ttv f ivvfc s application r the following establishment haspplied to the alcohol and gaming commission of ontario fijha liquor licence under the liquorxicenceact j application for additional facilities s t mandann golf and country club the 11207 kennedy road markham indoor and outdoor area 1 any residenfofthe municipality may make written submission as to whether the issuance of the licence is in thepubliclhteresf having regard teethe needs and wisfievofthere l snoiater v 24 1999piease iricludeyotir w- name address and telephone number if a petition is submitted to the commision please identifythe z designated contact person ia jilm l noter7- vi i t vthvagco gives the applicant details of anyobjestidns submissions to be sent to vy i licensingand registrationdepartmeht j alcohol and gaming commission of ontario 20dundaist7thfloora i tdroritvon m5g2n6 f v j fax4f63265555c email at iicensingagcooncav 18007433353 trca general for xthere affecting their ability to deliver workmgconcuuohshave c edso drastically at the regions separate i dents many teachers employed in boam new teacners would be wise these six boams are already looking for to seek employment opportunities jobslsewhere isp elsewhere warned uie president of the jn january the regions 2700 o oj o i ontario engush catholioteachers v catholic teachers gained a new two- cs aisbciation v year contract through binduig arbitra- y marshall jarvis has sent aletterto 10 tiori following a bitter dispute with the faculties of education mpritanoahvis- board that included a15day strike 3 jhg fiiem of poblrvrklng comfitibnsat ct r uoydhoiilden six catholic school boards thai had sec- sided with the board on major contract tipns of their new bargaining agree- issues in both staffing and financial ments iniposed by a prqvincially- avenues including do salary increase a mediator r j over m co of the deal and an addi- welcometo the teaching profes- tional instruc pe for high s10n schoolteachers f pecia wouldliketc i cautronjypu b contrascthe fegfonspublic sec- dibut acceptmgemploymentin ond ranfeinfed three boards wherejexcessiyetworkloads classroom periods each semester in the exist teachers rntliese areas are suffer- r i ing from low morale employnient in first year of their new negotiated deal school boards wlefe lekchers are u wlt massive growth under way undervalued r can damage your throughout york region the separate xapacity to- enrich your professional board 1s m the process of hiring as -life- j many as 120 new teaching positions as jarvis ifs theunions vesponsi- wel1 as number of contract and occa- bility to alerfits members and potential sional postings for maternity leaves ill- members about the disadvantage of nesses and to replenish the supply lists working with some employers chairperson elizabeth crowe called a vfe carivin goodconsciencerec- jarvis comment disappbintingespe- ommend to new teachers that they dally since she believed thetwosides accept jobs in these boards he said were attempting to mend fences not the recent arbitration settlements tear them down including v orthodontics for children aduits f jaw joint tmj treatment 9054757600 s 18 grown steel drive 7 wurtjcn 14th avenue i electronic insurance filing s r j 4fk ft vi z s r w tt ft 4 f vrt i fy t j 5 v 5 r yiit k -r- p st woqwmfmbnt r- -so- v v1 df t akt 1 0yeara wear warranty j 5 a fc r1 pthguagsaxohyplush amazing 90 splendid colours lovear warranty v s 1 1 othguage saxony plush vitural lytradkljeiss f xv businessshoursll wsht aytji tn ytynyh markville builockdru j 7 4m ft 11 tj v dupont iff -sefrv- sa hi l fflg j