t4 weekender december4 1993 mst write us or fax us numbers at right governmentfed magazines a flippant waste anyone in the print media would be the first to speak up for fi speech but when the government steps in and begins subsidizing maga zines with limited or almost no circulation something must be said certainly the magazine industry is vital to ontarios econ omy bringing in 4948 million in revenues and maintaining 2529 full time jobs in this province the ndp government this week dolled out 800004 to 37 compa nies in this industry and the list of grant recipients is a compendi um of obscure often one-person- run publications and large very viable publications now propped up by taxpayer financing this is not the correct way to support ontarios magazine industry as an example the government gave out 17972 to the united church observer to upgrade com- andrew mair puter systems and to improve customer service since when do we fund the operations of the reli gious press and if their customer service is so bad maybe they shouldnt be in business at all another the jazz report got 12000 for new computers another pathways magazine was given 30000 to run a spe cial blitz promotion in which the magazines distribution will be expanded for one issue with added media and circulation advertising still another canadian gar dening managed to secure 50000 to run a directmail new subscription campaign a reader ship survey and a new media kit a magazine called edges new planetary patterns emerged with 15000 to buy a computer sys tem while arctic circle was handed 20000 for computer upgrades crafts plus got 5060 to send three editorial staff to a seminar and the list goes on and on the simple fact is if revenues were split equally each person in the magazine industiy in ontario would make 291 a year and the government wants to support this if a fringe publication cant make it on its own merit its own ability to raise operational money then it likely should reexamine its viability we have met the enemy and he is us dear editor congratulations to jo ann stevenson for her viewpoint garbage is in crisis so lets bash bob nov 13 bob made the styrofoam cups were holding as we read this paper right and when we fin ish our coffee he should darn well come and get the cups and take them to the moon or mars or somewhere but dont dump them in our backyards bob oh and bob would you mind taking these chocolate bar wrap pers and these cigarette pack- editors mail ages thanks just garbage bob no dont put that stuff in vaughan peel doesnt want it durham doesnt want it stouffvilles got enough remember decades ago pogo said we the atldrnetgemeralb office thoushtthefl finally rund a qualified 0ur0r for thebernardotrial have met the enemy and he is us the government is us society is us garbage is us when are we going to understand ann goldring stouffville pay equity a slap in face dear editor regine baker wta staff offi cer is misleading the public with her statement that predegree teachers have as many as or more courses as degree teachers this is not necessarily so a uni versity ba degree requires a minimum of 15 courses and many courses offered to teachers both university and ministry of education do not lead to a uni versity degree i am acquainted with teachers whose qualifications are grade 13 plus one year teachers college training and after 20 or more years of teaching have not upgraded their qualifications pay equity is a slap in the face for those of us who have fur thered our educational and pro fessional qualifications while many predegree teachers have not taken a course in years they may do exactly the same job but they dont exactly have equal qualifications n wright markham i v i- vi v- ft f v vtki k y m mimms adam by brian basset aeautasbaaswid this ismvra equivalent of mwmvt there is no place in our econo my for governmentfed maga zines publications like toronto life and outdoor canada are filled with advertising and can compete with the best on the store shelves the government gave 80000 to these two to boost subscriptions what the magazine industry needs are tougher import laws greater tax incentives and greater cooperation within the industry itself to hand the publishers money in the name of promoting culture and recreation is a flip pant waste of precious funding markham economist and sun stouffville tribune uxbridge tribune weekender edition a metroland community newspaper patoiciapappas publisher jo ann stevenson editomihcbief paula crotcll editor andrew mair editor debraweller director of advertising barry goodyear director of distribution vivian otieil business manager pamelanichols operations manager markham 2942200 sales 7987624 classi fied 2944331 stouffville 64o210o uxbridge 8529741 2948244 distribution and administration 9 heritage rd markham l3p 1m2 fax markham 2941538 stouffville 640- 5477 uxbridge 8524355 the markham economist and sun sloudville tri bune and uxbridge tribune published every wednesday and saturday is one of the melroland printing publishing and distributing group of subur ban newspapers which includes ajax pickering news advertiser barric advance brampton guardian burlington post collingwood connection etobicokc guardian the liberal georgetown inde pendentacton free press kingston this week lindsay this week milton canadian champion mississauga news north york mirror oakvillc beaver orillia today oshawawhitby this week peterborough this week scarborough mirror ttie era banner contents not to be reproduced without written permission from the publisher first 50 guests get to meet by the chip bowl giving a party is like having a baby its conception is more fun than its completion and once youve begun its impossible to stop jan struthers want to go to a party youre invited im serious the party is this coming sunday and its strictly come as you are i guarantee you that therell be lots to eat and drink i cant say for sure wholl be there but you can expect at least 50 other folks to show up and theyll be from every walk of life you can imag ine at the last party there was an anaesthetist from martinique an algerianborn cancer researcher a french film maker a scottish golfer a pho tographer from cincinnati two students from montreal a surfer from south africa and two hairdressers from new westminster bc and thats just the people who were standing around the chip dip youll encounter folks who speak canadian american australian irish scottish and english english you will also hear conversations in spanish french italian rumanian and even swahili is not out of the question there are ahhh one or two catches however first its going to cost you about 25 for the evening but hey thats a bargain for all the food wine and conversation you can handle right the second catch is more daunting if you want to go to this party you have to make your way to paris france well thats where the party is in a somewhat cramped studio apartment just off the rue de la tombe issoire to be exact in the 14th arrondissement of the french capital its jim haynes pad jims an american expatriate a part- time lecturer a travel writer and perhaps the last profession al hippie in existence working hippie that is hes lived anji worked in paris since the late 70s and every sunday hes thrown a party for the first 50 or so people who come through his door well its not quite that simple but almost jim haynes prefers his guests to telephone ahead and let him know theyre com ing that way he knows how much to cook but as far as place settings go its first come first served jim doesnt give a rap if youre a mil lionaire or on the dole a lord mayor or a lumberjack nobody gets invited because theyre rich and famous and nobody save drunks and gatecrashers gets turned down the first 50 people to call me each week are in says jim but i leave a few extra places for the ones that arrive in town the day before and dont call until saturday or sunday jim haynes isnt in it for the money the 75 francs he charges each guest barely cov ers the food and wine and any profit he makes is donated to his favourite east european charities haynes is one of those rarest of birds a born host who just loves to help strangers meet one another if theres been one theme running through my life he says its been introducing people to other people a few come to my sunday din ners just to eat and drink but i think most of them come to meet people they would never have met otherwise indeed i am not personally what youd call a party animal i generally find them to be fetes worse than death but then ive never been to jim haynes place if my bateau comes in and i get to spend some holiday time in paris i know how im going to pass at least one sun day evening chances are youre richer andor luckier than i am and a holiday in paris figures in your travel plans if so scribble this address on the inside cover of your passport and drop jim haynes a line at atelier a2 83 rue de la tombe issoire 75014 paris 43271767 or 43271909 and bon appetit i i byvartljur black