14 economist sunsuntribune saturday oct 22 2005 mastectomy monday oct 24 1 1 00400 pm certified mastectomy fittings w professional bra fittings 377 main st n suite b markham 905 2017371 marierandorfsyrnpaticoca at 1 0 16th ave j 5 c pink f ribbon boutique o markham uses tiwt trituoui yi iuviiu to perform your treatments permanency safety approved by the fda health canada tida leader in hair removi ifover 400000 treatments performed hy4047 hwy 401 brock road toll frtct 18662376667 the pink ribbon boutique october is breast cancer awareness month the pink ribbon boutique in markham is a car ing environment where marie randorf focuses on mastectomy prostheses and professional bra fit tings marie has been certified as a prosthesis fitter for more than ten years she is a designated provider of amoena airway camp mastectomy prosthesis marie previously owned and operated a lingerie and mastectomy boutique in british columbia for the past ten years before relocating to the markham area she now focuses only on mas tectomy prostheses and professional bra fittings she believes you can actually enjoy shopping for a new you after a lumpectomy or mastectomy sur gery and even find just the right european style bathing suit marie works directly with various hos pitals and cancer clinics in the gta to help breast cancer patients with post surgery needs she also actively participates in breast cancer awareness fund raising events live life to the fullest wherever you go whatev er you do marie can fit an external breast form that gives you the natural silhouette softness and secu rity you need after breast surgery the fitting of a breast prostheses is not only for aesthetic appearance it is also a therapeutic meas ure that replaces the weight of the breast when fit ted with a breast prosthesis that matches in size to the remaining breast the weight equilibrium of the body is kept in balance not wearing a breast pros thesis or wearing one that is heavier or lighter can result in spinal curvature shoulder drop muscle contracture pain and balance problems bras for every kind of women after a lumpecto my or reconstruction balance shapers can help you regain symmetry or adjust evenness even during reconstruction balance shapers slip into a tradi tional bra to even out your figure in just the right places marie also carries a seamless full support chantelle bra from france ultimate comfort for any women looking for that just right bra just right fit marie also offers at the pink ribbon boutique the amazing breast enhancer sensual stylish fits dmonk in any bra adding a cup size rosafara the active sports bra in cup bg ultra light high control and full support fashion active classic and comfort the pink ribbon boutique carries a collection of postbreast surgery bras designed with every woman in mind marie invites you to call for an appointment any time ask about coverage for breast forms and post surgical bras some plans provide for assistance pink ribbon boutique is located at 377 main st north suite b in markham southeast corner of main st 16th parking and entrance at rear of house call 9052017371 or email marierandorfsympaticoca ft- fosho meditation classes j be zorba the buddha meditation for all ages improve health ability of focus perception and memory increase creativity and productivity and decrease stress we offer one or three hour meditation classes to institutes community centers and work places for your convenience classes can be conducted at yours or our premises for an appointment and more information contact awakening awareness facilitator meerabharathy awarenessrogerscom awakeningawarenessorg 9052946701 are ou severely nearsighted dr theodore rabinovitch of the herzig eye institute is seeking candidates for an investigational research study involving the surgical implantation of an investigational intraocular lens for the correction of severe nearsightedness glasses prescription between 8 to 16 diopters 18 to 49 years old please call nancy at 4164825533 open weekends a evenings fos your convenience recognized around jjhfck the- hv always on call wwwmedicalertca for more information 1 8006661 507 thismessage brought to you as a community service of the economist sunsuntribune