t i 5v tv5 y arfec4fjaiji jojh -v- l rv j- i hm fm er camp ause awhile f summer dayicamp j 99h 13243 mccowan road stouffville ontario 9056400781 fulescmmerday came a twist t 5j- 2 o -v- 3 v i v asi summerf unactivities sucfcas swmviingl canoeing fishing basejald s0gcek r bbq days otherf arts crafts overmghts grbunp horsemanship ahorse games sports stable management of riding wessons r v horse shows ist fmlint i i atp sbirtshatsribbons prizes qualified and certified staff from the seniorlqampjdirectortothejjjuniorcamp xt fjsivi v j vivaft c t- r counselors register before march 31 1999 and save 50 on a 2 week session new circus p viiinaslics register now for winter and spring sessions classes include gymnasticsracrobatia jop trapezei trampohnerspanishlwebcfanclmorer fun ffrabb ages for more information call 905 47m4l126m johnftriet unit 204 205 march breaks summer iv circus camp grco from games arts crafts 3- riurrpcin qmrostics movies more calf to reserve space now x via birthday parties y be a qkus smr at row thm pakm your fads will learn to perform on trapeze swtm laddertightrope and more meet the downs and see a crtus show devonshire stables i241 elgin mills rde f f i riding camp marcri15lc19and june 28 to september 3 one week sessions i 930 am to 330 pm quality riding lessons with friendly instructors and welltrained horses and ponies learn all aboiit horses and how to take care of thern crafts program too j- for a brochure call j 905 7703276 hw x il i ab l s v si ivv jtjl fksmwayamm am a vciaa iiri j the canadian centre for academic enrichment ltd jv5 wwvj prescriptive teacriirag tuatoribug era imvvmm mh3 iesuiimebllgrams 1l viv v r tjesvwritihg jstudyrjibit saai grammarji spiling j iscrff iyl4fe available vll adcali registration vcissifiedh v advrtiling atvx 9052944331 l9 r9ii t bbw- aa wsimaf i k transporti inini f 1 4i 1 for a new coloarwl brobttre r u p vk i 1 glenbrook march break camp 5oar registration registration registration registration registration registration ivjt vt