538888 ext 216 18882117288 ext 216 bedroom set cherry- wood bed chest dresser mirror 2 night stands dovetail con struction never opened cost 9000 sacrifice 1900 647- 2715483 camelback sofa carved mahogany 750 display cabinet burl walnut 250 sec tional sofa 50 rowing machine 75 olivetti lettera electric typewrit er 95 pingpong table 509054741901 carpets- i have sev eral thousand yards of new stainmaster 100 nylon carpet will do living room kail for 38900 in- ciudes carpet pad in stallation 30 yards steve 9058980127 or 9055089423 wwwsubuibancarpetscom contents of house antiquestyle sofa love- seat chair 2 recliners brown sofa loveseat kitchen table chairs new white cabinet kitchen with 2 islands with black granite 9057077734 hot tub spa covers- best price best quality all shapes colours call 1-866- 5850056 wwwthecoverguyca hot tub spa 2006 model all options cov er never used still in wrapper cost 8900 sell 5000 647-271- 5483 hot tub spa 5 person lounger 24 jets 5hp redwood cabinet nev er used warranty re tail 6995 asking 39959054095285 metal garage rollup door white 15x7 ex cellent condition 7 yrs old 350 416885- 2064 moving- refrigerator dinning room set bed room set treadmill leather sofas chande liers reverse osmosis unit 9054721144 small shop lathe 10 swing over bed 6 over cross slide 24centers 3 and 4 jaw chuck steady rest accesso ries and some tooling available 850 call 9054733116 even ings unique almost new private german piano- ronisch geyer zim- mermann rosier val ue from 1299- 2135 4167918595 mtistswantei for the llth annual art in the park july 15 16 at the markham museum for more information or to book your booth space please call susan at 9052942200 ext 239 email sobrienyrngcom auctions auctions sat june 3rd 10 am farm machinery tool consignment auction to include upon a lawyers request a full lineup of farm machinery co jd6420 4wd tractor wcab 800 hrs jd6300 tractor wcab 2000 hrs jds310 4wd tractor w541 idr 500 hrs cih 8720 harvester nh489 haybine jd330 rd baler etc vanhaven arena 722 davis dr uxbridge l9p1r2 details on website l garyhilltheauctionadvertisercom jglg gary hill auctions jbst 9058529538 1 8006544647 cell 4165186401 pets supplies boarding puppy obedience agility and rally0 classes lifes ruff dog training wwwlifesruffca mark ham 9052015050 4165683222 woodland trails petcare- offers dog- walking petsitting ser vices in aurora new market stouffville for information call 9056426009 house cleaning quality cleaning at every day prices com petitive profession albonded residen tialcommercial book early call today 416- 9150748 111 cars for sale 1990 pontiac bonne ville sse runs great passed last etest 261k500orboas is 4165649942 cell 1999 pontiac bonne- ville- ssei fully loaded including sunroof very well maintained 235000km 5995 4167796344 2001 volkswagen gulf gti 18t good condition fully loaded standard transmission 6472966447 hn cars wanted a a pays up to 5000 for scrap cars and trucks 7 24 4166844663 free pick-up- ks towing we pickup un wanted cars and trucks we pay cash 20- 20004165879256 home improvements a handyman bath rooms kitchens base ments drywall paint ing tiling fences leaky basements george 4163175437 4163210444 all home renovations and new construction work call raf for free estimate at 416-890- 2061 decks sheds tree re moval wood tile floor ing framing trim work 20yrs experience perry frfield 9057870236 design build reno vate- kitchen bath rooms basements tiles flooring plumbing electrical fences decks residential commercial drawings permit insured 4168010339 full service interior stucco painting dry- wall tuckpointing bathrooms basements carpentry pot lighting references 41 6-277- 0185 john n vans 4wheel drive 1997 nissan pathfind er- 80000 miles excel lent condition new tires cd 8500 ne gotiable 905201 6771 2003 honda odyssey 62000 km excellent cond 23000 quad seating 9054711250 ijj handyperson kitchens bathrooms ceramic tiles finished basements interior painting and handyman services jnr 647- 2281712 house cleaning european cleaning of your house- excel lent references flexible rate 6478661842 4166301842 moving storage good move your residential moving ex pert housesapart mentsoffices quality reliable insured ser vice 4167053133 moving storage moving- houses of fices apartments arti cles assembling and disassembling furniture 16 20 trucks 4166273805 parris movers- long short big small resi dential commercial available 247 af fordable rates call 905- 7582848 416-677- 2848 clikssifieds t a i f ml ii mi liiiiii mail iriiiiiiirfii llflthrr lrk home improvements dressmaking tailoring custom clothing and alterations wwwcustomjoyscom 4165564072 tree service cedar trees for hedg es call andy 905-987- 5454 adult entertainment a paradise massage- 7170 warden ave unit 20 denison 9am9pm 9054758826 lana- independent es cort 33 yrs old very pretty petite and sexy lady thornhill 1 oammidnight 9058896211 905- 8893103 real estate 100155 business to business 156169 rentals 170196 leisure living 200239 community notices 245269 community services 270299 merchandise 300385 auto mart 400470 careershelp wanted 500545 community help 550575 services 700-790- adult 900995 phone lines open mondayfriday 8am to 6pm newmarket 9058532527 richmond hill 9058841105 toronto line 41 67987284 toll free 18007433353 call 1 80079depot or visit wwwhomedeporcainsrallatiori ask us about one of our many financing options to best suit your needs i 1 i i i i i i i massive garage sale all cornell areas 1000 houses saturday june 3rd 8am 1pm wwwmycornellca community garage sale sunday june 11 lodger centre congre gation 12 heaton ba- thurstsheppard bar gains garage bake sale saturday june 3 730am 397 boyer street 10th line main charity fundrais er for breast cancer garage sale satur day june 3rd 8am 66 mccarty cres markham toys books clothes videos house hold items garnish green- mul- tifamily garage sale sat june 3rd sam- noon gift items toys bikes floral and more gigantic garage moving sale saturday june 3rd 8am 12pm 38 john dexter place hwy7woottenway markham multi fami- ly june 3rd 8am rain date june 10th ra- chael crescent major mackenzie woodbine markham- 100 bret- ton cir june 3rd rain date june 4th sam- noon fridge stove furniture much more markham- 101 til- man circ sat june 3 8am3pm new design er clothes household goods china markham- 4411 19th ave 19th kennedy sat june 3 9am markham- 110 mer cer cres raymerville june 3rd 830am- 130pm quality items some thing for everyone markham- 12 carey cres birchmount steeles sat june 3rd 8am3pm housewares childrens toys etc markham- 12 frank lin st sat june 3rd 8amnoon raindate june 4th garage contents sale furni ture household items golf dubs markham- 139 bur oak ave sat june 3rd 8am contents sale antiques furniture chi na more markham- 22 squire bakers lane june 3rd 8amnoon amazing bargains come and get them markham- 471 ray merville sat june 3rd 730am1pm belmont barber chair hitachi video camera canaac kitchen cabinets much morenoearlybirds markham- 48 50 sir lancelot dr sat june 3 8am air hock ey table more markham- 59 port rush trail sat june 3rd 8am1pm rain shine baby housewares more markham- june 3rd 4th 124 127 golden ave markham deni son bargains at great prices books toys baby furniture tele phones tools freezer cell pdas office furni ture bar stools markham- multifami ly garage sale west end of captain rolph blvd sat june 3 7am12nooh markham- multifami ly 47 major buttons sat june 3rd 9am- 1pm baby items housewares clothing shoes etc markham- sir ga- waine off sir lancelot multifamily sale satur day june 3rd 8am toys furniture clothing household items and more newmarket- annual monster garage sale great fathers day gifts kingdale rd leslie mulock 3 houses sat 8am sun 9am june 3rd 4th manu facturers samples top of the line new mens ladies golf sportswear giftware pens portfoli os sports bags glass ware leather melton jackets umbrellas sili cone wristbands clear ing out thousands of new promotional items products from orient us canada other household merchandise including toys garden ing tools bedding other items too numer ous to list stouffville- maple- view ln east off mccowan north of bloomington saturday june 3 9 am lawn tractorcement mixer beams tools olde unionville- 7 chambery cres june 3 4 8am better than a martha stewart yard sale antiques painted furniture collectitas household books more no early birds please stouffville- 12 elia drive aurora rd ken nedy east 404 estate home no junk sat 9am1pm stouffville- 181 park dr n multifami ly sat june 3rd 8am- 3pm rain date sun june 4th stouffville- 374 boyer street off 10th sat june 3rd 8am- 2pm great household hems stouffville- 671 rupert ave sat june 3rd downsizing stouffville- street sale chessman court millard willow way sat june 3rd 8am- 1pm something for everyone unionville- 23 delhi cresc sat june 3rd 8am rain sun june 4th moving applianc es more unionville- hager- man blvd off carlton sat june 3rd rain or shine 8am2pm appli ances furniture chil drens stuff household goods unionville- sat june 3 830am1 30pm 49 glenbourne park dr major mackenzie east ofwai i i i i i i varden