mecuoieorbusmessj the evening and secojidaryschool donna wonjrf woodfindgefeollegeudentsimf fweekendvcoordinatorxat york vauirtanisecdhdary school kelvin vliig vha feals bi 0ntari0s0larb0h itolfceri-ovrfalstorvarrf- qtfassfsltistfc at r ask questimisjshe aft helps not toleave ever z ontario scholarswithb 99rpercent3 sv average in hisoac year 4 jsggsi study twp or three houra dayji vevervv iverytfiingtotiie annual walk againstmaleviolence mmkyiuesecdndary v school v- thvwhite nbbon andrew charlesdbxeypf dr john her school sher wasawarded denison secondary school j by kathleen grifrin staff write f ips rodenck ting fung cheung i cloesht believe in putting things off che begins s assignments right jiaway doeshis studying well before i jthe and tries not to leave any- j fsjdungtotifelastminiite j kcidqnreauyhave any secret method tostudyingtljust tryto 7 sart early said cheung this years v itbp ontariolscnolar at the york rcatholic distnct school board r s tfieoac student at brothel j tiandrecahcschcolmmarkriamvv earned a 98percent average in his t layearfimshihgatthe head of the n tl at j ittxrsk thetunetry notto get mvplvedin irehzowkstformebwh of too nianx thingsthe 17-year- 1 summer camps he also xlcheungjaid whd volunteers atthe willowestates 4onewhothmks riursihgthome and participates in sarenpttpo pfrt jfcqpvetorofthe yi ijr jtr jnrr mm mm mqioikelbmbetg