a econmistf8sdftsunztribtfnf 23 hospital medical dental hospital medical dental hospital medical dental personal support workers srt med staff has immediate openings for- full and part time assignments throughout york region candidates must have a psw certificate and 1 year recent experienca t high payjtetes trayeleimoursement weeklypay inc travel or dailyflnstant pay benefit pjaf paid inselvicls i s m f pleaf e fax yourfesume to wendyjhobsoh at srt medstaff huraan resources 69683652 or toinfeei5fj6650839 oremailrftumanresourcessrtmedstaffcom 1 l 9251 yongest weve mm moved richmond hill ij hotel restaurant ii hotel restaurant bushwood golf club food beverage now hiring counter help banquet servers cart servers kitchen staff contact phil email foodbevbushwoodca fax 9056409877 bukhara fine indian cuisine now hiring bartender cashiers servers apply in person 11am3pm 680 denison st markham cashiers customer service head cookcook experienced full time for markham richmond hill call 9054794337 for newmarket call 18774649675 ext1705 needed immediately head chef line cooks fullparttime must be experienced flexible hours great pay great working environment fax resume to 9056409960 dishwasher required part time mondayfriday 11 am 3 pm 850 hour stouffville area please call 4165742686 freelance editors freelance editors are required for monthly newspapers in york region the successful candidates will have experience writing creative and interesting feature articles for newspapers a keen eye for copy editing and knowledge of newspaper style is also required as well the successful candidates will have excellent organizational skills attention to detail and a proven ability to take initiative and work independently photographic skills and a familiarity with local issues and events in particular those involving arts and entertainment in newmarket or stouffville will be considered an asset preference will be given to candidates living in these communities making a positive difference in our communities please forward your resume with writing sam ples by july 1 1 to leigh beihl at lbeihlymgcom all candidates are thanked in advance for their interest but only those qualifying for interviews will be contacted yyyttf i general help petro canada full time afternoon and night shifts woodbine stouffville rd fax resume 9058875528 or apply within mega wraps fast food restaurant woodbine hwy 7 looking for full parttime employees must be responsible fax 9059461929 call 4162986264 house painter required full parttime own transportation needed call mark 4169922708 growing it company looking for technical support individual please send resume to info market circlecom curves looking for parttime people person will train bring resume to 6306 main st stouffville courier position available a reliable person is required immediately for a courier position in the markham area the successful candidate will be extremely reliable own a reliable vehicle be able to work the following tuesday 4pm 8pm thursday 2pm 8pm saturday 7am 4pm great knowledge of the markham area is a must you must be available to work all three delivery days yrrig murm hjmmjimij ij wbm making a positive difference in our communities please call megan pike or john mackinnon at 9052948244 jobs jobs jobs up to 22 hour to start dvp and steeles distribution company must fill 12 positions customer service delivery setup display sales marketing analysts management labourers drivers students welcome no experience necessary complete company training provided call for interview monday tuesday only 9054704014 absolutely the best career opportunity all the overtime you wish national manufacturing company requires several key individuals to start work immediately no experience necessary up to 16 80hr to start located in vau- ghan concord next to hwy7 car required call monday and tuesday 9am5pm only 9057616181 lawn cutter property maintenance needed fulltime year round affordable s aaaintenance c serviced 9058877492 traffic control personnel for busy traffic safety company in concord lane closures on 400 series highways drivers labourers required mainly night work must be reliable and self starter fax resume drivers abstract to 9056693935 attention students summer work excellent pay flexible schedules customer salessvc no exp neededwill train conditions apply workforstudents comlb call 9057315461 clarke basement systems requires motivated ptandfft labourers and sales rep construction experi ence an asset fax 9052948960 start the ad with the item service or job you are advertising provide as much information as you can the more information the better the response always include the price if the item use large type white space borders or graphics any thing that will make your ad stand out to get maximum exposure run your ad for multiple days there are new readers every day use only standard abbreviations to avoid confusion most important call 18007433353 to place your ad markham affirfrfrv sun sffitttribune ufl houses for sale ii houses for sale v 3- find out what your home is worth online visit wwwyorkregionhomepricingcom remax omega realty 1988 ud fc home sellers find out what the home down the street sold for free computerized list of area home sales current listings free recorded message 18003265582 id8060 remax omega realty 1988 ud divorce free report reveals what you need to know about what happens to your matrimonial home before during and after a divorce free recorded message 1800326 id4906 remax omega realty 1988 ltd ya open houses oki open houses open house by owner sat sun 15 pm 15 bittersweet st 16th 9th line brand new mattamy 4 bedroom baths approx 30003500 4162761225 til houses for sale priced for 1st time buyer 54 raleigh cres cent markville area open house july 9th 10th 24pm 299900 4163313370 leave message ta open houses 4 rachett rd william son rd bur oak ave sunday july 1 0th 14pm for inquires 4168590472 kj private sales 16th kennedy- 312 year old semidetached 3 bedroom partially finished basement 9058877641 wwwby- theowner com251 97 i townhouses for sale markham cornell brand new 3 bedroom- 3 bathroom stainless appliances 257900 4168975804 no agents industrial comm special available- 3200 storage building ware house 2 dock doors large yard 15 miles north of stouffville bill lehman 4166887277 stouffville- studio wmirrors change room for rent 1800 sqft great for martial arts dance 9058871248 i investment opportunities gic-alternative- receive monthly income from pool of ontario mortgages current yield 1260 call 1- 8776663936 business opportunities at home mom earn with own business wee piggies paws richmond hill mark ham growing turnkey no royalties wwwweepiggiescom 9052942511 up to 250k 1st year part time own home biz not mlm call 800- 4286992 wwwyourturn2live com mortgage loans smoneys 100 1st 2nd and 3rd mortgages bad credit ok call on tario wide 1-888-307- 7799 i i apartments 11 flats for rent 16th mccowan- brand new 1 bedroom basement laundry parking separate en trance 795 august 1st 4167377489 9th line bloomington- a beautiful country school house bright large wloft bedroom tons of windows fire place laundry terrific gardens aug 1st 1200 includes util ities nonsmoking 9056407899 birchmount steeles- spacious 1 bedroom basement nonsmoking pets 550 immediate aug 1st 9054799784 brimley highglen- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance util ities parking included suits quiet singie couple 4169108004 cornell- coach house bachelor apt separate entrance 5 appliances ac laun dry parking 900 util ities 416508-8520- hwy 7 main st- clean- bright 2 bed room parking 1000 electnc immediately must see 905471- 9336 hwy7 48- 2 large bedroom basement separate entrance liv- ingroom cacv 4 appli ances 975 905471- 3261 kennedy 16th- im- maculate 1 bedroom apartment 750 parking optional available 905475- 4260 4168844555 main street markham sof 16th bright studio large kitchen renovat ed cv laundry park ing 700 905764- 1951ext241 markham- 1 bedroom basement parking available august 1st 750 inclusive no smoking near transit 4168325544 markham- clean 1 bedroom 2 bedroom basements both in clude appliances laun dry parking near go amenities immediate 700 800 inclusive 9054757426 markham- house woodbine 404 suits single own kitchen bathroom bedroom hv- ingroom 900 half utilities 9054777215 markham- main floor bachelor century home parking cable laundry no smoking pets 750 august 1st n apartments flats for rent uxb ridge airconditiuried i townhouse apartment i rentals v j 2 bedrooms j laundry v patiogarden j pa rkinstorae 9058524777 sighing bonus need a cghome pmqne special offer activate today jniy 2370 one stop phone shop t8669925925 markham- main sw 16th ave 2 bedroom apt all appliances parking bright clean 8954163302952 markham- new 1 bedroom aot walkout basement prices are negotiable 905294- 5707 markham- spacious 2 bedroom basement christian home near go bus nonsmoking pets 995 inclusive aug 30th 905472- 0788 markham 16th- stu- dio basement apt cable parking no pets smoking 500 utilities 4167310557 markham denison- 2 bedroom basement laundry private en trance near ttc7 shop ping immediately call 9052947613 markham denison- new 2 bedroom base ment apt separate en trance nonsmoking pets immediately 780 inclusive 9054719793 markham markville mall- newly renovated 2 bedroom basement appliances separate entrance parking laun dry nonsmoking pets 1000 inclusive 9054771113 mccowan denison- new large 2 bedroom basement parking ap pliances no smoking pets immediate 750 9054714791 mccowan highglen- 2 bedroom basement schools bus separate entrance parking laundry cac non smoking pets cable 850 immediate 647- 2943960 mccowan highglen- bright clean 2 bed room basement separ ate entrance ac park ing cable nonsmok ing pets appliances 900 9054726094 mccowan hwy 7- furnished basement separate entrance parking professional 600 inclusive non smoking pets refer ences 9052015847 mccowan hwy7- bachelor basement apt separate entrance nonsmoking pets 625 august 1st 9052018925 mccowan hwy 7- 1 bedroom basement private entrance cable parking nonsmoking pets 700 immediate ly 9059402279 mccowan hwy7- new 2 bedroom base- ment separate en trance appliances laundry nonsmoking pets 950 inclusive august 1st 647885- 3828 9059478449 af ter 6pm mccowan raymer- ville- large 2 bedroom basement separate entrance mo smoking pets 950 416-904- yi apartments ji middlefield elson- basement apt separate entrance ac cable laundry near ttc nonsmoking pets 9054712275 steeles middlefield- furnished 2 bedroom basement separate en trance ttc parking cable school immedi ate 9052016021 4167166433 stouffville- 2 bed- room apt clean quiet building from 985 available immediate 9056420633 4162277776 stouffville- 2 bed- room 2 storey private entrance 1050 inclu sive large bachelor apt 650 inclusitfa 4168845987 stouffville- 2 bed- rooms basement laun dry cable gas fire place- 1 parking no pets october 1st 9056401558 stouffville- main st bachelor apt clean bright parking avail able immediately 660 inclusive kevin 4167077541 stouffville- new home 1 bedroom suits single clean and bright country living no smok- ing pets immediate 575 hydro 905642- 0123 stouffville- water- front executive 1 bed room washer dryer 900 inclusive avail able immediately no smoking 4167178055 unionville- 1 bed- room basement separ ate entrance 700 im mediate nonsmoker pets 9054792669 unionville- 2 bed room basement separ ate entrance laundry parking appliances nonsmoking pets im mediately 800 41 68430404 9059488201 unionville- 2 bed- room basement sep arate entrance close to bus stop nonsmok ing pets 950 util ities sarah 905474- 2155 unionville- large 2 bedroom basement 4 appliances walkout nonsmoking pets 1000 august 1st 9053051574 uxbridge new townhouse apartment rentals air conditioned units 2 bedrooms 4 appliances patio gar den parking storage 9058524777 signing bonus freebbq in condominimiums for rent hampton green- gorgeous main floor walkout patio 2 bed room pool shopping bus 1450 florence bishop sutton group 9056400888 houses for rent 16th yonge- de tached clean bright 3 bedroom bathrooms cac cvac apphanc- esr- nonsmoking pets 1720 416-822- 1666 brimley lawrence- 3 bedroom main floor separate entrance 1200 utilities 1 bed room basement laun dry 650 utilities showings july 30- aug 01 please call 416- 8069035 or 416-688- 0539 after 6pm cornell- spacious 2400 sqft 3 bed rooms 4 baths double garage steps to hospi tal 1700 905472- 3965 hwy7 wooten wy- perfect family home 3 bedrooms 2 bathes near amenities fw r v m 1675 september