t econk sun7stouffirtlle tilhursday 251999 vfc vs j- a heaijh marm o by jennifer brown staff writer f u f gobdratesareih or close to metro cardiac status v a of seniors in the community is lof thvlist but inevitably people sotmsinformatidnisveryclea v donvprntwitrrall thesympr c on the- surface the statistics cthe answer is riot to add more patientsadmitied to hospitals gewgina- also has jhe highest v toms he sais l may have seemed damaging but toronto centres z 5 1 i- in southern york rhgioti hospital admission rate of the nine markham stoiutville hospital to york county hospital they con- ithe study conducted by the have better chattce of municipalities f acting president dr jim maclean firm- newiarketis the fight place- institute for clinical and evaluative 1fusiijz- ua j ihriw york county officials insist their agreed mathbspitate like hishaye for a cardiac carecentre sciences shows lyprk county has a j v y mortality rates are actually 153 per had easier access to cardiac ser- k studyreleased this week- higher moftafitylate among heart- 3 cent but becausethb study used a vices in the past c6mparedtdy6rk heart vattackpatie tojook atjifestyjen dffie pr jim maclean f markham stouflville hospital has easier access to cardiac care shows patients going to- southern york region hospitals have a greater chance of sur vival than their neighbours in the nbrth- l but only goesl to socioeconomic and distance to reflected the provincial age and hospital sexadjusted model many the ices report indicated younger patients seen at york many factorsmaybeaffecting york county were eliminated from the countys mortality rate including study group markham stouffville hospital and all other gta hospitals except humber memorial- york centralhad a 14per cent death rate followed by markham stouffville at 149 per cent and york the distance patients must travel to county at 19 per cent reach thehospital mouriv sinai hadthe lowest it states age and socio-econom- death fate among ontarios teach- cic factob alsohavea major influ- v irig hospitals withlll2 per cent of encfe on cardiovascular health and heart attackpatients dying within ih york countys case gebrgina show the jq days of theirattac well under residents factor prominently as a province was theprovihcial average dm48 group ifi need of cardiac services x right tolocate v v- in georgiria weve got acorn- the new even if a patient dies after being bination of issues and demography regional car transferred to a toronto hospital ics you dont see irvthe rest of york theyre jigging the numbers on one hand but not adjusting for socioeconomic reasons on the other said carfiere 7 aiid cardiologist pt jack syrhmes said york countys in-hos- pital mortality rate is 37 per cent w lower thanthe national average vices but you have to be cautious of 47 percent how you interpret these numbers but overall accessibility to ser- he said j vices has been a huge problem for- 4 it rriay also be a reflection that theyre jigging the numbers on one hand but not adjusting for socioeconomic reasons on the other dan carriereyork county hospital president we in the south end have high er accessibility to intervention ser- diac centre in york county accord- f the study tracks the caseback to region carriefe said northern- york region residents- our cardiologists arerhofe newly irigfto hospital president dan accordingto the district healtn syrnnies said trained than those in the north caririere v patientlsrst attended councils 1995 acute care study v with chronic waiting lists jrou the other problem with the vt put a cardiac centre 1 that numbferhas no reflection georgirias urjemplbymehcrate-is- got to the pomtwhefe we couldnt study carriere noted is that it wnere the lowest occurrences are fn what is happeningin this hospi- 40 per cent higher than the rest of get patientsin and hadto treats r patient over a 30day bfthe highestxarriere asked- tdrcarrieretsajd ir the region the average income is people with medications you try j ll nodoubt centres with ifyoulookatlpercerit you 50 per cent lower and the percent- totget the sickest people to the top period- while the average jength of stay in hospital is about five days cdiirette stndrome oftena rnisunderstood disease one in wo children nipst often bofssufferssymptom swearing r still adjustingjto ts is difficult sleerj disorders v tourette vmmk i especially when dealing witha a lotof peoplethinkthis isa s y h of o rne child v rare disorder yaueaujaidvilt hits association 9- when valleaussohwas going lone in 100thatdoesnt make it dntarid execu- v- rare m a school of 1000students v tive director for most its an ongoing theire are about 10 children with richard battle with the school ts 7 hensley knows terizedby involuntary rapid j systemllne children need vaueausorf attends a school fi srt ha na y suddehnmovementssdrncaliza- x fhuii r- wherehis teachers are aware of aboutthe diso 1 ima im- k-jiyo- jal5 suppoitaiifuiejway n jc byjoanransberry rf staff writer a neurological disorder thats often misdiagnosed misunder stood and a lot- morecommori than people think v toufetter syndrome lis charac ti6nslikebarkmgtfeadjerm w rumd understand vv- order both his smelling fingers afe justa few of j f ftrough suntyiew iblicschooris wifeafid his a thpsurnntnrhs 5 1 i ji2 iwu wonderful valleau said for son have ts most its an ongoingbattlcwith his wife ruths if ft hh1 m w the symptoms theres ho curetor the disorder iaurianne valleau starting ts remission can occur at any time studiesshowthat in late teen years and adulthood the tic syrnp- toms seem to stabilize and become i less severe those diagnosed with ts can- anticipate a- normal life spanruuvsaid genetic studies indicate tic dis- piders areinheriteda person withts has about a 50 per cent chance of passing the gene on to one of his or her children hensley i influences the the genebeiiigfar i in boys medicatidhs to helpv weaianrunaerstana- wnai 5 jhuwuj a uiouiuciuioi r- uiua w ui nicuiwa iraw caioi lu uuumaiiiuy ayuvmco aim jiiovciu- wasgoir1pnvalleautsaid we hand wiuyabqut 5p of ts fbymnlarge is lifelongvtqday identifyts hensley said ed frdmenjpying normal interper il bkfiaaf 1 grand opening this weekend english country condo homes from only 209980 sv r cormeqpabk fr i h n i ii a 1 j zl f t mw