v mercedes benz repair specialist 172 bullockdrive unit 31 markham 4718660 touffville weekender financial 5eb vices lite red qltoice u term g i c 1 yr 325 3 yr 455 5 yr 53 rates subject to change gkts rrsfs mutual funds ufe insurance annuities rrifs tax preparation mortgages 137 main st n- oo markham 4712311 vol m 4 7 amefrman jseivspaper saturday f wtember2 1996 8 pages wi50ffimml gpiitunity water system set to be turned on by joan ransberry staff reporter hook up to the ballantrae- musselman lake communal water system is slated to begin within a few days a town offi cial has confirmed the process to link 850 prop erty owners to the new water system will get underway dur ing the first week of december town engineer tom parry told the tribune school coming soon on a 50foot lot the average individual cost to the property owner will be about 1000 this includes a 250 metre said parry on tuesday whitchurch- stouffville council will be given an overview of the multimil lion dollar project including a stepbystep account of whats to happen now the towns watermain con tractor clearway construc tion is in the process of chloric nating disinfecting and flush ing the distribution system so that private service connec tions can be made in a few days letters will be sent to ballantrae and mussel- man lake property owners explaining the hookup process parry is drafting the letter now he said residents will be told they must make an application to please see page 3 7 building permits for the new f elementary school in stouf fville should be handed over on monday or tuesday mayor wayne emmerson has report- i ed construction of the 500-stu- dent school on the ninth line is about to begin the plan is to have the school open in sep tember of 1997 since final details are now ironed out between the town and the york board of educa tion and since a foundation permit is about to be issued construction of the school could begin within a couple of weeks said emmerson everythings ready to go now meanwhile parents are invited to a meeting on nov 26 from 730 to 930 at orchard park public school to discuss school boundaries a v similar meeting will be held on dec 4 at 730 at whitchurchhigh lands public school for infor mation on the meetings call 6407800 committee may be struck for donation a town committee needs to be struck to determine how best to spend a 500000 gift while nothing has been approved its expected that the money will be used to help bring ah indoor swimming pool to stouffville fv whitchurchstouffville mayor wayne emmerson said if council gives the green light to a pool a committee will be needed to iron out how much it will cost what type of a pool is needed and whereit will go two weeks ago local developer gino testa pledged a 500000 gift to the town after he was given the goahead to build a fourstorey seniors housing complex in the downtown area council wont deal with the 500000 gift until after the new year said emmerson the mayor wants to wait until councils new member is sworn in on dec 16 a dec 13 byelection in ward 2 will pro duce a new councillor to fill the vacancy left by the october death of ed lyons emmerson suggested earlier that the pool could be located at either the stbuftville recreation complex or the local high school bethlehem live photo above joseph and mary cuddle their baby jesus as played by eldon and kim wideman and their sixweekold baby chase in the christian blind mission international bethlehem live pageant thursday night in stouffville photo below from left kathy brooker ann mcgrath and kari wed ded as wise persons get ready to visit baby jesus bethlehem live is on today and tomorrow at the cbmi and also on nov 28 to dec 1 for information call 6406464 photossjoerd witteveen