nil mm rjw ssss fs mr mmmmg ontario lottery corporation advance funding program v v v jfrrys jr c- -v- s -r-t- i the ontario lotterycorporation has set up the advance funding program which has allcated40million mintenm funding forjuhis yeaiv each municipali has beenallocated a per capita shareof theadvance funds for distnbutiortto local chanbes on a local pnonty basis j rl z o r i to apply ah organizations must apply to their home base municipalitytand pick up theapplicattorrbslerfotrn t s definition horne base the home basemunicipality is that municipality in wfiichyour head office is idcatecl 1s s pnonty will be given jo thoseofganizations that held monte carlo events during 4fie januaryt march3l 198te7mtheorganization mustinclude financial statementssupportingrthe projected revenuethatwouldhavebeen raised had the roving monte parioprogram continued throughoucl998ln addition all otheteligiblejchantableorganizations may apply to their home base a municipality j t s v j r groups musvmeeftrte samefequirements as set outinlhe- lpttefy licensing- policy manual provided by the alcohol and gaming commission of ontanol t n s v r cc- thecharity roster cpplicationadvarfce funding packageshouldbe picked up fromyourhome base municipal office and submitted tolthaf municipality by the deadline with alifreqmred dpcumehtatioriattachedr the onus-is- 6ntthe organization todefinewhere the advance fundswill bedistnbuted itshouldbej rioted thafpriontywill be given to fundsallocated withirfthe home base municipality andoryork region j ij j onlyapplcationsjreclived 4 30 p m riday november j3thf998 will be considered no applications will be accepted jafter the due and alu incomplete applications willte returned to thechanty r for additional information please contact t y j dianne barnes licensing officer 4 j j- v vl va town of whitchurchstouffville j 37 sandiford drive 4th roor- s jstouffvilletohtario l4a7x5 tt 6401 91 0 ex 225 or 8955299 ex 225 tfe please recycle economist rsun4 s vsftastn- 4 i jyai vfr- wrlnforiprifii iim pta it m wr5w rgaisizmions simleartro rejiseered charities ai v- not ioi profitr rent bpleasespacem v region vin commercial or industrial class properties may nowbe r hcible foraaf- ty taxespayable the program for byjoanransberry wayneeihmerson xakjridges mp simtwrrrer jifsiyohameeriscdew cbltw liialaita t vvtuckuikst6ufiviueand chinalvill tq officials r and aiineur jof local v besignedfor tfietsecond time this buanerqmmwes yvillwelcomeck thureday whin sevefr dignitaries fiom the chinese group at a luncheon at the i i xuzhbu arrive tierewv v sleepy hollow country club e vtchsrchslouffviue mkyor theijheovmeis of whitchurch- stoufiviue businesses vydl hand put brochiues and business cards the c local companies hdpeto g few good m business leads lismanis said v inmidjperaneconomicajree merit between die xuou j was xighedwhenernrrierspn wifieft zand lismis dhatwo- t vweek goodwill trade mission j s the signing ceremony is expected to j takeplaceattheulucipalheadqifarcj liters on ringwood drive late thursday agreements afemadeto further develo ourlocal jf s anduiegrowing chinese f market ijsmamssaidu csci ibusmesses dignitanes arelafarge pressure pipe a enofmencabuilding systerns- mme radio systemsinc areenline forest systems ltdtxx6mmunicatioris jcanadainc inc legislation unnecessary f- sj v- if the york gatliolic district school z board had accepted any of the 5 teachers proposalsfor an intenm f a j ij- v j however ancit- since the school year fbrstudents rias- the sch66kyearcouldjershifted ands fuledaysof instriictionletscheduled rto achieve completeschoolyeaivik y0rksatholieteahersfarevtl and ross dixon financial services labour talks continue todou i by jennifer brown f r -vnegotiatdrsfortheyorkregioniav- ctonanorder of nursing retumedjto contract talks today hoping to avoida tstnkepfits80memberer5j v i a 4we hope giveusf i amuchiclearerjpicturesaid ontario n nurses association mrepresentative t- 4judithmcdwame todays meet v mgmmsypnjmanagementbutgif fe 5thereisnonewpositionwehave l i gs s r set vf makea decision on whetherto walk orsw inurseswithamew position themem v g communitymcareaccess ccentrelsi sjodnotwrfemthw y0n st38year history uiyork regionmm mtjieursesproyidevisiting5home -mf- correction notice jwelapologizejorahisprintingm warrnr anh fnr thoinntnianionnah tugmarlf x via