t r0 f ki jai 5 h i sts3 businesstoj7 a success swfydfterghtinffonsurvival 4 m v staff writer v and seeds byjoanransberry through the sales offertilikrcheniicasthebu y staff writer v a jisj iisj2slv tfrfitfs tfn5 tlrfijcoc tpiifrvfflec imply asthi fto boast thesedays j the stdiiflville cooperative better market share knownrsimplv as the coop has reason makeno mistake coop manager- local coopsruture and jobs we doug watson willhave a smile on histhe slinevthrougha storyam the k 1 said everything is fine now vthe stourrviucobp ttie uiridge ycoop and thejceharvalleycpopall t 1work tbgemeriorplayvital role m the l- communities they serve u- w i 3yes we serve agriculture- the pet r owners and homegardeners said- walsohrtogetlierthe thfee outlets employ 25 people cv- ai- t trie stourrvme by it provides feed agronomy prod- ucts and services xonsumer products and services and petroleuin to york and i durham regi6hswatsori said f j- s 1 i lr- a i 6l m i s k t- f ssml iargs myi ffh- j jy-tgffl- womens summer clothing 1 iv-s- t- r 5 fee j tv y j a j marldiamstbufrviliehospital has r orficiallybenefitted from the generosity t jofa longtime area residential franktdouglaspnngle ofrmarkham tpnnppwhnkp riprennants nrsf sfitflfnt t w fand the moneyhas been igiverilto the v hospital c4iounda onfoverthepast ikospitwpnngle tnbutions tftogthef imsiaonleo atreriagbomarkffaffibucschtollf