stouffville suntribune m thursday march 30 2006 19 guides desperate for more leaders by hannelore volpe staff writer the girl guide movement may be one of whitchurchstouffvilles better- kept secrets so much so in fact local troops could find themselves in dire straits if more leaders dont come forward to volunteer soon two of the eight leaders in stouffville are retiring this year in addition stouffville no longer has its own commissioner girl guides are under the umbrella of the markham and unionville commissioner until someone fills the stouffville post this means parents from whitchurchstouffville often have to drive girls to sparks brownies and guides events in those communities one of our goals is to keep things within a small geographical area so guiders get to know each other said gerri storr guides spokesperson for markham and unionville there have been girl guides in town for more than 75 years we have always been our own group said elaine osborne a long time stouffville guide leader we need someone who will help out in town during the past 10 years guide numbers have dwindled to four troops including two guides one sparks and one brownie troop as recently as four years ago there were two sparks and two brownies troops its a trend seen across canada ms osborne said last year we lost one sparks group and this year one brownie group brownie leader candace gillis-gar- lough said there are 69 girls and eight leaders in stouffville local guide leaders are hoping for a response to a letter they sent asking for help from parents of girl guides the guides sparks and brownies make crafts do activities play games and go on field trips to places such as the local fire station this year some are going for a sleepover at the ontario science centre the girls also volunteer singing for residents in parkview home at christ mas and assembling boredom bags to help keep youngsters occupied while their parents are in hospital the ballantrae and district girl guides have traditionally helped with a yearly spaghetti dinner assisted at the seniors christmas party in ballantrae and with the easter egg hunt its important for them to be part of whats going on in stouffville ms gillisgarlough said there is a 75 annual fee to join the girl guides anyone who cant afford the fee is assisted by girl guides of canada for more information or to volunteer log on to wwwgiriguidesca or call 4164875282 everything you need to plan your dream wedding 9 fashion shows door prizes free parking admission 5 prepurchase tickets online at yorkregioncom under the whats on page gei youp professional engagement picture dene at tne snow ny fan anthony pnetogpanfjy i 1 10 minute massages compliments of maximum fitness bt regular fees apply available on a limited basis first come first served presented by t in partnership with ninivtersalwhddlnrjsrt mqttmfjtefr for more information please contact amy hughes at mmfflm88jmmiiti amjsffaes 5426 hwy 7 east markham hwy 7 and laidlaw y i