s iwa v 50 cents including gst 24 pages tuesday nov 10 1998 to reach us 9056402100 x -9i- iii b v v ifflfjywevet worries todayyouthffioeday j s crosses vefs shouiatalm to their families ab0utiwarr v jim gloyensays jsr 5 e j by joan ransberry staffwrit fju hen jim glover first heard the battle cry hewas- 17 f yearsv old had limited schooling and jwas working f in a losing vamrrin north ern ontario 4 t it was the early440sgioyer knew a lit- h tie about logsbut his4 father like most first wolridaf veterans i i s didnt talkabout if it was too painful i r my father went through it all mclucf- kt ingvimyridge i knewwfiyhevvas iijayen a medal glover said j u r v 3 see parade photos page 12 tii my famer didnt speak of it if war is to jts de forgottenmaybe we have jburselves to 3vfilbiame tnonrrnil- y k what his father didnt tell him was that ftvim mdgyjnl9jmore aan3600 canadian fsoldlerswereikilled between 4 april 9 and apnl12 while sweepmgthe germans from thejridge over the entire month- 5008canastarislied31overs fajeychosejnottpttell his sorithat for cariadarit was indeed the deadliest bh omofthewar vf ifva as the secdnd world war escalated j c- niff l resignations privileged cohjidenuav f by kathleen griffin i staff writer elizabeth woodburyhasleft her position as president v and chief executive officer of markham stpuffville hospital -7- a departure that has ledto a major shakeup of the hospitals senior management the hospitals board of directors accepted woodburys resignation last friday v has appointed dr jim macleanthe hospitals chief of staff- as the interim president and ceo no further details of woodburys 1 cant tell it said prie board member v 1 who refused to elaborate on- the cir- x i x cumstahces il surrounding i woodbury s departure r y af the threat o nazism spread fcanacla jvbdtakepjkc oi 1 diet morethan500du canadianswbuid yvsssvy farcwvjav5cv r sustainsenouswar cr-i- ov ra ph0t0steves0mervili another board member saidtaelhh situation is wt mat complicawemeih ana nothing to worry about f 4 woodbuw board chairperson david graham hospital president y declined to comment oh woodburys fesignsfriday 1 resignation saying the terms were v t r y privileged and confidential between the employee and j the employer k z f x s i f woodbury could not be reachedfof comment yester- j j s 1 presiderifjiumigliardiand another department director a i n aboard member confirmed jv v this isthesecondtime maclean has been named y hr canaljiangovernment to deliverhis con- thoriour fallen comrades glover- was a tank driver andlatef anarmoured and woodburys appointment in august of that year c k tactics instructor in second world fr t w s vvv d seejeterans page 3 1 see fflgh page z- s 1 i 71 rft i t t rfi s financial services 4 v t investments planning seminal november12 1998 christian blind vmissioh s j- i kent1ielmak 6429507 3