s j fr rtfv pic j v i ioffer endssunday december or wheresears is closed saturday december 8 2001 c st r4fei seareslbres close to home 3 sbbhvh- efecond freer rf i navyqrsmokey fjum iccompany any returns ri km i h 5 sfwriftunb and sf eeppfe i j x greater forontoiocations v central a it frt i gdsquare416j469q i shenilaygarrihs 416 62011 allen rd fumihife appliances store v allen rd sheppard ave 416 398-9947- north markham furniture appliances sj i home improvements store 7 z don mills steeles 905 sbislo st 4 i5- marlwille shoppmg ceflfre 905 94s1866 tzt i menalleppjngctei905313388 v c nevvmartofumfureapplia n yongest dayjsdr 905 8300049 richmond hill furniture appliances store hvv 7 yongest 905 7624870- vv wwdbineshoppingcentre 416 798-38006- 7 it s like theres no gst added 5 plus a ii otheif uphitutea ndllewp sets ori salk f- r l- j v all on sale ends sunday december 9or where sears isclosed saturday december 8 2001 srarboroughfumihiieamiliarstereiar kennedy rd 401 416 3328577 r whitby fumiturestore 1 thickson rd 401 905 5794048 or 18003368073 west brampton furniture appliances store j535steetefave e i i mississauga furniture appliances storeu i- v w5 403 905 82068011 -v- u sleep sels are also arailablex- i ffi vatthe following berartmentslores t- fakenngtown centre 905 42w0oo scartjorough tmm centre 416 2964171 square one shopping centre 905 270di 1 1 w yorkdalemall 416 7891105 j v v i a i wilj deduct from the item pnce an amount so that your totafpurchhe including taxes will be npmore than i the item pnce plus pst whereapplicable offer does not apply topurchase of nontaxable merchandise and purchases made under taxexempt status offer does not apply to deferral fees delivery maintenance agreement or installation charges excludes items in our liquidationoutlet storesand catalogue purchases offer ends sunday december 9 or where sears is closed saturday december 8 2001 si d601 furniture shop excludes baby furniture furniture selection varies by store please contact youmocal sears store for details copyright 2001 sears canada inc