p6 tribune april 28 1993 st local politicians town staff showing insensitivity to public dear editor tracy kibble good for you re column entitled 15 hike a lot more than some people think in the april 21 edition of the tri bune the insensitive comment from one betterpaid town staff member is a reflection of the general attitude of council other recent remarks reported have described the 7000080000 salaries of senior stouffville pub lic servants as slave wages the same person on another occa sion stated that people have a lot of money stashed away they just dont want to spend it when will these politicians wake up accoi to stats canada our real incomes have declined substantially in the past few years many of our neighbors in stouffville have lost their jobs or businesses a great number of those families with the most expensive homes who will be slammed with the largest proper ty tax increases have already been destroyed financially by the recession does council want to force even more of these families from their homes tax cutbacks not increases are needed now our politicians have built up personal empires and monuments to themselves that we never neoded and can no longer afford its past time to pare down to the essentials of government by a third or a half ild n ky minor tinkering many of our local politicians share that arrogance and insensitivity with m bui o 151 q m 0 proudly introduces a new concept for your lunch or dinner pleasure loempia and cucumber salad you have to try this bahmi java soft fried noodles meat and vegetables honey glazed 14 smoked chicken with potatoes and salad 95 all taxes included please for take out service phone 6404952 6298 main street stouffville 295 395 395 m m mm 1- wfmm mm wmmm mm financial kusatz sharpley chartered accountants income tax returns financial planning other accounting and tax services 6188 main street stouffville l4a2s5 6401991 income tax returns personal business allan w eagar certified management accountant seniors discount 6401499 hr block has the experience you need wssmsm abacus bookkeeping accounting professional computerized run dont walk to abacus tax return deadline april 30th 1 993 tax returns 15 discount for seniors students 88 brock st uxbridge 8524446 j y we prepare all kmds of income tax returns from the simple to he complex whatever your lax situa tion we can handle it hr block canadas tax team put us to work for youl 20 freel lane stouffville behind go sutlon 41 65 brock st w uxbridge 4168527409 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm their counterparts at every level of government lets remember these insults for election time we need to strongly resist these continual attacks like the large stouffville property tax increase on our shrinking financial resources we need to insist on the kind of restructuring in pub lic service that private industry has been forced to implement we need to take back control of our lives from these incompetent politicians glen morehouse stouffville good music food friends daily specials available for lunch dinner rib nite every wednesday wing nite every thursday getting famous for our ribs burgers o m m ej el n n o m b celebrity jam 1st sunday of every month 400800 pm live entertainment thurs bill nadeau fri grant fullerton sat steve middleton childrens menu available jays leafs on tv 6211 main st stouffville 6425360 jyforfe the regional municipality of york road improvements the council of the regional municipality of york proposes to pass a bylaw authorizing 1 vivian road yr 74 reconstruction town of whitchurchstouffville a the widening and reconstruction of vivian road yr 74 from approximately 600 metres east of kennedy road yr 3 to highway no 48 in the town of whitchurchstouffville to a basic width of thirty 30 metres where widening is required with additional widening at cuts fills and intersections to provide a two 2 lane rural road with additional turning lanes at the intersections at the 7th concession and highway no 48 b the realigning of vivian road yr 74 at its intersection with the 7th concession c the acquisition of the necessary lands and interests in lands for the work described above and and d the carrying out of all related works undertakings in connection with the above pursuant to section 300 of the municipal act the- transportation and environmental services committee of the regional council will at its meeting to be held at 900 am on the 18th day of may 1993 in the council chambers at the regional administrative building located at 62 bayview parkway newmarket hear any person who claims that his lands will be prejudicially affected by the bylaw and who applies to be heard anyone wishing to be heard is requested to advise the office of the regional clerk telephone 8951231 or 7310201 extension 287 if any party entitled to be heard does not attend at the hearing the committee may proceed in his absence and he will not be entitled to any further notice in the proceedings the proposed bylaw and plans showing the proposed works may be inspected at the office of ronald gee director planning and design branch at the regional transportation department building located at 16042 woodbine avenue yr 8 two kilometres north of aurora road yr 15 telephone 8952303 or 3648731 dated at newmarket this 28 th day of april 1993 dennis hearse regional clerk 62 bayview parkway newmarket ontario l3y 4w9