v whitctnifthuffvf ife public library repair speciaust 172 butlock drive unit 31 markham 4718660 l ii it t jjl saturday june 28 1997 vol 13 no 26 weekender 28 pages 50 gstincl a metroland euliiiciittw seimri 1jbedtoxiljftel term gic 1 yr 3950 3yr v000 5 yr 5625 rates subject to change gos kbps huiu m funds ufe insurance annuties rrfs hoc prsmhion mortgages 96 main st n marfcham 4712311 open wide lindsay ferguson 2 enjoys a big mouthful of berries and whipped creanv at the stouffville strawberry festival on thursday the festivities are ongoing today arid tomorrow and continue tuesday until dark when the festival is capped off with a laser fireworks display in memorial park today residents can visit the berry craft show attend a parade make ice cream and bid on a pie or two among the events tomorrow are a strawberry festival run pony rides and a scavenger hunt photo by sjoerd witteveen decorate your bikes today children are invited to spruce up their ry festival the competition will be held at 1 bicycles today for the stouffville lioness pm at franklin park bike decorating contest as part of strawebr- this years theme is canada day sewage capacity expansion good news for stouffville see page 3 cliff aiken named itizen year bruce stapley correspondent a senior citizen who has continually served the community since moving to stouffville almost four decades ago has been named stouffvilles citizen of the year for 1997 cliff aiken a 79-year- old former main st phar macist who has been a mainstay with two stouf fville service clubs is the recipient of this years tri- 6wnesponsored award aiken insists he was taken totally by surprise by the honor i couldnt believe it he said i never felt i was doing anything that deserved it aiken has been a mem ber of the stouffville lions club for 36 years and was club president in 1972 he was a lions zone chairman and was deputy district governor the second highest position available to lions in canada hes a former director of the clubs camp kirk foun dation which operates a summer camp for children with learning disabilities aiken has been involved with the stouffville legion since 1962 currently the legions awards chairman he was given a lifetime legion membership at that organizations recent 50th anniversary celebrations aiken who played an active part in helping organize the legions golden event is also a past chair man of the york region division board of the cnib aiken said service work has always come naturally to him its just a way of life i guess he said it gives me a feeling of being of some value to the community aiken added that the philosophy of the lions club and the legion is to look after people who are less fortunate than we are he said the fact he was able to make a living in stouffville for so long made it imperative for him to put something back in you dont want to take without giving ivan harris who has been with the lions since aiken joined the club said his fellow pastpresident has been the model of commit ment and dependability i dont think ive met a man with so much dedi cation and with the integrity cliff has said harris hed get into everything he did with such depth and hed never take a step back after committing himself to a project and hed try anything harris called aiken a nice guy a very generous caring man aiken was born and raised in torontos west end staving off the effects cliff aiken of de on ty working in gold copper and zinc mines in northern ontario and man itoba in his late teens and early 20s he joined the navy in 1941 serving as sick bay attendant on the canadian corvette sackville the ship the last of its type still in existence has been restored and is on display in the maritime museum of the atlantic in halifax ns aiken h please see page 5 m whats inside comment p 4 stapley p 8 crossword p 6 sports p 12 classified p 14 newsline we all want a safe and healthy earth to live on thats why all our air conditioning technicians are licensed and recognized by environment canada quality care air conditioning service service includes reclaiming and recycling of refrigerant adjust drive belts tighten fittings and check system for leaks lf needed refrigerant extra for most domestic cars light trucks kennedy rd just south of hwy 7 the hminimvs award ujmqw m where the quality continues celebrating 25 years of complete service for all ford lincoln mercury products wm s