mmm ffig ramjfflbpj r rvr just when you thought r j bs mi tp 96 caravans from 3500 t 5000 cash back vi- you could take a holiday or have a good time but we recommend you make very sensible use of the money for the long term benefit of you and your family this sort of deal could be a once in a life time opportunity unfortunately the time is limited and so are the vehicles run dont walk or call to stouffville chrysler while limited supplies are still available wfwm hi bill if j 8s3 pi 5w7 n rrai wmmm 3fsij iuii pvi ioilm isiisf ai 1 996 ram pick ups 2500 to 6000 cash back yi iii2filst nntif n iwnthftftmuji sbsiebgf el 1 997 intrepid demos 3000 cash back stouffville chrysler inc mi 997 grand cherokee demos from 3000 to 5000 cash back 5758 main st stouffville ont 1 8003220048 sales hours mon to thurs 9 to 8 pm frl sat 9 6 pm service hours mon tues thurs fri 730 to 5 pm wed 7308 pm open sat 8 am to 12 noon simple disclosure applies only to 1996 new and demonstrator vehicles of stouffville chrysler incp taxable rebates assigned to dealer purchasers or lessees may choose cash back or equivalent discount 640 1996 use have to savings extra and the use less than i-