economist suntribune families saturday march 25 2000 21 i ht are you a young parent or parenttobe 25 years old or younger living in the markham area who wants to keep fit build self confidence and meet other young parents pathways welcomes you and your child to join our free young parents and child fitness group our qualified fitness instructor will lead you through- muscle conditioning boxercise step interval aerobics and more our free young parents and child fitness group meets every sunday from 330 500 pm at centennial community centre we provide transportation snacks and a bag of groceries if you are interested in building a healthier lifestyle and having fun we invite you to come exercise with us this sunday for more information please call cheryl at 9054711620 8811616 scenestealing animals from stage and screen jaclyn wilkinson mercialsyoquierotacobell dino fred flinstones nemesis benjie black beauty willy silver correspondent the talking horse and francis the and dont forget the whole cast of other arnold beethoven cheetah flipper in a mediarich culture people spend talking mule two ofthe first talking ani- animated critters that darn cat trigger hammy a lot of time talking about and idolizing mais honourable mentions have to go to hamster champion and algernon hollywood stars and athletes however one group of stars that never seems to get the same attention is animals so heres a list of some of the most famous oftremembered and loved animals of the past and present morris the cat morris was the orange tabby that starred in more than a dozen 9 lives cat food commercials his real name was lucky old yeller movie star and hero who didnt shed a tear when he was shot because of rabies sandy the dog from the movie annie a better best friend couldnt be found lassie timmys best friend when lassie came home we all cheered hooch from the movie turner hooch the scene in which he shook his head and slobber flew everywhere was disgusting funny and endearing the littlest hobo the hardest working detective out there hobo spent his days travelling around and helping those who couldnt help themselves eddie the dog from frasier the dog that started the jack russell terrier craze aka moose rin tin tin star of the silent screen babe perhaps the most famous pig ever likely responsible for making more than a few kids push their pork chops around on their plates the dog from the taco bell com- dales pharmacy ybxvr family pharmacists exclusive provider of apothecare home medication management services 4711234 377 church st markham 8200 bayview ave ihomhill next to markham stouflville hospital 1 blk s of hwy 7 open 7 days a week free delivery service funded by health canadas community action program for children capc in ontario athways j for more f information ij contact the ii canadian blood 0 services in your community or call g i 1-800- j 1 66828661 h p the canadian if blood i 1 services if this message brought f s to you as a community si p service ot the l economisttribune 1 come to a parenting and family seminar for and about real people living in a family is often a difficult experienceto say ip the leasti je nfedetfi j an internationallyknown speaker author teacher and counsellor will cive his who do you turn to who do you turn to who do you tum to who who do you turn u who do you turn to who do you turn to who who do you turnto who do you tun so who do you turn to who who do you mm to who do vou turn to who do you turn to who- who do you turn to who do you turn to who do you turn to who who do you turn o who do you mm to who do you turn to who who do you turn to who do you nun to who do you turn to who do yon turn to who do you turn to a loss has occurred and suddenly youre facing so many urgent decisions who do you turn to who do you turn to who do you turn to who do you turn to since 1949 when we began serving the community many families have entrusted us with providing funeral services for their loved ones who do you turn to who do you turn to who do you sum to at dixongarland wegently guide you through the details while offering our support in the spirit of compassionate understanding who do you turn to who do vou turn to who do you turn to keep us in mind we d like to be the ones you turn to in your time of need who do you turn to who do you turn to who doyou turn to who do you nun to who who do you turn to who who do you turn to who do you turn to who do you turn to who do you turn to who do you turn to who do you turn io who do you turn to who do you turn to who who do vo tur to who do you turtuo who do you turn to win dmvmwf4tiko ifio do turn to who do you tumammjtmrn iomm mn you turn to who do you turn to who do yoirrurn to whuii vf do you turn to who who do you turn to jmcmikmt on jo urn to who rn 9052942030 you turn to wlto do you tujjidp who do you dixon funeral home ltd nun to who do you turn 166 main street north markham on l3p 1 y3 to who do vou turn to who do vou turn to who do vou turn to who do 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