deputy editor deborakelly editor jim mason production manager pam nichols distribution manager barry black online publishing manager margaret fleming letters why is stouffville mayor still criticizing librarypool opponents two and half years have passed and all the controversy over the whitchurchstoufeville librarypool project in a corn field south park is history a recent headline battle scars from 4he librarypool wars stouffville sun has been- enough forme to express my opinion r many personal insults have come from mayor wayne emmerson tdwardresidents of stouffville and members of rig residents information group of which i wasa found- ingtaemben yi rig was set up under the lawand func- tiohed under the law it drew from thousands of whitchurchstouffville residents who opposed the library moving from main street and the poollibrary moving to burkholder avenue members of rig challenged cquncil to no avail rig members attendeda toronto and region conservation authority meeting and challenged the townsplan for a parking lot in franklin park 1 r the result was a change of plans as the authority hot the town owned the land r why is the mayor cpntmumg his attack on v rig and the people who wanted council to hear their views regarding the project- one day residents mightknow who initi ated the talks and the demands put on joseph lebovic to give up the 17 acres in the deal and the costs so far we have not been told the costs of devel- oping the sports fields at the complex another 2 million many people firmly believe this will finish up as a 10rhuluorf towns reserve funds r t rig f jts operations june 30 2001 when it cancelled its charter- as advertised in the localpress v the directors of rig proudly distributed the surplus funds to local churches andnon profit organizations the past is history in the minds of many in whitchurchstouffville the building is open lets all move on was adornment in an editorial i agree and righas the taxpayers of our municipality will be looking to our local press to publish an accu- rate financial statement as to the operations of the libraryleisure centre next year and the following year which- will no doubt beah election year good news is always best news david probers whitchurghstouffville thanks to all whoontributed to markhaven grandmas run oh behalf of the board and staff of the markhaven foundation and markhaven inc i wish to take this opportunity to thank the people of markharh for their support of our event grandmas run it was ah overwhelming success raising 47000 for our building fund campaign a it was a fun event and hundreds of people from various neighbourhoods came out to show their love and affection for the seniors who call markhaven home we also want to thank- our honorary jgrandnia viola durant for allowing us to use at the grand opening of the librarypool heir as a livuigsymbol of what grandmas s project the mayor continued the insults mean to all of us k directed at the rig people why we salute too the volunteers who made its regrettable mat our local press has to this event a success v x continue reporting onthisniatterbutitlias a and we thank the town of markham jobto do y j employees who helped in so many ways and were courteous requests in responding to x harry james chairperson the markhaven foundation editorial cartoon on terrorist bombings showed bad taste re editorial cartoon sept 20 x this cartoon on the terrorist acts in the v us was in extremely bad taste- ijuid ikard to believe that leditorsandmblisrier approved this i cartoon for print even my 13yearold son commented that it was wrong- because of allthe people who lost their lives jane barrow stouffville join bur online discussions at yorkregionfcom i 5 your opinion isimpprtant tbtus on our let ters to the editor pages and on our website we invite yqutp join the ongoingdiscus- sions at yorkregioncom and youre welcome to launch your own discussion heretoo the site serves readers of the york region newspaper group which includes the economist sun stouffville tribune richmond hiuthornhul liberal vaughart citizen newmarketaurora erabanner georgina advocate and stouffville sun letters policy stouffville ibbune welcomes your jettereair submissions must be leri than 400wbrds and must includea v daytime telephone number nameandaddtessthe- newspaperreserves the right toti publish or not publish and to 0 1 s9heritagerj j maiwiamonlil3llm3 j email lettersdeconsuncom stouffviiqietribune serving the community since 1888 if he3 canadian circulations audit board member ope ontario press council canadian publications mail product sales agreement 1403419 stouffville tnbune published every thursday and saturday is one of the metroland printing publishing and distnbuting ltd group of newspapers which includes the ajavpickering news advertiser alliston heraldcouner barrie advance barrys bay this week bolton enterprise brampton guardian burlingtonshopping news burlington c post city lrentcollingwoodwasagap5nncion east york mirror erin advocatecountry routes etoblcoke guardian ramborbugh post georgetown independenvactonfree press kingston this week undsaythlsweek mldlandpenetangutshene mirror mikoncanadian champion milton shopping news mississauga news newniarket- aurora georgina era banner northumberland news north york mirror oakville beaver oakville shopping news 0rillia today oshawawhitbyclaringtonportperryathis weekpeterbordughvthls- richmond s hillihomhillvaughan liberal scarborough mirror stouffville tribune todays seniors uxbridge tribune and city of phone 95 2942200 iclassified jr distribution r ir education is the goal of alternative- lifestyle materials hen i first learned books about gaylifestyles would be available in my childrens schoollibrary my kneejerk reaction was to raise ariegative eyebrow why confuse young children about life when todays crazy social pace throws enough complications for our i young mindstoabsorb why introduce books into the school system when educrats know touchy subjects such assex education and gay lifestyles will ruffle more than a few feathers r york region elementary teachers federation of oritarhxpresident david clegg said the move is reflective of soci- ety and its everchanging diversity our intent is to recognize this group iri society exisfe to reflect that in mate- rials is a way of enhancing understand- s ing clegg said earlier this month theprovince on- the other hand is washing itsharids of the whole notion acknowledging the matter is too touchy to legislate a decision of such a sensitive nature should be a decision made between par- ehts- and the individual boards 0 education minister janet ecker said the first book ashas mums is writ- teriby atesbian -couple- rosamund elwinand michelpaulse aridjs already hn pafentingshelyes inpiiblic libranes the story islabout a teacher who asks vja stodentwhytwo mqmmiessigned a corisehtforfhfdf afepwheh the girl explains shehas two moms the teacher- gets angry and tells her she cant go on the trip if her form isnt properly signed by one mom ji themomsgo to school to talk to r the teacher after their daughter comes home in tears one classmatetells the girlher father says itsbadtq have two moms livihg tpgemerher teacher then tells meclass famuiesare not wrong if theyre nice toyouahd you like r thefh r i- r r the other- tigerhowers bypatricia i quinlan is about a- family that fincls consolation aftera young boys loving uncle dies of a1ds lijj- i it shows ybung readers wonderful lqyihgpeople candie bjaies and other j serious illnesses mjdhpwtp7dealwith trie grief by remembering trie fun things about tlie person v v 7 ci s these books donttry to romanticize alternative lifestyles they 1 rdrehtbtbebperirmiridedsihsteadof judgmental tolerant instead of racist j and uhderstahoifrgmsteadofighorahl they teach- childrenrpeoplemthe theyteach people to others for ltragediesthatlhavelshatteredfsojmany olives of late how can thatbe wrong h i mh fir 11 j kk t i w s f uv