ss 7 j xby jennifer brown vj a staff writer l n r w qasvbusiness owners and residentslined up to take aintat aurora councqweinesdaynightbuttney- i iwere told to take their concerns about massive tax hikesto a hgher level of government acbut taxpayers kwthe boiidi familybf aurorawho lf 4facea32000 payment by the end of october j i werent interested m who isto blame but how theys t are to pay their taxes and stay in business w fr- sj v j thedeath6f the bofidi family in auf onbrdont hori- emytaow where we wilffind lf000 in20jda an fc emotional stieila bofidi tol auroracdurfcd a 16032 in 199 the total duvsmoliv jsw h bondi said the auto shops mechanicrate is curr- ha t rentiyj an houributto makeupthe balance oesiv r mibmtheratewouldhavetotgoto1265df jiz jsithereanyone jivho wouldhke to come to i t bondis and havetiheir cprepaired at that rate vi f jp thetax hikejcould forcelayoffs at one auroracaf c c w v t- i r t i 4-