mst economist sunthe tribunehursdayactoberx 1997 p 7 hospital hosts breast health awareness day oct 6 welcome to markham stouffville hospitals partners in wellness this new monthly column will focus on educating and enhancing communi ty awareness on health and wellness topics and the availability of local and regional health care programs and ser vices as a key community resource to health care services we are excited about the opportunity to work with the economist sun and the tribune as a vital link between the community and individuals we serve each column will include topics such as community related health issues upcoming events new pro grams and services healthcare part nerships and profiles on community physicians this months topic is breast health awareness did you know that during their lifetime one in nine women are expected to develop breast cancer according to the national cancer insti tute of canada this disease touches all of us we may not be the one directly affected but we all know someone a mother sister colleague or friend that has been affected by this disease health care institutions and commu nity service providers are working together to enhance the health and wellness of the communities they serve these partnerships provide informa tion to the public not only on provision we distribute more flyer in our newspaper regularly than anyone else economist fff you may obtain copies of the salurday paper at the following locations markham mccowan raymerville hasty market highway 7 laidlaw kg variety highway 7 galsworthy sherwood convenience mark 7 shoppers drug mart- highway 7 9th line family food fair 16th highway 48 ida drugstore daisy mart 16th stonemason beckers unionville kennedy bridle trail hasty market highway 7 main unionville jug highway 7 kennedy country stop shoppers drug mart 16th buftonfield e convex market 16th lockridge daisy mart warden highway 7 loblaws village parkway carlton beckers main fred varley beckers miluken 14thbrimley milliken food fair home delivery 9052948244 to have your flyers distributed door to door call linda macfarlane 9052948244 imaridiam stouffville 5ki hospital of care but also on health promotion and ill ness prevention our goal is to increase aware ness of breast health and the support systems available within our province one of the ways the hospital is building community awareness is by hosting its secon- nd annual breast health awareness day on monday oct 6 from 1 1 am to 830 pm in the hospital audi torium this action filled day will focus on breast health awareness issues and include two speaker panels booths draws and displays which will all provide information and education the day is open to the public and free of charge all interested people are invited to join us and learn more about the facts by attending the markham stouffville hospital breast health awareness day for information please call 4727373 ext 3984 if you would like information on breast can cer in ontario the breast cancer info exchange project is designed to inform ontarians about breast cancer activities across the province for a copy of their free newslet ter call 4164805899 if you have a topic or subject you would like addressed please contact pain brodie director of marketing at markham stouf fville hospital at 4727032 lawyer peter j lewarne matrimonial personal injury commercial litigation small business law bankruptcy real estate wills over 20 years experience low rates quality service 4701 highway no 7 at kennedy rd unionville ontario l3r 1m7 tel 4774381 fax 4777601 24 hour availability give your pool a facelift install a new liner autumn discount we will close your pool for free away pools billiards hot tubs store hours monday tuesday tifcrtmcenav thursfri saturday 97 97 97 98 95 1 north of hwy 7 2948030 olhaussen pool tables ifie best in cbiifiards over 200 models and sizes to choose from ps hot tub sale coming soon 100 100 100 went to market because its fun to save f itsca mai kt over 600 vendors antique market over 100 dealers farmers market large deli produce area sportscard show sunday 9 am to 5 pm free parking bus tours welcome pickering fleai m e t r o e a s t t r a d e c e n t r e brock road pickering just north of hwy 401 vendor inquiries 905 4270744 100 100 100 100 rush rush rush rush pre- christmas sale f buy a new chesterfield by sklar superstyle more and take off another 100 or we will recover your dining room seats for free 6 monthly payments no extra charge toromark with the lowest prices for christmas company have your furniture reupholstered 50 bonus or 12 price fabric sale dining room seats upholstered free no bonus if you reupholster with us 2 pes come see hundreds of samples toromark oldest upholstery shop in markham 47 years 2942581 toromark hwy 7 just west of hwy 48 in the iga plaza toromark 100 100 4772055