economist sun stoifivibe tribune saturday aug 28 1999 3 edjjicimt rf ir s liatosi by jennifer brown siafpbvriiers teacliersatthejpublic board vall face a new f report cd when they jfiturnto school this fall s this time it will evahir atifcesteyreinea room in sbptemberjl2 elementary schools and three wgh schools vt test pilot the new teacher evaluarv tibh process with full implement tibn scheduled for january 0 1 the schpdfc involved in the 0pj pilot include franklin street ramerwobd vvclay aldergrbye aurora heigfitshbliancl idingj maple leaf stonehaven dohcrestiz tlibrril public wbbdlahd brownrfdgedf john mtenisorii- jj king city secondary and markhani district high schooler vvhile there has always been an evaluation process for teachers slx- netoupdateydty haabecornea pressing issue c accqrciing tocpiefte nemrii super- interident of employee services we wanted to ask how can b aissurepurseiyaioiuid of accountability that we do have a ah effective process for evaluating teachers currentiy7the boards policy for euatihgaciiequinesa revieweyery two years but in reali- tyojgbdals say very utile evaluation has occurred at all except for pro bationary teachers v r there is rea nothing new here that hasnt akeady beenmone in the l ia25years lgndrnprogrameadi ersywjl be every three years drbbationatbiachers- vbllecphersrltferasorrop1 days from the first day of teaching teafchers who do not meet the eectatibns will receive more intensive supervision and will mbvethroiigh tiheeyaluatibh cyelb more frequently to monitor their i progress each teacher will have at least one planned darbbmit by ah administrator teachers will be given three to five days notice prior to the intheclms stpuffyiileichboisydidnbii a volunteer id undertake a boards ieacherassessmen t pilot project plahnedvisit 1 a aa ajltjeacikir and the admmistra- torwill officially meet two days later todiscuss the visit and 10 damertiiata ilevel of performance will be sent tbthem j greatedbya union representatives- consviltants ahd school administiatorsmey draft24page evaluation booklet pesjpjcfislitcl i cteatetheifbwn personal growth plan and a series of questions that mtecheretolpate as well as their principal f when it is determined that a 1 teacher has not metexpeetations a second evaluation will be complet- edp later triarl40 days after the first report a a iftiieyfaiia5bcbndessmentg they will be placed on review there is reauynothingiiew hete that hasnt aireadyjbbn done ihtlie25yesaidjnn hitsmarvof the elementary tbach a ers union a teachers are asked a series of questions that fefiecfa standard- ized set of expectations ithe questions look at how a teacher instructs students assesses student learrmeymuaies i their ovmprbfessibnsmandmore everytijmgmhpwaiedieru keepscurreht oh new curriculum materials and whether they seek hew skills in the area of technology to hbwithey contribute to the life ok the school istevaluated s 1 teachers will be asked for their a input bh the document before it is j fiidy implemented in january vthis document is evolutionary jiptfevplutionarylt is intended to ckriowledge the complexity of teaching sddmikewasylenky pinapalbf drolm m denisbn a secondary sppljahd one of the pebplbyio helped dewropthe a fepjortcard aaa aer me dbcxunent waspre- sehted aurorajangtrusteesusan 1 plamohdoh asked who would see the evaluation afterit wastcbrriplet- etl i ve heard lfassessmimtancl mat me dpihimenfh pocket for dcmpjiimiteniswtet is the inteht fof tius dbaunehtv jitswreeas everytlnng ftomuw pste newleiiiriculum materials and whether meyseeknew skillsin the area techhbjortp hsw theyj contribute io the life of school is levaluaieo nernhi said copies will be pro vided to the prindpal one for the rteachers personal file arid one at the board headquarters- a vaughtotrusteeharvey nightingale asked forbretimbio ijassess the document mdthat terms referred to inthe book be more clearly defined the booklet will be discussed further at the boards september a standmgcommittee town never bymikeadler li staff writer jay dean found a new way into the world a the school system the work but but a governjrierit- runpigratn dean 20anbaevbtatlifetrds summer he said beside the partially-renpyat- ed house wfieepfppiemj greater torontb became the first graduates of second ghance iriarjacardfcerempny last week7prpject ixainer scott davis pronounced them all stronger and- bettersuited to go into sbdety t vytspunded irnfain none of the nihef7 12 whenthb program start- e4 were m prison- or in serious trouble yyithm gneupmma c but if they werent really but of sodety they werent really part of it either they had dropped out of school felt worthless and werent employable t always thought negative said ashley raethorn 16 of scmborpugjhit just felt like i was a ureahdlculdddnptr4ng a but deciding she didnt want to sit at home all summer and do nothing raethorn enrolled in second chance and the program panjged her alotshe said v fttaught me tf i putrny mind tp something and if i put my best eff6jmtoitimicbuldacally doit sombgracluates instedthe interlocking brick arid the wooden deck where thursdays ceremony was hdd s others bnffliteehrpry debora 17 put up drywall in a irppfn pf themarkharn road house the group shares with the markham african caribbean assbdation- ttlus was a nmdown shade debbra said you could see the- i boards arid everything at first raethorn who wants to try work in the beautyfield thought co photochemjomeon lyier way displays the furniture he created using twigs from the yard second chance was going to be a waste of her summer but it got her domgthings worldng wlm ontario streams the youths performed useful work along the rouge river such as removing purple loosestrife aiiear- indestructible wetland plant jaaa im glad 1 could help the ehyi- ronment somehow raethorn saicl after second chance run by the ontario social t develpprnent council adrian a bailey a of markham 19 wants a trade vifgiriia f thorripsoh o- scarbofough v20 wants to work with the elderly l- td recommend it to anybody iwhbs been through school s- tern and realized mey just cant sit in ra classfobm 70 1 ihihutes at a time dean said the program now interviewing its second set jbf partidparits gets each graduate ai job placement afterwards fanyone aged 16 to 22 who is uriemplbyed out of school and interested can call 416 3458561 for an interview were looking for kids that are going to be benefitting rhost from the experience said local high school teacher chris williams j j m tkmmm mm