plfrtkibunemay 12 1993 massey ferguson introduces six new tractors massey ferguson is intro ducing six new compact trac tors from 17 to 35 horsepower that meet customer needs for more operator comfort greater easeofuse and improved productivity said george bishop of bishop tractor deere quality economy price equipment in newmarket a wide range of implements make these tractors useful on the farm on light construction and landscape sites at parks and schools and at home the new mf 1200 series tractors include the following models mf1210- 17 hp mf 1240 25 hp mf 1220 20 hp mf 1250 30 hp mf 1230 25 hp the price of power is lower than you might think the john deere stx38 combines a rugged 125hp over head valve engine with a wide 38inch mowing deck and a tight 22inch turning radius for performance you can count on at a price you can afford see the stx38 today hutchinson farm supply inc fc grounds care equipment agl rr 2 hwy 48 stouffville p 41 66402692 immm the new compact tractors from massey ferguson meet customer needs for operator comfort greater easeofuse and improved productivity model 1330 lmn tractor 115jffffivkohler single cylinder engine hydrostatic drhre transmission tuaraallift t electric ptjol t welded foil length twin channel steel frame phrtrting castjnra front axle standard 38 highvacuum deck with model 1440 garden tractor 14 hp vanguard ohv vtwin cylinder engine hydrostatic drive transmission welded full length twin channei steel frame t pivoting castiron front axle t electric front ftjl direct drive shaft to transmission no belts tilt steering wheei or 3 9 financing cash discount chas richards sons 5676 main st stouffville 6403830 offer expires june 26 1993 park avenue property maintenance we will provide quality outdoor maintenance at fair prices we can cut any grass from small lots to large acreage such as parks farms fields or fence lines tall grass and weed cutting a specialty available for short or long term work is our small 4x4 loader with a 60 inch bucket for landscaping and construction work this tractor is perfect for tight areas or soft ground please call us for a free estimate and special senior discounts tall grass weed cuttinq days evenings 4168397018 or mobile pager 4167203057 landscaping tree cutting road grating no job too big or too small v v lw 4b aerator circulators keeps ponds crystal clear two models available starting at they will clear up any pond in 4 weeks the water becomes crystal clear and stays that way winter summer says basil j leonard about his windpowered circulators for both fresh and waste water ponds an underwater propeller creates a swirling vortex that can be several hundred feet in diameter and draw water from as deep as 33 ft by turning the water over and exposing it to the ultraviolet rays of the sun solids chemicals and algae are broken down and reduced or eliminated and weed growth is greatly reduced eventually all the water in the pond or lagoon rises to the surface absorbing oxygen just like water does naturally in a flowing river in manure lagoons it keeps odors down and helps keep manure liquefied contact environ mills international basil j leonard rr 4 sunderland ontario loc 1h0 canada 7053572406 fax 7053571482 mf 1260 35 hp features of the mf 1210 1220 1230 these rugged workhorse compacts have 3cylinder naturally aspirated diesel engines watercooled for longer life the lugging ability of these engines practically eliminates the need to down shift in tough field conditions choose from a standard gear or hydrostatic transmission the standard transmission has an easy straight line pat tern between first and reverse and a wide gear range that lets you select the speed best suited for the job the hydrostatic transmis sion features easy single pedal control of changes between forward and reverse without clutching an option al creeper gear for special applications is available for the standard transmission a midmount power-take- off operates at 2000 rpm and drives midmount mowers the rear pto operates at 540 rpm and drives many of the same implements used by big farm tractors features of the mf 1240 1250 1260 these higher horsepower mf compact tractors combine practical design with state-of- theart technology heavy- duty 3cylinder diesel engines have high torque backup and a wide operating range they operate at lower speeds to reduce wear on internal engine parts for longer life a unique 16speed syn chroshuttle transmission has 3rd and 4th gears synchro nized for shiftingonthego in those gears the synchro- shuttle with single lever shift ing between forward and reverse make front loader applications fast smooth and effortless a creeper gear is built into the transmission these tractors are equipped with a rear independent elec trohydraulic actuated pto operated by an easytoengage toggle switch at the steering column an optional forward- facing midmounted pto is available features common to all models a flat deck provides a com fortable working environment and a fendermounted roll overprotectivestructure can be folded down when operat ing under doorways or low- hanging branches wet disc brakes and a horizontal exhaust add to reliability and operator convenience mf implements are job- matched to the power output of each tractor and include rotaiy cutters quickattach loaders quick- attach back- hoe front dozer blade and midmount rotary mowers mf 1200 series compact trac tors are designed so more than one implement can be mounted at the same time no need to change imple ments when changing jobs massey ferguson is the worlds bestselling tractor brand and has earned this leadership position for 30 con-