whitchurchstouftvifle public libim thursday feb 16 2006 serving the community of whitchurchstouffville 32 pages1 including gst m banned in stouffviile pit bull saving lives in states opinion 6 calendar 22 sports 25 classified 27 publication mail agreement 40007673 onthefty staff photobill roberts madison pullen 4 gets some air with help from her dad brad during the musselrrians lake winter carnival saturday at cedar beachlsee page 3 for more photographs v by hannelore volpe staff writer if its a new different and inyourface home or subdivision and its being built beside existing neighbourhoods longtime residents sit up and take notice pronto with seven new subdivisions already approved by the town some friction is bound to crop up generally residents are concerned when ever there is a proposal for any new type of development tom parry whitchurch-stouf- fvilles director of development services said the town is changing the way it deals with those concerns by providing more information including schematics of new newinnei buildings so residents have a better idea of what will be built next to them mayor sue sherban said a 30foottall bungalow built on rose avenue in an established downtown neigh bourhood drew the ire of neighbours last year t further height restrictions are required on new buildings so that existing neighbour hoods are better protected mrs sherban said some residents were originally concerned the property might be divided into smaller lots than the 55foot norm they suggested a 41- foot lot could set a bad precedent for the neighbourhood while the mayor is working to protect established neighbourhoods she wonders why should we build things in the old style when people want to move into houses that are more current could we sell something that is 1950s style in a new subdivision some residents of the westfield estates around- cam fella blvd were concerned light and noise would spill into their back yards from the northern gate seniors retire ment community when it was first proposed the 99bungalow community on 12 acres is under construction south of the new eastridge evangelical missionary church near the stouffviile country market on the east see developers page 19 king cole ducks pleads guilty 90000 fine for spill at by serena willoughby staff writer a whitchurchstouffville poultry processor has been fined 90000 for spilling sewage in a creek last year a richmond hill court heard testi mony that a treatment pond at king cole ducks ltd overflowed resulting in a spill that flowed down warden avenue disrupting traffic and damag ing a small stretch of road near aurora road last april the spill eventually flowed into bog- art creek which runs into the holland river justice of the peace e linda debar- tolo presided over the case monday in which king cole holdings pleaded guilty to one count of discharging material that may impair water quality following the spill on april 15 the ministry of environment demanded the company take immediate action to prevent the flow of sewage from the property and clean up the spill since that time the ministry says it has been closely monitoring the water in bogart creek bogart pond and hol- landriver initially high levels of e coli were found but have since dissipated and there has been no impact on drinking water at the keswick water treatment facility the poultry processing facility at warden avenue and aurora road is canadas largest producer of duckling products supplying major supermar kets such as ae fortinos loblaws sobeys and super stores as well as hotels and restaurants in the united states hong kong tahiti france brazil russia and mexico f 05 6427474 wwwsmileciimcca f6il2mainst llpeast jbf the train station dr sheldon lazier dr waseema ali dr dina ghobrial dr dan kobric ed edwards denturist diamonds rarthau wtewellers yj 6312 main st stouffviile 9056404646 nwarhandpidicjdiainonibcom