24 hospital medical dental jn teadl opportunities economist sunsuntribune saturday oct 2 2004 ii general help h generalhelp h generalhelp stores for sale rentwanted i apartments j for rent i apartments forrent 1 apartments 3j forrent medical secretary assistant for eye doctors pt excellent communication and computer skills required richmond hill fax resume with references to 9058836109 ece position afterschool program for 1 yr maternity leave also pt assistant eces required criminal reference required fax resume to 9057376243 get your motor running hotel restaurant hotel restaurant kitchen help bartender required pt evenings weekends fax resume to 9054794407 attn jennifer wait staff friendly courteous required full or part time woodbine steeles area call after 5pm 9054150078 u generalhelp h generalhelp start work wednesday looking for a number of people to train as air quality technicians we offer complete company training 1495 hr 250000 mo to start paid company vacations full time hours no layoffs professional friendly work environment you offer willingness to learn positive attitude presentable appearance punctuality good work ethic must have valid drivers license call 9054708441 monday tuesday 9am5pm receptionist the corporate office of a dynamic entertain- ment company is seeking a ft jr receptionist candidate should have experience working on a multi line switchboard handling all reception duties and general support to all staff great communication skills knowledge of ms office and an outgoing personality are essen tial for this position please send your resume via email to hrlucidworldcom forklift operator must have experience required for leons insulation relocated in stouffville area forklift licence an asset competitive pay package benefits fax resume to mark or chris 9056408855 shipper receiver full time for a fast paced growing company in aurora forklift experience required 35 years experience preferred if you are reliable and selfmotivated fax your resume to 905727 marios no frills now hiring full time grocery clerk apply in person at 9255 woodbine ave at 16th ave markham yard person mechanically inclined with dz or az licence for landscape company our client a major automotive parts manufacturer in markham has the following opportunities available 40 longterm positions light assembly 1g7hour to start all shifts available to apply fax resume to 416 3212042 or call 416 3212697 wwwhcrca mm shifting automotive jobs into high gear i i a markhambased biotech company seeking a parttime lab helper 1620 hrswk to assist with glassware cleaning maintain inventory general lab duties submit resume to hrcytochromacom fax 9054799937 no phone calls i its a new school year and we need backup crossing guards required immediately in the markham area great pay must have vehicle give us a call today 4166060901 avon you can put 800 in your pocket its as easy as 123 work from home be your own boss free gift call heidi 9055091163 dominos pizza requires delivery drivers order takers apply within 4450 hwy7 markham west of mccowan east of warden no phone calls customer service sales several immediate openings good starting pay training provided cond apply call 9057315461 express personnel services is hiring for assemblers min1yrexp8hr temp opportunities please call 9054152670 or drop by 505 hood road unit 15 in markham between 8am- 3pm iji houses for sale itfl houses for sale find out what your home is worth oilline visit wwwyorkregionhomepricingcom remax omega realty 1988 ud itfl houses for sale itfl houses for sale 9th 16th- brand new 4 1 bedroom 2450 priced lower than build er upgrades premium lot 4168066546 home sellers find out what the home down the street sold for free computerized list of area home sales current listings free recorded message 18003265582 id8060 how to sell your home yourself and save the commission free report reveals 10 inside tips to selling your house yourself free recorded message 18003265582 id 3366 rcmax omega really 1988 ud looking for your 1st home we can help purchase at lower pn- ces mortgage availa ble 4168048955 i h t 15hr parttime help no exp necessary training provided own vehicle call 905 5083878 wanted general la bourer for landscaping company please fax resume to 9056426676 mechanic looking for a certified mechanic or apprentice for auto shop also receptionist for general office help fax resume 4162880078 or email fariaz sympaticoca fax us your ad 1905 8531765 itfl houses for sale private sale- 2000- 2300sqft 4 bedroom luxury home in upgrades luxury 2 bedroom basement apt denison mccowan area 349900 9054779600 9054771744 no agents vfx open houses 16th 48- 17 bishop crescent upgraded 3 bedrooms 327500 saturday sunday 2- 4pm view wwwbytheownercom 19057 officebusiness space office space sublet- 600sqft ac carpet downtown central stouffville call 9058958244 markham hwy7- store for rent 1000 sqft with basement all amenities 1400 tmi 9052945750 business opportunities promote your busi ness opportunity to over 4 million adult readers in south central ontar io book your advertise ment in over 60 metro- land community news papers with one phone call call today for infor mation on weekly word ad packages internet listings included 416- 4931300 ext 237 wwwmetrolandcom promote your busi ness opportunity to over 4 million adult readers in south central ontar io book your advertise ment in over 60 metro- land community news papers with one phone call call today for infor mation on weekly word ad packages internet listings included 416- 4931300 ext 276 wwwmetrolandcom work at home 52927 weekly mail work assemble prod ucts or computer work 4167035655 24hr message wwwthehomejobca or write consumer 599b yonge st 259- 222 toronto m4y1z4 mortgage loans ssmoneyss- 100 1st 2nd and 3rd mort gages bad credit ok call ontario wide 1- 8883077799 a 5year 480 also equity mortgage pro grams regardless of in come or credit call scfs 4164949883 ext 321 or visit us at wwwsinclaircockburnc om apartments for rent 14th 9th line- new spotless large 1 bed room basement sepa rate entrance suits sin gle 825 inclusive nonsmoking pets im mediate 9052010993 14th markham rd- 2 bedroom 2 bath base ment laundry parking separate entrance near school mall 9052944270 16th mccowan- 3 bedroom basement separate entrance parking laundry cable amenities 1100 inclu sive oct 905294- 7714 4168809204 16th woodbine- bright spacious 2 bed room basement sepa rate entrance 950 in clusive nov 1st 9052843030 9th line hwy 7- new- ly renovated spacious 1 bedroom basement separate entrance parking no smoking pets 4168235963 birchmount steeles- 2 bedroom newly renovated base ment apt near ameni ties 850 inclusive ne gotiable 905474- 0215 4167227334 birchmount steeles- bright 1 bed room basement apart ment separate en trance 650 416490- 77044164461222 brimley denison- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance parking utilities laun dry cable available im mediate 799 905947-9557- brimley steeles- beautiful new 2 bed room basement apt suits professional sin gle couple available immediately 990 bristol pond es tates- lovely 1 bedroom loft separate entrance ac laundry walkout deck satellite immedi ate 850 inclusive 9056405832 416- 3025996 cornell- 1 bedroom coach house separate entrance parking ap- plinances laundry nonsmoking pets available immediately 9052018044 denison kennedy- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance im mediate nonsmoking pets call steve 416- 5095138 416-831- 2875 denison teddington- partially furnished bach elor 650 inclusive shared entrance no smoking pets october 1st 9059474610 denison middlefield- opposite jamemasjid markham 2 bedroom basement 2 full wash rooms nonsmoking pets immediate 9054728584 hwy 7 48- 1 bed- room upper applian ces separate entrance parking immediate 700 utilties 4164931517 hwy7 mccowan- new 1 bedroom base ment separate en trance suits professio nal no smoking pets nov 1st 770 inclu sive 9054713983 hwy 7 48- 2 large bedroom separate basement livingroom eatin kitchen 4 appli ances 995 905471- 3261 kennedy steeles- executive spacious beautiful 2 bedroom basement separate entrance parking laundry immediate 875 9054752045 major mackenzie mccowan- brand new basement apt separate entrance 3 large bed rooms 1 great family room 3pce bath big kitchen 4 appliances available immediately steps to ttc no smok ing pets 1100 inclu sive 6472933124 9054724592 markham kennedy denison- 2 bedroom basement separate en trance laundry appli ances no pets smok ing available immedi ately 9054793921 markham- 16th lar- kin 1 bedroom sepa rate entrance laundry garage parking ac appliances references december 905294- 2425 markham- luxury 2 bedroom basement en- suite laundry ac 920 inclusive immediate mano 9054779600 9054771744 markham- huge 2 bedroom upper over 2000 sqtt fireplace skylights 1200 9052940617 markham- hwy7 9th line 1 bedroom base ment separate en trance no smokers pets suits single avail able immediately 675 4166238023 416- 8574224 markham- main st near go transit spa cious 1 bedroom base ment separate en trance immediate 4163383812 pm weekends markham- new large 2 bedroom base ment- separate en trance near busstop ac nonsmoker im mediate 905294- 8401 markham stouffville- beautiful walkout 1 bed room basement apt in country with private en trance nonsmokers no pets 950 inclusive available immediately 9056425366 markham denison- new 2 bedroom base ment apt separate en trance porch 4 new appliances parkfng ca ble 750 inclusive available immediately 4 168332246 9052945844 after 7pm 14th markham- new luxury 1200sqft 2 bed room basement ac cv cable laundry professionals 900 9052016978 markhamdennison- 1 bedroom brand new basement available immediately 675 in clusive nonsmoking pets 9052947674 4168172893 mccowan 16th- new 2 bedroom basement laundry cable park ing no pets nonsmok ing avaiable anytime 9059270640 mccowan 16th 7 bedroom basement fully furnished sepa rate entrance applian ces available immedi ately call 905472- 4629 mccowan elson- new large 2 bedroom basement separate en trance available nov 1st 800 inclusive 9054724727 mccowan steeles- 1 bedroom 700 2 bed room 800 own en trance ac cable inclu sive no pets 905472- 5603 mccowan raymer- ville- large 2 bedroom basement apt parking 4 appliances near amenities immediate 1000 4168711065 mccowan high glen- fumished new large 1 bedroom basement separate entrance nov 1st 905472- 8739 middlefield elson- 1 bedroom basement apt 550 single 2 bedroom 950 inclu sive no pets smoking call 9054711840 stouffvillebright large bachelor by go train newly decorated parking 750 inclu sive available oct 4168845987 stouffville desira- ble area brand new basement apt sepa rate entrance 1 bed room furnished appli ances shared laundry 850 call kevin 9056420826 stouffville- deluxe walkout basement 3 bedrooms 2 bath rooms 5 appliances no pets 1150 9056421967 unionville- spacious 1 bedroom ac appli ances near main st transit no smoking pets 850 905415- 3370 unionville- small bachelor main floor lots of windows full amenities 600 inclu sive immediately brad 9054800219 unionville- 1 2 bedroom basement from 800 separate entrance no smoking pets ac immediate 9054793178 unionville- 2 bed- room spacious base ment apt separate en trance parking close to amenities ttc 975 9055137547 uxbridge new townhouse apartment rentals 2 bedrooms 4 appliances aircond patio garden parking storage only 2 left 9058524777 uxbridge- 3 bedroom available immediately 1050 utilities best well kept building no pets 9058323608 warden hwy 7- 3 bedroom apt separate entrance close to amenities 1000 util ities 9054 150223 uxbridge-down- town renovated bright 1 bedroom lami nated floors applian ces parking references required 3 available im mediately 1-800-387- 9303 houses for rent 407 mccowan- 3 bed room 1200 all inclu sive available sept 1st 4165438935 a new house- mark ham- 3 bedroom semi garage appliance 1650 september 1st nonsmoking pets 4168848875 ballantrae- availa- ble immediately 3 bed room 2 storey large lot double car garage no pets 1400 utilities call for appt 905640- 9531 hwy7 robinson- ren- ovated 4 bedroom 1500 utilities availar ble immediately 9052949476 9057229058 markham- backing on to milne conserva tion 3 bedroom 2 baths 5 appliances 3 car garage 1700 util ities 9052944255 markham- luxury 4 bedroom double ga rage ac hardwood marble ceramic tile carpet 212 bath im mediate 1580 utilit ies 9054779600 9054771744 midlandsteeles- 3 bedroom double ga rage 4 appliances large backyard nov 1st 1300 utilities 4 162925038 4166840430 stouffville- 1 bedroom newly deco rated no smoking pets quiet parking referen ces utilities applian ces 4169954942 stouffville-water- front 3 bedroom bun galow overlooking lake 1200 utilities available immediately 6479994192 4165096781 townhouses forrent newmarket- 404 mulock executive town- house 3 bedrooms 212 bathrooms finish ed basement 5 applian ces central air vac 1500 utilities nov 1 st no pets steve 9059534225 old unionville- 3 bed room 1600 3 baths near schools shopping highways 1500 util ities immediate 416- 5782551 rooms for rent wanted 16th mccowan- clean bright quiet room 575 share facilities major appliances no smoking no pets 9054712359 416- 2214646 markham hwy 7 furnished 1 bedroom laundry parking no smoking pets 450 6472291195 j woodbine 16th- 2 rooms luxurious park ing private bath 450 each or both 650 4169398581 wootten way hwy7- large base ment room share facili ties cable laundry no smokers pets first last 375 905294- 3313 shared accommodation reesor steeles- room in quiet country home responsible per son need vehicle first last 375 month 9052945179