1999 for boys and girls house league rep players wi 2 vj2i v v wherers centre 7 cprner48 7 v a when r saturday ebruary 27 1999 v u v- v am4o ipnv ages j forboys girjsages 5tcf1 j years y i i- 4birthpate raterthanjurte3qh 994 costj- s 60 perchild w required qopy of birtfccertificate for new players iv ttvqntanc ilfleajthumbrtfpralljplayersvv games girls play monday and wednesday k v boys playltuesday and thursday when 6 rm during may juneandseptember w july and august are vacationonthsj 2 needed coaches cohveriorsand voluhteefsfor birthdays py sweet rcheryl k 356 more days to go i v yloyeythc gang w jtarot card reading since 1970 barbara ftttonum ba catalyst for change 905 2945817 685 personals erotic xxx action lines talk live to xxx ladies secretly listen in recorded fantasies 8 dateline tob siscii 1 111 1 97642125 4qc houses too for rent markham denisdn stouffville 3 2- bedroom se full bedroom detached bath laundry cafile wants a family 2 12 aav rib smokingpets baths fireplace fin- marchrrist 905-472- ished basement ga- 0924 v rage fndge stove apnl s1300 lutilities markham t village 9054711337 ext230 nice- one bedroom basement se single warden j blooming- parking- cable no t3t bedroom sjnoking pets 650 house s950month i inclusive 905-472- plus utilities v avail- 6578 able immediately contact jeff 705 executive vv 7261141 weekdays c it professional lux- w l ury invogue decor c large hving- dining i kitchen centre island z markham s875- 905- 11pc queen anne 4718175 cherrywood clining- robm new estill aja articles wlw for sale denisonbrimley twor bedroom base- i special occasions v o information call fred crawford 471 21 21 w- s 645 gord stewafflt deeply loved- and desperately missed it 655 in memonams focus flowers mairist nj markham 4717000 winner of readers choice i award five delueiy to dixoncoilond funeral home y w saenfice 5000 t416- ment full washroom 7269885 ac jaundry separate entrance i nov pets a1s factory v caii905305f8365 j directsinglbrwset stoners johnathan y- 3 3 deaths i stonfch- johnatnan s110 double- s140 moctober24thv1998 markhamv mainsf v gftats- 1 february 1999- junior one bedroom il6 beloved sonof kevin 625 inclusive -avail- 40 stoner and v linda able immediately one guest brother- tv bedroom apt 725 in- bed black wrought krystal lovinggrand- elusive v available iron canopy- queen son of robert- patn- marchy15th 905-472- orthopedics mattress cia guest and gord leave message frame never opened fbettynr lealr great sssll r 1200 saenfice 5490 4162550285 h w cite- goodwood minor 4 v a 31 registration ifnalregistration 5atmawh7 m v ssakmarch 27- 1 000 amy 4200 prh iigoodwoodcommunity centre k locatedron hwy 47in goodwood registrations willony be accepted rn thoco riao nr unrilall cnafaeu jtw j q 7k announcements v riswfelcomejipk i- u a r-g6od- f- business iftv new mothers i ft v bridestobe newexecutlyes i new business wrtri business information gtpf g fix invltationsjjc a uhone to haveyour business represented o receive a welcome wagon visit jwwwwelcomewagonca tv stewart gord a ihmemoryof my i jt best fnend whqleftjusuddeylly f ii 16th niarkhanird hesiile tint llarnms 2018804 first choice with free local delivery free metrowide finervl delivery grandson to helen luxury 1400 sqft j brown andydoreen 2 bedroom basement bedding t blue floral v stanich nephew of apartment hwy 7 duvet cover queen christopher and vivi- mccowan 2 car -park- matching pillow ancousin to dalton ing fireplace living shams bed j skirt andr nolan- friends room dining room sheet set double- may call at the oneill eatin kitchen pnvate new 9054271822 7 funeral home on entranced 3 applianc i mo tuesday feb 23rd es 975 suit mature beu5 new from 122 pm funeral adult or couple- no geen 158 double n pets 9054724032 si 38 single 5108 futons bunkbeds blvd discount prices de sunset service to follow at 2 pm- stouffville- attractive hvery avaitablejt 1 bedroom clean 4852764 n c fj houses for sale 1416 675 announcements la rose r peacefully stouffvillev attractive calling 2 bedrooms clean 416 ability jutelk 6266221 shweyann love bnght modernl build- 9059394540 f raftera homes quiet streets ing c to all iii v vl lnw rinwn navmnnt oa canadian mini sat- iannoungements 675 anwuncemen 1- 615 1 i- issdrplirhi readers beforei-respond- ing tqany t adver- tisementt re queitinvtrtat moneys be r senc youmayiwishto investigatethe companyuiclthtf ffe4tp lisrfcarfnotfasi eringfadvertisea withinfthevdassi b allantrae c0mmwv1ty crmre convenient location ckdvjasl a perfect setting for any occasion sjjgr hall in whitchurchstouffville for further information availability call secretary lttaber 1-905-642-233z- heather hill gibson intuitiverlifeatk i spintual coaching spiritual insight with tarot comforhng accurate reading tueiay reading 12 prjcei 29491 36 markham ie was the loving and ijde voted wife of the business space basement parking- 266 complete multi- of robertgray evelyn 2947889 j corcoran and marga- ret doyle she will be lovingly remembejeb by the rest of her famriy w ihciit stouffville huge tiful- large 12pcymat w 2 bedroom family hogany chippendale fflfh room s3950m specjacular movein fconditionnb 6pc frenchbombay pets 950ubliuesin-bedroomvurte- queen business opportunities 680 coming events v boxed cost 13000 wednesdayfrom3pmj jncluded- april v 905- lse framestillstni 7313890 c- ptoucacbst17b0k- ffnfiwhjmtiusnt ti-miip-i- sell 675416551 forsale 25 seats plus tvrhtaaaam 0285 wiw banquet j hall u- lyyjj r smoor cllwr sensed fih kbanksiharold v passed away january -s- 527thj1999nnterment jvirasfxgnxriawnce 1 jc ri chegks eifjrl 4720797 v vl new 9059479115 istouffvttle country snowblower f- j -sfers- i 1 nv itjvik hj v j vl