v m fr-s- 1 ducationw against bywflwoccaseyx 1 staitwriterit i t r-u- cathqlic parents inthornhill are planning to talretheirchiltiibn to schorjltnlniorhing whettief theres a although contractnegotiations with teachers resvffijed yesterday more than 30friistfated parents atstrmichaels gafeolic academyj have decided to cross picket lines today and take their children to school y 1 l andlriey want their kids to receive an education not just a babysitting ser- vicfev mt r j 4 boils down toa labour janmanagemnf issue and we- fyhave6getthepouticsoutofit fsaut parent ted kotsch6rek vwho v helped katchthe 4deaduring aist v michaels vparent5council meeting monday eeningr- v irweare not concerned about the issues at this point we just have to get mekidsbacktoschoolsorfyovurdiffer- ences out but let those be independent of the education wtrtesentontmthornhill is being i j echoed across york regionas exasper- nation from parents continues to mount duringastrikeby2700catholicteach- oparent meetings inave been held throughout the region all week r yesterday mornmg some 20 local r parenand several jphildren gathered jn the hallwayof a markhamhotel to jheetibpardand union- negotiators arriving to start talkst management escorted the parents but saidleeann fifield catholic i vholchr6fstf edward catholic k xelementiin aitoleaye that room before what i con- 1tsidertlie eriaofa long day she v declared later- v rr t anvening for f tvtrfwblswith speakers from both sides -dlewsootostedwarsm-ehightbefibre- ifijihinao ntc loft i e peterljtlewarne iover20years expenencei iflfowrates- qualityseryicer- 470mghway no7 at kennedy rd jf