p veekeft bifr february 8 i 997 personal prayer to the holy spirit holy spirit thou make me see everything and show me the way to reach my ideal you who give the divine gift to forgive and forget the wrong that is done to me and who are in all instances of my life with me i in this short dialogue want to thank you for everything and confirm once more that i never want to be separated from you no matter how great the material desire may be i want to be with you and my loved ones in your perpetual glory amen person must pray this 3 consecutive days without stating ones wish after the 3rd day your wish will be granted no matter how difficult it may be promise to publish this as soon as your favour has been granted a m our mother of perpetual help 160 businesss opportunities exhibitors wanted opportunity to reach homeowners looking to do business with you join with many others at the backyard outdoor renovation show call 4166206620 170 apis flats for rent rural country home located in a picturesque setting of north durham surrounded by hard wood maple trees offers a 900 sq ft 2 bed room apt with separate entrance eatin kitch en quiet home environment use of outdoor pool perfect for getting away from it all after a hard day at work 10 minutes from uxbridge 20 mins from newmarket markham or pickering nonsmoking march 1st 750 640316011 am 7 pm 196 halls lodges masonic hall banquet room rental large kitchens facilities good parking suitable for anniversaries reception for up to 110 people located in old markham village call 2941929 170 apts flats for rent stouffville 23 bedroom apartments separate entrances upstairs 1200 util ities downstairs 800 utilities 640- 2670 stouffville 3 bedroom basement large dining room kitchen laundry sep arate entrance newly renovated 2 car park ing abstainers no pets adults preferred march 1 6402749 evgs stouffville main street 2 bedroom plus bach adults no pets immediate pos session 750 all in clusive 6405776 markham main street bright new clean 1 bedroom apart ment all new white appliances central vac designer grade carpet laun dry facilities private entrance no pets non smoking all utilities parking included 750 9052942356 markham hwy48 7 one bedroom base ment apartment sep arate entrance bright modern cable air suit single profes sional person non- smoker no pets ref erences 700 inclu sive 9052941954 4f apts flats 1u torrent markham16th 2 bedroom 2 storey townhouse apt park ing and laundry suits mature female private yard with nice deck available april 1st no pets references s800 23 hydro 2948461 cell 4166185807 markham 16th hwy 48 bachelor basement apt sepa rate entrance single parking nonsmoking available s600 905- 4795038 one bedroom apart ment stouffville available immediately no pets 9058815712 one bedroom apart ment in country home 7 minutes west of ux bridge private en trance parking bright clean 550 month inclusive 4736793 or 8527248 two bedroom apt 598month 1stlast no pets hydro extra suitable for seniors 9058525482 after 6 beautiful apart ment unit in triplex building located in the heart of markham 9054740973 new bright base ment apartment above ground wind ows old unionville suit single profes sional nonsmoker 750month 905- 4772155 bachelor apart ment available march 1 no pets suit sen ior 447 month 852- 5482 4 7 a apts flats 1u- for rent hwy7 48 large one bedroom apt all in clusive laundry ac cable parking no smokingpets 650 9054720879 avail able immediately 748 markham new 1 bedroom basement apt with separate en trance eat in kitchen den full bath new appl no petssmok ing 725 incl 905- 4726578 private executive furnished 1 bedroom in estate home sepa rate entry parking walk out to ravine much more non- smoker no pets s750 6420606 markham com pletely furnished luxury basement apar tment fully broad- loomed throughout living room bed room laundry room 5pc bath stove fridge washer dry er parking separate entrance galsworthy robinson single nonsmoker 750 2942962 or 4790325 birchmount steeles 2 bedroom basement apt no pets no smoking ap pliances parking 3 pc washroom s750 4740014 gorgeous base ment apartment in town of stouffville with parking 750 month plus 4060 split for utilities call after 6 pm 9054740973 uxbridge large 2 bedroom basement apt separate en trance shared laun dry large backyard 800 including utili ties available feb 1st 90585201 00 brimley 14th two bedroom basement apartment separate entrance parking available immediately 700 all incl 905-479- 5477 unique location abrarid new second floor one bedroom apt 10 ft ceilings california shutters antique hardwood floors and doors mar ble counter tops mar ble bath leaded glass tv control security sys tem european applir ances screenedin porch balcony all util ities satellite dish parking included non- smoker no children no pets must be seen 1050 per month 9052942356 mccowan steeles bright 2 bedroom basement apartment separate entrance nonsmoking no pets immediate 799 inclusive 905-471- 7503 apts flats torrent mccowan 7 steeles two bedroom base ment apt separate entrance parking 185 houses for rent small 2bedroom bungalow warden major mac and small house on major 310 articles for sale 370 pets supplies laundry cable util mackenzie call 905- close to ttc 8870087 ext 313 schools nonsmoker no pets 750month available immediately 9054740748 stouffville main sl small one bed room apt bachelor for single person no pets s550 all inclu sive immediate 905- 6425460 or 416-261- 8214 close to hospital new one bedroom basement new hwy 79th line available immediately non- smoker s750 inclu sive must be seen 9054728966 unionville north large one bedroom private entrance large kitchen laundry living room wfireplace and walkout ac ga rage professional couple 795 inclu sive apr 1st 905- 8875113 unionville bright one bedroom base ment apt fireplace separate entrance three piece bathroom suitable for single nonsmoker available april 1st s750 incl 4741654 markham wootten way south brand new 1 or 2 bedroom private bath laundry pool parking utili ties and phone includ ed 650 905-472- 01334165268383 bright new fur nished basement apt fridge stove washer dryer parking sepa rate entrance no pets nonsmoker referenc es 750 per month 4777299 416-266- 9909 basement apt almost new nicely decorated 1 bedroom sepa rate entrance ac parking cable located mccow- an7 close to mall all amenities suits single non- smoker no pets upgraded to cur rent fire safety code avail mar 1sts700allincl 9054708856 markham base ment apt newly reno vated ac separate entrance nonsmoker 775 inclusive call jenny 4728567 houses for rent beautiful sidesplit home located in heart of unionville across from toogood pond s1800month plus util ities call after 6 pm 9054740973 country coach house goodwood area 1 bedroom 750 utilities call 9058521100 markham rd 16th 4 bedroom 2 storey laundry fire place wo deck own er occupies base ment 1 250 plus 75 util 9054158141 after 5 9052011557 markham hwyj7 21 bedroom bunga low finished base ment 4 appliances garage near go 1100 utilities april 1st 4165011599 leave message woodbine ave vandorf threebed room 12 acre avail able april 1st 950 utilities call lou 416- 4883893 townhouses for rent richmond hill coop bayview hwy 7 townhouses available 2 bedim 905 3bdrm1015 4 bedroom 1124 open house mon- thurs 9am430 pm 8675 bayview ave unit 39 9058824090 weekdays three bedroom townhouse newly decorated new car pet garage finished basement s1150 plus utilities 1st last call cheryl 4717076 wootten way 7 spotless 3 bedroom 5 appliances rec room garage ca march 1 si 250 month utilities 905- 2944427 unionville spa cious three bedroom end unit townhouse new kitchen bath rooms new paint pri vate backyard avail able immediately s1 430month call ze- bedah din 905-940- 4180 rooms for rent wanted fully furnished master bedrooms for rent full access to house 4 bathrooms swimming pool great stouffville location 6406156 main st markham bachelorette own bathroom private en trance selfcontained 500 first last imme diate 9054725794 4 xxa shared i accommodation semishare house quiet nonsmoker large bedroom bath room ca cv cable light cooking ttc utility incl 550 905- 4713085 country estate with swimming pool tennis courts minutes from 401 share facili ties heat hydro in cluded s500month 1 stlast available im- mediately smoker ok mike 905-837- 7575 unionville two rooms for rent in quiet clean home 475 wfireplace s325 nonsmokers 9054701742 vacation properties resales time share campground mem berships americas largest resales clearing house resort sales interna tional 18004235967 24hrs electrolysis learn a new profes sion meharg interna tional school of elec trolysis register now treatments also available 416 750- 9001 5051 hwy 7 across from markville 4791869 9 ton 3 axle equip ment trailer made for 580 backhoe needs painting good tires 9056406172 antique dining room 9piece 1700 bedroom 6piece s1500 living room 3- piece 1500 all beautifully refinished best offer 905-479- 0447 appliances whirl pool washer dryer 290 portable dish washer s190 all in good condition call 4791504 dining room suite solid mapletable seats 8with 4 chairs plus 2 captains chairs buffet and hutch plus corner cabinet excel lent condition 2500 firm cost 4500 after 4 pm 8874888 drafting office fur niture private relo cating clearing office desks shelving cabi nets light table drafting stations 940- 8300 electronic pro d j equipment on sale starting this saturday 3550 off call 9054795912 9 pm to 12 am also complete systems for rent 100 and up freezer 20 cubic foot frigidaire s150 call evenings 905- 2945638 or days 905- 8846074 international farm tractor 40 hp fiat tractor diesel finlay oval cook- stove 60 house trail er kawasaki 340 snowmobile 705 3573576 jennair cooktop 4 elements with a grill model c228c series 1200 new asking 4009056421239 moffat washer dryer 2 yrs old 2 12 yrs left on warranty 500 pr 2948396 propane construc tion heater 180000 btu 200 kenmore harvest gold fridge stove s375 ge wash ing machine 175 4777187 snowblower 5 hp 24 inch toro gas snowblower 2 stage electric start excellent condition s485 also port able cb radio 50 9058831946 articles chiidrens skis 2 sets 90110 cm boots 19 12 to 20 12 call 6407217 dry firewood hardwood 12 or16 inch facebush cords delivered or picked up kindling terry smith mccowan fire wood 9054723724 pets supplies abandoned lone ly rescued large 1 yr old shepherd mix male dog neutered all shots supplies in cluded beautiful gentle friendly per sonalityhouse broken but needs training needs loving home references required 9054773517 or 905- 9461646 horses livestock experienced in solving behavioural riding or any other problem with your horse call robin 8525467 horse boarding available very happy horsey home access to vivian forest lim ited space joani 6428831 400 for sale 91 pontiac grand prix 4 dr ac v6 auto w l new brakes mint 112 k s7550 certified 6407018 1988 mercury grand marquis wagon high miles but good run ner 2500 certified 9056406172 1975 volkswagen camper van the first 750 takes it home 9056400269 hjo wanted cars trucks want ed for scrap same day pickup 1-888-884- 4005 cash paid for scrap cars and trucks we also sell parts don mills steel 905 887- 5821 eeii auto parts supplies repair one year old trailer 4 ft x 6 ft limited usage licensed 850 new asking 500 2943104 7fifi jvw improvements garage door re pairs broken springs cables rollers open ers installed 49 new doors openers quality plus doors 4163360073 household services major appliance service all makes used sales wee kends nights best rates call darren 477- 9426 odd jobs tree re moval patios paint ing baseboards trim light carpentry fences decks land scaping rubbish re moval best prices in town 905729430 senior handyperson consultant all interi or home repair jobs special rates for sen iors small jobs okay bob 9056406172 now open rouge river animal hospital shoppes of unionville plaza 4261 highway 7 unionville boarding housecalls available appointments 7 days a week please call 9059403627 715 moving storage moving truck 2 men houses apart ments and condos small or large local or long distance short notice negoti able rates ken 416 6585307 i drapes upholstery custom draperies balloons swags ro mans bedspreads valances accents and more call joan 9052942471 daisys window decor custom drapes venetians verticals roll up blinds balloons swags bedspreads headboards call daisy 9052948944 lorelei interiors experienced decora tor complimentary in- home consultation custom draperies fur niture carpeting up holstery please call barb stirling 905-294- 2491 together we can pull it together private schools french english math inhome tutor ing grades 1 to oac immersion all sub jects adults all lev els education plus 9054797065 childcare available daycare in my home with good care any age welcomed full parttime call maria 471 61 90 daycare available in my home mature mother nonsmoker first aid kennedy hwy 7 9054773366 jffl childcare lu available experienced quality reliable day care in my home next to st francis randall schools on franklin bus route between brimley mccowan near deni- son play area all ages nonsmoker 9054755421 experienced ece in home flexible hours all ages 3 meals stimulating en vironment carolyn 9052949536 jjp childcare i i o wanted caregiver required for 14 month old 3 daysweek in our home vivian rdvmc- cowan 9054731333 for six month old must be reliable lov ing nonsmoker ref erences our home yours possible live in 6429543 780 caring dedicated mature woman seek ing employment as livein caregiver for senior nonsmoker own car 12 yrs ex perience references 416 6946295 even ings experienced care giver live in with sen iors 16 yrs experi ence references 23 days wk 9054275870 nursing student will take care of the elderly sick or disa bled evenings weekends also has car 9409881 health fitness male anatomy enlargement profes sional vacuum pumps or surgical gain 13 inches safely per- manet free brochure dr joel kaplan 312 4099995 looking to buy or sella cottage hi lvj vy tfimmtiitt tit- fe tue iii hfffteff for information contact the original cottage show 9058150017 or 18003877682 ext 437