ft planning and human resources zare j especially- needed applications from men and s v r if a arexvou in the m5arket ortsell tcivbusv m gall a v s r v- ft r v official plan k xi- report card j i i 7 j r- s- hrt c- the official plan report card i planning jof the miuenniunt jit5lias beeruour years since regional council adopted theregionakofficial plan theljplanestabhshed sorne ambitious objectives regarding economic x vitality sustunable natural environment and healthy communities ftheiofficialplan report cardproject provides anoppdrtunityitovecerve- input from the general public stakeholders special interest groups and the icprivate sectoron the success of the regional officialplan over the p notice of york regional police public forums sis sxyf 1 v 7 n jar t helpus deveiiopa poligine plan forygurcommuno w s are m the process of developing a strategic plan to represent tnefuture vision and directionofyoik regional police xltus important that thestrategicplan reflectsr theneeds of the communities s serve we encourage you to provide us with your r comments concerns and suggestions hvattcnniii nnft ofthe t towrofrichmdria hillcouhch chambers v ic private sector on tlie s v years v- j regional past three r 2s 4j itribun thousands customers visuvl preference sxikvey kickoff prksen j 1 k j r- i v s 1- r other presentations and workshops j greenlands mobile workshops t br0fersirebiiei commercial orundustriallclasspropertiesmayrfribwbetelieiblelfor y rebate equal to 40 ofitheproperty taxespayabletheiprogramrforj jegisteredchantieshasbeenexpanded and theifollowingtypesjoffnon