p4 ttubuneffibrtjary 161994 jst stouffville comment have a heart and lay off the smokes xt ow about a big cheap carton of cigarettes for valentines day theyre a real sweetheart deal now that theyre so affordable we can expect plenty more young people than ever to be stuck on them the liberal governments crack down on smugglers puts ordinary young citizens at risk most addicted smok ers are hooked before they reach their mid twenties thats why young people are targeted by tobacco manu facturers who sponsor major sporting racing or enter tainment events healthcare services are already overstretched this government policy increases future health care costs by increasing the risk of cancer and heart problems ironic that the decision was made during heart and stroke foundation month board challenged to use small surplus on deficit a n open letter to york region roman catholic separate school board at the separate school board meeting feb 10 i was pleased to see the board pass a balanced budget for 1994 and end up with a small operating surplus of about 230000 given the potential loss in tax revenue and the strong commit ment this board had given to grade 6 and 7 students currently enrolled in the french immer sion program i can accept the decision made by this board last night to allow grade 6 and 7 stu dents to finish the french immersion program at the public school and to pick up the tuition fees however i am extremely concerned that the school board began to consider spending tax payers money again by reintro ducing back some other pro grams which were cut or reduced over the last two months is this board going to open the flood gate by inviting lobbies from interested groups and where are you going to stop dear trustees i would like to remind you that your job is not finished this board is still required by the minister to put together a fiveyear deficit reduc tion plan to pay off the cumula tive deficit of 35 million over the next few years guest editorial august c chow as you are aware a number of budget estimates are soft num bers including the tax writeoffs and supplementary taxation which were much debated at the meeting last night i hate to see this board spending money which may never come to real ization with the additional expected revenue from the sup plementary tax this board avoid ed a further painful program cut but i am disappointed that this board was quick to spend money again i would sincerely ask and challenge this board to consider the following motions at your next meeting 1 use of the 1994 expected operating surplus a half of the 1994 expected operating surplus be used to lower the ratepayers target mill rate increase of 7 per cent b the remaining half of the surplus be used as a first install ment to pay of the 35 million deficit while the amount of reduction may not be very large to each household it does demonstrate in my opinion your financial responsibility to the community you also need to convince ratepayers to stay in the catholic school system financial ly and to win back some who might have already left 2 the school administration to closely monitor the 1994 rev enue and expenditure on a quar terly basis any program to be reintroduced must be done in conjunction with the fiveyear deficit reduction program stouffville tribune publisher general manager editorinchief advertising director business manager operations manager patricia pappas andrew mair jo ann stevenson debra weller vivian oneil pamela nichols mps apply to svhoevers in charge staff reporters tracy kibble julie caspersen roger belgrave photographers sjoerd witteveen steve somerville real estate ads joan marshman classified ads doreen deacon retail sales joan marshman doreen deacon distribution arlene maddock canadian publications mail sales product agreement 439010 published every wednesday by metroland printing publishing and distributing at 9 heritage rd merkham ontario up 1m3 tel 2942200 the stouffville tribune published every wednesday at 6244 main st stouffville is one of the metroland printing publishing and distributing group of suburban newspapers which includes ajuplckering news advertiser aurora banner barrio advance brampton guardian burlington post colllngwood connection etoblcoke guardian georgetown independentacton free press kingston this week lindsay this week uarkham economist a sun midland express milton canadian champion msslssauga news newmarket era banner north york mirror northumberland news oakvule beaver orillla today oshawa- whflby this week peterborough this week richmond hiavthomhiiwaughan liberal scarbor ough mirror and uibrkfge tribune national sales representative metroland corporae sales 4931300 6402100 6405477 fax t f disgruntled residents of markham-whitchurch-stouf- fvmle prevail an exciting job opportunity is about to be unveiled qualifications are not terribly rig orous applicants must own a fax machine with which to answer criti cism from their potential employers or from pesky members of the media who unreasonably demand explanations for bizarre behavior also required is an aggressive way with the written word and an ability to speak creatively under pressure should employers require accountability on some trifling point of conflict the successful candidate is not required to answer their charges personally thus unpleasant and timecon suming confrontations with mem bers of the public irrationally fixat ed on their employees perfor mance can be neatly circumvented via the aforementioned fax machine kates corne the job in question includes a guaranteed employment provision of between four and five years which can be rescinded only in the event of proven criminal activity duties include dropping into the parliament buildings in ottawa from time to time and staying awake as long as possible in the far reaches of the back benches before retiring to a posh hotel for a good nights sleep candidates are also expected to represent their employers concerns in the house always assuming said candidates can be tracked down in the first place to be apprised of such concerns that is remuneration is in the 68000 range with a hefty taxfree allowance automatically tacked on for expenses a generous retire ment plan which enables success ful candidates to live out their days in considerable comfort at vast pub lic expense is all part of the pack age loyalty to a specific branch of the company is not a prerequisite since employees can jump ship from one affiliation to another as circum stances dictate regardless of their employers wishes while it is hoped that this job will shortly become available shifting the incumbent is shaping up to be a considerable challenge only the tenacious need apply resumes including details of pending revelations of a potentially embarrassing nature should be mailed in the strictest confidence to whoeversincharge ottawa