10 stouffville suntribune thursday nov 10 2005 economist sun stouffville tribune new address phone number are 145 renfrew drive unit 160 markham ontario l3r 9r6 ph 9055131717 fax 905 5137525 blowing in wind iia hurst starts the job of clearing a huge willow tree that crashed in her yard during a wind storm sunday the tree was the last of the original willows in the eastend stouffville area the tree blew down while she was out it missed her house a shed and a neigh bours tenttrailer and shed s3sesh3sshss2 qyjpffi womens fashions shoes an buy one item and receive second item 11 oo for only jl j 3 days only nov 11 13 regubr ticket prices second item at lesser regular ticket price all sales final 137 main st n markhaim 9052943882 7n4v wwwpeppertreeca yuaibawttx tftliiimmijiiiauaimiiaimmfiiaimai vimrmws3jtovfa best homes presents saturisy november 19 2005 iffip am to 400 pm in support of 4 varleymckay art foundation presenting sponsor jsf best ii c m r s ch canadian jcbreast cancer f foundation w ontario chapter gold partner scotiabank uflo ria ltobeue kate garden designing forthegure join us on saturday tiov 19 2005 for an v exclusive holiday home j i tour of 9 professionally i decorated homes in markharri and unionville see the latest j j trends in interior floral f and exterior holidayij decorating ideas along the way visit our boutique at the varley art gallery and shop for j your holiday decorating j and gift ideas v complimentary refreshments and prizes will be provided at the varley art gallery from noon to 400 pm visit wwwvarleygalleryca for more information proceeds will support childrens art programs arid art acquisitions at j the varley art gallery v of markham and breast i cancer research tickets available at tickets 3000 j i queens pantry freshlan d ruowcrsacirrs bcst flower shop in markham 2003 9054774625 kates garden 9054757674 varley art gallery mctn3hnst 9547711 ext 221 sheridan nurseries smcthtng different ds staff photohannelore volpe 0 b o branson reclinarocker chaise recllner mmmmt mm this thursday friday saturday sunday and monday only its a race against the clock for five days only choose from a selection of popular styles and bring home genuine lazboy comfort at special savings that are too good to miss hurry before time runs out ffiityhsiiitfraji l lr j i v f lorsen ail leather reclining choir wmberty wing chair high leg reconer rtalto recbnarocker chabo recllner l a 0 b gallery of markham markham 8400 woodbine ave jsouth of hwy 7 inside the furniture mall separate enhance 905 4794771