p6 weekender january i9w we reserve the right to limit quantities to reasonable family requirements r cut from canada a grades of beef loin tbone steak please note spboalpricesinffllsad explresmmmjanuaiffgniim skirtbisundax january 9th 14 sunaaythivughsatiutlay product of usjl florida indian river size 48 pink or tftux r schneiders sliced regular maple thick or lifestyle side bacon r j v root 40c antifreeze windshield washer product of usa california boston red or green leaf campbells cream of mushr do mntrfe mad frozen assorted varieties punch or orange juice assorted varieties primo pa frozen beef chicken or turkey savarin po prices effective monday january 3rd till saturday january 8th 1994 uxbridge highway 47 s monday friday 89 pm saturday 86 pm sunday 106 pm i i t y y