su tribune tuesday june 24 1997 p 11 whitchurch- st ouf mile strawberry festival june 26- june 29 and july 1 a ftmed roster of events and activities are planned for saturd strawberry festival celebrations main st will be closed to traffic throughout the day so that residents and visitors can browse among the booths at irt sale drop by local merchants and enjoy lment on the clock tower stage the official opening of stouffvilles train station takes place at 1030 am and will be followedby iway games and competitions al strawberry festival this weekend additional craft booths will be set up in the park and sangsters grove over the bridge in the park will be the venue for demonstrations of traditional rope mak ing wood carving and corn milling a first aid station will operate throughout the festi val courtesy of the red cross who will also host regu lar demonstrations of lifesaving techniques such as cpr entertain musicto by kids can unload their excess energy throughout the weekend on the inflatable bouncer in the park and local boy scouts will sell strawberries in front of freckles on saturday weather permitting take aim at one of the celebrities sitting atop the dunk tank sponsored by st mark outside mickey rats and treat your kids to a pony ride at sangsters grove kids can enjoy a free petting zoo saturday and sun day in the park bonnie babes will vie for attention in the stouffville progress clubs baby contest pre-regis- tration is required at 10 am 9 please see page 12 3 free buy 6 bagels at a regular price- get 3 bagels free not valid on wednesdays with this coupon expires july 3197 not valid with any other offer dozen bagels a tub of cream cheese reg 866 now 741 not valid on wednesdays wifht his coupon expires july 3197 not valid with any other offer bagels egg piaih pesto garlic onion poppy cheese sesame jalapeno multigrain everything sour dough whole wheat pumpernickel chocolate chip cinnamon raisin sundried tomato 6236 main street next to town library stouffville ontario teh 9056429724 cream cheese lox lite plain chives veggy lite garlic dill blueberry lite strawberry lite spinach feta lite cinnamon apple lite cucumber dill lite broccoli cheddar lite sundried tomato feta lite 125 dozen bagels a tub of cream cheese reg 866 now 741 not valid on wednesdays witht his coupon expires july 3197 not valid with any other offer free no purchase required valid only on sunday witht his coupon expires july 3197 not valid with any other offer strawberry festivals program of events thursday june 26 130 pm to 8 pm lawn bowling tournament memorial park 5 pm to 8 pm information booth memorial park and main street store clowns in the park face painting pepper the clown memorial park 5 pm to 7 pm lions beef barbecue memorial park 5 pm to 9 pm red cross first aid station and demonstrations memorial park 7pm to 730 pm opening ceremonies memorial park stage 730 pm to 830 pm entertainer garry wayne memorial park stage 8 pm to 930 pm 8th sacred music concert stouffville missionary church friday june7 1 pm to 4 pm silver jubilee euchre tournament silver jubilee club 2 pm to 4 pm free swimming memorial park pool 2 pm to 9 pm red cross first aid station and demonstrations memorial park kids inflatable carnival franklin park 5 pm to 9 pm face painting memorial park 4 pm to 845 pm dropoff pies and jam for judging silver jubilee club 5 pm to 730 pm clowns in park memorial park 5 pm to 8 pm information booth memorial park and main street store 6 pm to 11 pm buttermakers slowpitch memorial park 615 pm to 7 pm childrens entertainer stephen charles memorial park stage 7 pm strawberry pie and jam judging silver jubilee club 730 pm to 9 pm variety show memorial park stage until 10 pm selected main street stores will remain open saturday lupv 28 7 am to 11 am ballentrae lions pancake breakfast memorial park 8 am to 4 pm secondary information booth main street near church street 8 pm to 5 pm main information booth rest area and lost and found main street store red cross first aid station and demonstrations memorial park 830 am to 5 pm berry big craft show and sale throughout the festival area 830 am to 5 pm ropemaker and miller ongoing northern woodcarvers ongoing sangsters grove 9 am to 6 pm kids inflatable carnival franklin park 915 am festival parade assemblies orchard park and main street 945 am 30seat bicycle leading festival and antique car parade starting at orchard park and main 10 am to 430 pm stouffville boy scouts are selling strawberries freckles 10 am to 4 pm try your hand at lawn bowling bowling green memorial park secondary information booth memorial park dunk tank mickey rats highland games demos franklin park 10 am to 430 pm face painting near library and memorial park bia nonstop street stage clock tower 10 am to 5 pm strolling entertainers festival area pony rides free petting 200 sangsters grove 10 am progress club strawberry baby contest memorial park stage 1030 am opening ceremonies of the stouffville train station stouffville train station 1030 am to 4 pm crosscut saw challenge ongoing sangsters grove noon to 4 pm secondary information booth stouffville train station 1 pm lioness bike decorating franklin park 1 pm to 230 pm try your hand at lawn bowling bowling green memorial park 1 pm to 330 pm buckingham manor open house buckingham manor 2 pm to 245 pm ice cream making hands on sangsters grove 2 pm to 4 pm free swimming memorial park pool 3 pm 1 luv freckles contest freckles store 330 pm strawberry pie and jam auction main street stage 415 pm entertainment and presentations to winners of whitchurch-stouf- fville museums what is it contest memorial park stage 11 am close up magic also at 1 and 3 pm java junction 11 am to 430 pm talent showcase town gazebo pm sunday june 30 8 am buttermakers slowpitch continues memorial park 9 am five and 10 km strawberry festival run sdss track one kilometre kids run field behind rec centre 10 am to 4 pm red cross first aid station and demonstrations memorial park 1045 am to noon ecumenical association community service bring a lawn chair memorial park noon to 1 pm free strawberry social pavilion noon to 4 pm pony rides free petting zoo sangsters grove 1 pm to 3 pm family scavenger hut memorial park stage 1 pm to 5 pm ropemaker and miller ongoing sangsters grove kids inflatable carnival franklin park 1 pm information booth memorial park markham kennel club dogs only show and contest franklin park 2 pm threeonthree basketball tournaments memorial park tuesday july 1 11 am selected main street stores are open 11 am to 6 pm art on the street between blake and park street information booth freckles 2 pm highland games demo ongoing franklin park red cross first aid station and demonstrations memorial park pet valu pet contest all pets franklin park crosscut saw challenge finals sangsters grove historical walk pavilion in memorial park 215 pm historical walk success plaza 2 pm to 4 pm free swimming town pool 230 pm to 6 pm heritage style special demonstrations sangsters grove 230 pm to 6 pm rope maker and miller sangsters grove northern woodcarvers sangsters grove 3 pm threeonthree basketball tournament finals memorial park 3 pm to 7 pm clowns and magicians memorial park noon to 6 pm pony rides sangsters grove kids inflatable carnival franklin park 5 pm entertainment garry wayne memorial park 6 pm to 640 pm strolling musicians thicketwood bowl 7 pm to 930 pm o canada optimists teddy bear picnic presentation of sports person ality of the year cutting of cake thicketwood bowl dixie land express band thicketwood bowl dark combined laser fireworks spec tacular bring lawn chair or blan ket memorial park