economist su stoufmfetrlbtueymaryrl- i3 r v557 j s the courtney trempe inquect 1 f v rfcj irv jn- dog there was nothing in his make me categorically believe r bite a person reybroek said i would a i i i have mosley destroyed and was visiting never have thought he would have coroner dr barry mcleuarf must the dog before it was put down harmed a child r t now decide whemer to auowthe jury to eleven days after trie attack reybroek i when asked by the trempv familys hear the new evidencehe listenedfo said the ddgshowed no changejriper- lawyer christine zabldcki if reybroek arguments from the lawyers involved sonality from before heiafied the little eversaw his dogdisplay any aggressive then reserved his decision until today girl rjehavloufto peoplebr ahimalshe pending mat decision- mcleuan i went through some of the sit stay ssfi 5b5f f rvsjyek for the dead to protect the living is acordners motto n saidno requested that the niedia not publicize uparid down with hirrtand he did- all i never saw him be aggressive to details of the new evidence those things and then they put him people in any wayzriefaid adding later t inquest being held in sharon is down said reybroek adding that he mrthe a examining the circumstances of and the canine control person shed log i w s f courtneys deatfi asjwell as the trainings some tears when thedogcdied thats zablocalsoaskedreybroektif he of dogs and breeds of dogs kept as fami the eerie partrl thought the incident nad evewnld anvnrip that mnslw had lypets frfaddition to current legislation would change him but he didnt seem governing dog ownership responsibility any worse for wear he was fine during his testimony yesterday whenasked if he owned a dog now reybroek toldthejury that he arid his reybroeksaid no that he would never 3vife kelli chose the bull mastiff breeds trust another dog again- giveriall the pjtheqtdjoujrned earlyyester- because they believed it was bred to be a straining and time spent ensuring mosley 4ayherfia4egal issueofevfouowing guardian but not aguard dog arid was would be suitable for his family -ii- ii j tci i ji xr rr cantpredictwhatthatdogwas rjad ever told anyone that mosley had ybroeks testimony fashngetp4le8 idomzablocki presented this riiotto matters a great deal to spe mcial families while inquests are painful for thetamilies of the deceased theyre crucial to the well- being of the coihmunity because of thisahd because of theneed to seek the truththe families endure them e j 1 as a cdmmunitywe should be forever grteful ls the inquest frito tragic death of courtney trempe ishow under way the little girl was killed by a bull mas- tiff one year ago this is a painful and an enlightening time for courtneys parents we dont know the outcome of this inquest but one thing is certain courtrieytrempe was loved- i i spoke with donna trempeand her mother two i weeks ago donni is caring fairriiinded and very like- i able i wasespecially touched bycourtrieys graridmbth ex to hen courtney was simply everything lcouldnt r imagine losing one of my eight grandchildren it would prea pain beyond descriptibnr jf fj izf donna hopesthe inquest will focus off respohsible dog ownership i agreebutjid stepfurther to jitii