4 the frederick horsman varley art gallery of markham 31 may 1997 a gallery whose time has come a chronology of the gallerys development the town lmioreifehe yjlleybjenthej gbrmley mck markham purchases the gothic e at 197 main street in historic roup of seven member frederick 12 years of his life with kathleen und her husband donald the house dubbed burndennet by the mckays was built originally by kathleens greatgrandfather salem eckhardt in the 1840s kathleen gormley mckay and the town of markham sign an agreement whejgeby to donate her entire art collectiorjtofj works by frederick varley and ms conditional on the provision that ajluit its display and preservation be rounc mckay art committee forms to find a suitable gallery space with kathleen mckay as a founding member an architectural study of the heritage house pur chased from kathleen mckay in 1978 is commis- swnedrby 0te pn of markham to determine the feasibility o eonf ersion into an art gallery it is rec- kg sag spite s j ommendea mafme house is not suitable environ- mentally astaspubiic art gallery but that varleys base ment art studio be restored and that the rest of the house be used as an art centre to teach art classes host workshops and exhibit the art of local artists the town of markham purchases property at the corner of main street and carlton road as the future art gallery site in close proximity to the former mckayvarley residence a concept proposal is submitted to council for the establishment of the kathleen gormley mckay art gallery and the converted heritage house to be called the fred varley art centre lord cultural resources plan inc is hired as a consultant for tb the varleymckay residence ope the first time and is wellreceive than 3000 visitors in one unionville festival ring earleymckay art foundation of markham affjiatedwihthowns department of recreation arp gulttrjslesraijlished to facilitate the acceptance okhaj3wbdna1ions and the issuance of tax receipts markson borooah hodgson architects inc is hired to design the new art gallery with js watson asso ciates ltd as the project management j canadaontario infrastructure contribution of 24 million twc toward funding the gallery prof markhams commitment of 1 raised through a capital campaign chaired by jennifer deacon the campaign strategy targets mainly corpo rate and private donors tjhe galrygis to be officially named the fred erick jfioremanl varley art gallery of markham and thanntmriarhed the kathleen gormley mckay allcetfe j during unionville festival weekend a ground breaking reception is held for the new gallery sharon gaumkuchar is appoin directorcurator ejrtcdrklfbrsman varley art gallery of mktarri pis to the public on may 31 with the inaugurafexhibition varley a celebration fir r information location the frederick horsman varley art gallery of markham is conveniently located in the historic village of unionville situated at the northwest corner of main m street and carlton road b hours of operation monday closed tuesday closed wednesday 10 am to 5 pm thursday 10 am to 8 pm friday 10 am to 5 pm saturday 10 am to 5 pm sunday 1 2 to 5 pm the gallery is closed on christmas and new years day general admission fees adults 4 seniors 3 students 3 youths 2 children free family 10 members free surcharges may apply for special events tree ferdinand the bull frederick h varley 1940 memberships individual 40 one year70 two years student 25 one year45 two years family 60 one year105 two years corporate 300 one year500 two years members receive one years unlimited general admission to the gallery and kathleen gormley mckay art centre special invitations to exhibition previews and members events regular members newsletter and 15 per cent dis count on gallery shop purchases directorcurator s message it n behalf of the staff of the freder ick horsman varley art gallery of markham i would like to extend a heartfelt note of appreciation to tho many people in the cot m to be acknowledged for their tireless efforts in realizing the gallerys opening working togeth er as a team we have planted the seeds for the gallerys promising future a future that is inextricably bound to the heartbeat of the community the tremendous dedication of mayor don ald cousens and members of council dalo keliar and barbara roth of the community services division along with many other town of markham employees merits special attention nurturing the project since its inception the gallery advisory board must also be thanked for their tremendous spirit and ongoing sup port throughout this projects evolution we are infinitely grateful to the hundreds of capital campaign donors who generously provided their financial support towards build ing this magnificent gallery to the many dedicated community volun teers we offer our sincerest gratitude for your ongoing moral support for infusing us with energy and for believing in the dream we col lectively achieved thank you sharon gaumkuchar m di rectbrgurator the frederick hoisman varley art gallery of markham u r tim gctlmvv shop the gallery shop features handcrafted jewellery and ceramics group of seven inspired art reproductions notecards and t- shirts an array of picture frames art books childrens activity items and many more unique gift ideas with distinctive artistic 8k b the frederick horsman varley art gallery of markham features frequently chang ing exhibitions from the permanent collection as well as historical and contemporary exhibitions drawn from local national and international sources new ways of see ing and appreciating art are enhanced through a broad range of dynamic handson artrelated activities including group tours school programs studio courses lectures workshops and family activities designed to appeal to audiences of all ages and interests the gallery is wheelchair accessible varley a celebration 4